windows 8, omfg, wtf?? arrrgghh...


bud bootlegger
.. just needed to vent for a minute here.. got a new laptop for my bday, it's very nice, touch screen, blah blah blah blah, but it has windows 8, matter of fact, everything at worst buy had windows 8 installed on it..
ok, bite the bullet even after being warned it should be called fail8 as i didn't have an option really, and my god, been struggling ever since.. wtf were these people thinking??
i can't find poo on my laptop now, still have no clue where my control panel is ffs.. ok, ok, so i'm not the most tech savvy person to begin, i openly admit this, but with some help from a few friends, shout out to curious2garden of course, i was doing ok on vista and 7, but my god, just feel like this is the first computer i've ever owned it's so different.

oh well, just needed to vent, and thought maybe some other people are using this pos and needed a place to vent as well.. :(


Well-Known Member
Windows 8 took every minor complaint people had about the last 3 OS's and turned it into one giant fucking problem. I would love to meet the dumbfuck who was in charge of organizing everything on there


Well-Known Member
I bought my wife a new laptop for her birthday and it came with Windows 8. I believe if you press "Ctrl" or "Windowskey" and "D" it switches to the traditional "desktop view" and not that god awful "window pane in the ass tile view".

In 4 years I haven't had to touch my linuxbox.


bud bootlegger
Just cause you don't understand how to use it doesn't make it a pos.
lol, go online and look up the complaints people have for this o.s. it's not just me, it's just about everyone who touches it hates it and calls it a pos.. but thanks for sharing.


Well-Known Member
Im running windows 8 on a VM, along with Debian, Ubuntu and a Red Hat installation. All running on my Macbook Air. I really like Windows 8.. it took some getting used to, but after a week, it became second nature. Be sure to get 8.1 installed.. they added some things to the home screen to make life a little easier...


bud bootlegger
I bought my wife a new laptop for her birthday and it came with Windows 8. I believe if you press "Ctrl" or "Windowskey" and "D" it switches to the traditional "desktop view" and not that god awful "window pane in the ass tile view".

In 4 years I haven't had to touch my linuxbox.
that got rid of the tiles neo, but still doesn't give access to things like the control panel and other things. idk, i just got it and am and still messing around with it some.. i'm sure i'll get more used to it, doesn't mean i have to like it though, lol..


Well-Known Member
Right click on the home page, it will pull up the "All Apps" list.. control panel is in there.

I think its right click.. it might be something else for you on a touch screen display..


bud bootlegger
Im running windows 8 on a VM, along with Debian, Ubuntu and a Red Hat installation. All running on my Macbook Air. I really like Windows 8.. it took some getting used to, but after a week, it became second nature. Be sure to get 8.1 installed.. they added some things to the home screen to make life a little easier...
that's the thing, i heard that 8 was originally made for stuff like what you're using it on see4, like tablets and stuff.. they came out with it to try and compete with the ipad and it wasn't really made for laptops so much..

umm, crap, forget what i was gonna say now..oh, at least my new laptop is touch screen, so it does make it a bit easier imo.


bud bootlegger
Right click on the home page, it will pull up the "All Apps" list.. control panel is in there.

I think its right click.. it might be something else for you on a touch screen display..
thanks see, and i love how they're calling programs apps now.. see, that goes to show that this thing was made for tablets and not so much computers.. :(


Active Member
that got rid of the tiles neo, but still doesn't give access to things like the control panel and other things. idk, i just got it and am and still messing around with it some.. i'm sure i'll get more used to it, doesn't mean i have to like it though, lol..
Move your cursor to the bottom left and right click(in desktop, not the tile view). It opens up a bunch of stuff for you there, very easily accessible...


Well-Known Member
Just cause you don't understand how to use it doesn't make it a pos.
lol, go online and look up the complaints people have for this o.s. it's not just me, it's just about everyone who touches it hates it and calls it a pos.. but thanks for sharing.

The one thing they tried doing (since Vista) and have failed miserably at, is incorporating some Linux "desktop bling" into their os'. The window tiles, previews etc. Except the thing is, it is not very precise and not everyone wants that.

I on the otherhand happen to like having 4 desktops that zoom out into a 3 dimensional cube when I press my mouse scroll. Why? Because I can. :)



bud bootlegger
i'll just say it's very different it all..
i've been using windows 7, then vista.. the differences between 7 and vista were very minute, the differences between 7 and 8 and worlds apart.. i feel like it's not even the next version inline if you know what i mean.. it has pretty much nothing in common with any of the previous renditions of windows that i've ever used..
it's not the most user friendly thing i've ever worked with either. i have to hunt around looking for things under this screen or that one, were as before everything was pretty much all a click away..

at least i figured out that flipping screen thing i had the first day i was using it.. every time i touched the mouse pad, it would flip from say being online, back to that home screen, touch it again, and it would take me to another screen.. had to turn off the flip app feature for that one..


bud bootlegger
windows 8 is ment for tablets its horrible on a computer
i think i love you sunni, lol.. :D:D:D:D:D

but seriously, yeah, i have a super techy friend, and that's the same thing that she had told me before i bought mine, and the girl at best buy pretty much said the same thing.. and then today i was looking at a few videos on windows 8 today on the web, and the few people i watched said pretty much the same things.. :D


Well-Known Member
If you absolutely hate it,I have a laptop that just broke down. You can make a copy of windows 7 and I'll PM you the registration code.


Undercover Mod
The dying laptop and desktop market is the reason for Windows8. They want it to be more like a tablet.

Fuck if I wanted a tablet I would just buy one. It took me awhile to get used to it.