Thanks for all the info folks! Gotta GREAT headstart here!
I was gonna buy a "worm farm" just because I can, but after a quick look around, I decided that I didn't want to be had some company! So, I'm in the process of building a bin. I have a couple extra 18 gallon totes at the moment that I plan on using by setting up a few layers in the top bin, and drilling holes in the bottom of that
So hows this sound for a plan?
-2x 18gal totes. Totes sit flush together and are of the same sort.
I'll fill the bottom tote with a layer or red lava rock, just to get some space between the two and allow for some air flow and drainage for the top bin.
-I'll drill holes in the bottom of the top bin and start my layers of with some newspaper..
Here I have a question.
Do you guys foresee any problems with the worm getting out of the top bin, and into the bottom bin with the lava rock for any drainage?
I figure if that wouldn't be an issue, maybe over time I'll get some worm tea accumulation. Also the lava rock is the sort that you'd need to crush before using in the pots.
I just sourced the worms locally tho. Found a guy selling some on Craigslist. I got a few pounds and some vermicompost for $25 bucks, so maybe you guys can go that route to sell you worms or castings if you have enough! Or for those of you looking to buy worms, maybe look local first?!
And lastly, I have the worms chilling some old soil right now, just until I can finish things up.
The soil is comprised of 5 broken down root balls(2-3gals each).
I've yet to re-amend it after harvesting all of those plants during the month of April, so it's just been sitting. I've got a GANG of soil ready to go, so I've been sorta just lax on doing anything with that soil...
BUT in all honesty, I been thinking about trying out a no-till plot, but was wondering how small a scale I could go with that, as far as pot size?
Will the worms be good in there for say....a week?
And I've been looking around to find out if the worms will munch on dead roots, but seem to get mixed answers..Anyone have any input on that?!
I've got a few meals and rock dust I can dump in there for the time being if I need to. There's a good bit of of worms tho.
Cheers and thanks for all this info