Here Come the Girls - a First Timer's Adventure

How do you do that?
How. Do. You. Do. That?
You must have bin bags full of the stuff!

Haha, I'm a disciplined guy when it comes to consumption, food, alcohol or the Mary J.

Plus out of sight is out of mind, so I keep it well out of sight and reach.

It is my hope Lady H to one day have the equivalent of a wine cellar for weed.

The plan is to store a portion of the best of each crop for what I will call a deep cure (6 months minimum) and then sample on special occasions with esteemed guests.

Sounds like a plan.
So the drying and curing process seems to have proceeded fine.

Getting over an ounce on your first go very nice.

Leaving it in the jar in the curing zone will enhance the product in every aspect (2 week min is recommended) six months if you want some real connoisseur shit.

Pearl was a Sativa so from experience they tend to be a looser bud, CFL's also have a tendency to produce a more airy bud, although I have seen them produce tight buds (most likely Indica).

I would have recommended leaving her longer. You remember the countdown to my first chop and how much debate there was surrounding that, I kinda thought with that in mind you might of hung back on the chop.

One technique for getting your crop more frosty (supported by some) is to leave the plant in the dark for a number of days in cooler temps, this supposedly makes the buds produce more resin to protect itself from what it thinks is on-coming winter.

I've tried this technique with a couple of plants, I will continue to experiment with it.

As for future plant growth, it's gonna help you to get your grow area box/area covered in reflective sheeting to optimise your lighting, more light more growth.

If you can muster the patience to wait for a couple of weeks before you really start smoking you should notice an appreciable increase in the overall quality of the product that you are smoking now.

Ask me how I know :joint:

And yes Lady H those are proper buds you have grown, mission accomplished, well done :wink:

The Update
So, after the chop I strung up my Little Pieces of Pearl from coat hangers and hung them up in my bedroom - kept it dark, windows open for ventilation. The smell in my room made me feel a bit sick when I went to bed - day smell gone. Now smelling faintly of hay/mowed grass - great.

2 days later she felt crispy dry so I put the nugs into jars with my humidity reader-thingy. Soon reading 70% so I took them out again and put them in paper bags and put those in my wardrobe for a couple of days. Then they went back in the jars.

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2 days after that they hit The Zone. Humidity in the jars 61%. Yay - I'm curing!

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I also trimmed off any extra sticks and weighed the nugs.....

36g (thats 1.25 oz in old money) - :clap:

So nowhere near as much as I first imagined (silly newbie), but, it's over an ounce of weed that I grew! Now curing all in one jar...

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Observations & Musings

My buds are airy and fluffy and not dense at all. What's up with that?
I smoked some of Pearl when she hit The Zone. Nice taste, nice high, not intense but doesn't seem to last long...did I chop too early?

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Have noticed now, a few days later, the nugs feel more dense, also they look frostier, smokes a little better. I guess this is why I now have to leave the jar alone and let it improve.

What do you think fellow Adventurers? Do they look like proper nugs?

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A few things to consider re the denseness of my buds:
She's a Sativa and apparently they have 'airier' buds...
She was grown under CFLs (a T5 unit and 6 x 30W bulbs) apart from a week or two of full on sunshine in the garden the last couple of weeks.
I reckon I should have left her a bit longer, maybe another week...
I hadn't watered her for 5 days before I chopped her...I thought it would help the drying process but maybe she would have been 'fatter'...?

Thinking back over the process, Pearl had problems from about the 3rd or 4th week, right after I gave them their first feed, when she got The Claw...always droopy, maybe she had the PH problem from early on and I didn't know and this stunted her growth a bit? Oh I dunno....lot's to think about, lot's to consider...but gosh what a lot I have learnt.

An Homage to Pearl coming next...x

Damn man, Looks like some bomb smoke.
Wow, 12 plants on the go, you must have loads of room. I'd love to do one massive grow a year and get enough to last me though but I don't have the space.
Shame you had to pull one. I cracked up at your mention of Issacs Dirt Weed as I'm sure the name of this plant is what made me keep reading your thread originally! Brilliant.

So up next I have my new seeds - Purple Haze and Northern Lights 5 x Haze. Shall I do 2 of each? Have you grown either of these? Any tips? Apart from have a really long holiday before I start that is. x

Well Lady H I would like some more space but I kinda like the neighborhood so, no real rush.

Ah, I had such dreams for IDW, lol.

I do two of each when I know/believe it's a kick ass strain. If it's just pure speculation/trying out a strain to see if you like it, then I would do a selection one seed of each, till you find out what tickles your fancy.

Never tried the ones you have listed, so it will be interesting when you grow them.

May I recommend you add an OG Kush to the menu?
I would recommend you try Royal Queen Seeds strain, I have enjoyed it tremendously.
It is my hope Lady H to one day have the equivalent of a wine cellar for weed.

The plan is to store a portion of the best of each crop for what I will call a deep cure (6 months minimum) and then sample on special occasions with esteemed guests.

Sounds like a plan.

Sounds like a great plan Herbs! Remind me where you live again...:lol:

I just do not have the ability to do that. If it's in the house, I'm afraid I'm going to smoke it.
So the drying and curing process seems to have proceeded fine.

Getting over an ounce on your first go very nice.

Leaving it in the jar in the curing zone will enhance the product in every aspect (2 week min is recommended) six months if you want some real connoisseur shit.

Pearl was a Sativa so from experience they tend to be a looser bud, CFL's also have a tendency to produce a more airy bud, although I have seen them produce tight buds (most likely Indica).

I would have recommended leaving her longer. You remember the countdown to my first chop and how much debate there was surrounding that, I kinda thought with that in mind you might of hung back on the chop.

One technique for getting your crop more frosty (supported by some) is to leave the plant in the dark for a number of days in cooler temps, this supposedly makes the buds produce more resin to protect itself from what it thinks is on-coming winter.

I've tried this technique with a couple of plants, I will continue to experiment with it.

As for future plant growth, it's gonna help you to get your grow area box/area covered in reflective sheeting to optimise your lighting, more light more growth.

If you can muster the patience to wait for a couple of weeks before you really start smoking you should notice an appreciable increase in the overall quality of the product that you are smoking now.

Ask me how I know :joint:

And yes Lady H those are proper buds you have grown, mission accomplished, well done :wink:

I know, I know I should have left her longer. Oh well it is a newbie mistake that I have learnt in Round 1. Ding Ding.

With the darkness thing, I did read about that too, but there seemed to be just as many people saying it was a load of nonsense as there were saying it was good to do. I'm very interested to find out if you noticed any difference when you tried it Herbs?

I shall def take your advice and sort out my grow area before Round 2, try and be a tad more professional n shit. But am v. pleased you approve of my buds! x
Well Lady H I would like some more space but I kinda like the neighborhood so, no real rush.

Ah, I had such dreams for IDW, lol.

I do two of each when I know/believe it's a kick ass strain. If it's just pure speculation/trying out a strain to see if you like it, then I would do a selection one seed of each, till you find out what tickles your fancy.

Never tried the ones you have listed, so it will be interesting when you grow them.

May I recommend you add an OG Kush to the menu?
I would recommend you try Royal Queen Seeds strain, I have enjoyed it tremendously.

Well I know I like Purple Haze as I buy a bag every time I go to Amsterdam and I know I have enjoyed NL in the past but don't know if I've ever smoked NL crossed with a Haze so we'll have to wait and see. At least these are definitely fem seeds!

You are a bad influence Herbster - I've gone seed crazy. Took your recommendation and ordered some OG Kush seeds and while I was about it I also ordered some White Widow. I'll be opening up a dispensary next, watch me!

My next grow is going to be out of control: 2 x Purple Haze; 2 x Northern Lights no. 5 x Haze; 2 x OG Kush; and 2 x White Widow

I think I'm gonna need a bigger boat. x
well i know i like purple haze as i buy a bag every time i go to amsterdam and i know i have enjoyed nl in the past but don't know if i've ever smoked nl crossed with a haze so we'll have to wait and see. At least these are definitely fem seeds!

You are a bad influence herbster - i've gone seed crazy. Took your recommendation and ordered some og kush seeds and while i was about it i also ordered some white widow. I'll be opening up a dispensary next, watch me!
My next grow is going to be out of control: 2 x purple haze; 2 x northern lights no. 5 x haze; 2 x og kush; and 2 x white widow

i think i'm gonna need a bigger boat. X
yes. Yes. Yes.
I can almost hear the 'Thwack' of a wooden ruler across your palm as you say that Herbs...:shock: hehehe

They got me with the ruler, the leather strap and the slipper (I ducked the wooden black board duster).

I'm battle hardened Lady H.

They created a machine.
Sounds like a great plan Herbs! Remind me where you live again...:lol:

I just do not have the ability to do that. If it's in the house, I'm afraid I'm going to smoke it.

The Limo driver will provide you with a blind fold when he picks you up, so no directions nessasary and no peaking before time.
I know, I know I should have left her longer. Oh well it is a newbie mistake that I have learnt in Round 1. Ding Ding.

With the darkness thing, I did read about that too, but there seemed to be just as many people saying it was a load of nonsense as there were saying it was good to do. I'm very interested to find out if you noticed any difference when you tried it Herbs?

I shall def take your advice and sort out my grow area before Round 2, try and be a tad more professional n shit. But am v. pleased you approve of my buds! x

Well you only had one plant so you must have been going nuts waiting to sample that, it's entirelty understandable.

Yep, the juries out on it and I am still to be convinced but I will continue to experiment with it, for the time being.

Yeah, it's always nice to make little upgrades each grow and get those buds even nicer.

You are a bad influence Herbster - I've gone seed crazy. Took your recommendation and ordered some OG Kush seeds and while I was about it I also ordered some White Widow. I'll be opening up a dispensary next, watch me!

My next grow is going to be out of control: 2 x Purple Haze; 2 x Northern Lights no. 5 x Haze; 2 x OG Kush; and 2 x White Widow

I think I'm gonna need a bigger boat. x

[FONT=&quot]Whew, Lady H, you've got me excited now, knowing you’re going to be growing Kush and a White Widow, just like myself.

You’re going to have a good mix of Sativa and Indica.

I've never knowingly had White Widow so I'm going to be smacking my lips when it come closer to harvest time, to find out what it tastes like.

I would love to know what yours tastes like.[/FONT]

I've never knowingly had White Widow so I'm going to be smacking my lips when it come closer to harvest time, to find out what it tastes like.

I would love to know what yours tastes like.[/FONT]

I'll make sure to bring you some to try when you send the limo for me...;-)
Lady Helena,

Am I too late to sub, or is your adventure over? I saw some harvesting, so wasn't sure.



DharmaBud, the Adventure never ends! Round 1 may be over, although I am currently curing my harvest, but Round 2 will be starting shortly so please do stay tuned. The more the merrier!

Hows your grow going? I'm thinking of upgrading to a HPS for Round 2.
I'll make sure to bring you some to try when you send the limo for me...:wink:

Lady H, it would be unreasonable of me to expect you to undertake such a journey unaccompanied and unamused.

Upon being blindfolded, you will enter the Limo to find me waiting there patiently for you.

I will ofcourse bring a fine sample of which I’ll share with you.

The blind fold remains intact until your arrival (no peaking).
Lady H, it would be unreasonable of me to expect you to undertake such a journey unaccompanied and unamused.

Upon being blindfolded, you will enter the Limo to find me waiting there patiently for you.

I will ofcourse bring a fine sample of which I’ll share with you.

The blind fold remains intact until your arrival (no peaking).

How very considerate of you Herb Man. Will it be a long drive?