I do not think I would like the processed form that they were looking for. All it does is turn you into a mindless dummy, I think. But then, according to the lady that was robbed of her boyfriends savings and cameras, she seemed to be totally conscious and remembered the whole matter. In fact, she described the event as being very pleasant and happy. She said: I felt to happy to be able to give away everything.It was funny how those two dudes embarked on a mission to seek out and score scopelamine, but flushed it in the end. I thought it was a wise choice, but got to admit that i'd had loved to see how the trip was when self adminestered, willingly and knowingly ingesting it may be different then having it snuck into yr system. That would be just about one of the scariest things that could happen.
So this could imply a complete freeing of the Ego. And perhaps , under pristine environmental circumstances great wisdom could be gleamed. Who knows what would happen if you should sit back and think while under the influence of the dosage that she took. Of course, because of the danger of death, I probably would not even try that.