Well-Known Member
I was referring to this masterwork of stupidity.....
dont listen to him indi hes a cock, no real lmates so comes on here throwing big words about he googled like his gogle searches must be, big long words that make normal folk look thick, or comment to make u look like sub fucking cool!
u know,, total tit, he has contributed aboslutely fuk all to the thread or the lads, maybe the odd suk my balls ass kissing gift but nothing of substance or just coz he could, not like us lot even tho u lot are noobs, more spect than hes got fo sure
oh n smabo u cunt, i noticed yer missed call, just got in can u belive i went out and left the fucking keys in the door! with what i got in here too, was out owt 2 hrs, lol fucknut me, lost the grow house keys otherday too!!!!
im on my way to 50 posts getting ther fo sure[/QUOTE]
So any roots yet m8, I guess not cos I bet well all hear about it as soon as ther is lol, just asking cos my m8 was askin