All CFL Grow - Stealth


Active Member
Looking good !!!
Thanks LT, I have never grown in such a tight space and I took to long to switch her to flower so she is too big :-) Never thought I would say that but I only have 1 cm left between her and the top of the cab. For those who do not know how much 1cm is, look at your finger sideways. That is it. As a result all my lights are on the sides and I am a bit stumped on what to do. All I can do is to tie the top and bend it to the side, but I have lights there. the other option is to cut the top, put it in rooting solution and stick it in some soil, but that will stuff the top head. I am so screwed with that. But that is how your learn. :-)


Active Member
looking good dude :) . im bout to flip mine into 12/12 cfl grow
Great stuff :-) You know after that it just seems to take forever. lol I am now almost done with week 2 of flower and I know I have at least another 6 weeks to go, maybe 8 weeks depending on how quickly they get ready and I am really looking forward to a smoke. :-) But then I still need to dry and cure it. lol


Well-Known Member
lol i hear ya i said same think your done and then your got couple weeks to cure or longer i guess. idk im a noob


Active Member
lol i hear ya i said same think your done and then your got couple weeks to cure or longer i guess. idk im a noob
well generally you can dry for a week if it is hot and then the longer you cure the better but I would say drying 1 week and curing 10 days is a minimum to have a smoke any extra is a bonus. :-)


Active Member
I just want to rant a bit on my own thread here..... GOD there are loads op people talking total BS on this forum about yields. I don't know if they weigh the whole plant roots and all right after harvest or what but most of the time weights that are quoted are utter rubbish. I don't believe people that claim ounces of weed of a indoor plant under fluros, maybe a big HPS but even then you don't get ounces off one plant indoor. Maybe if it is as big as a tree and grown outdoor you would get that. Well I know you would but that is outdoor and plants that are huuuuuge. Dried weight will never be ounces of an indoor plant it is just utter bull shit speak.


Well-Known Member
With respect, I beg to differ. I have been growing single plants under 250W of CFL for a few years now, and have yet to harvest under two ounces (dried, manicured, and de-stemmed because this isn't amateur hour) from one plant.

From a personal standpoint, I can assure you I have no reason to bullshit anyone or exaggerate my yields. I'm too old to anonymously lie about my achievements in order to garner adulation from people I have not, nor likely will ever meet. I post my results for scrutiny by those with more know-how than me so that I can improve my technique, and for beginners to hopefully pick up some tips and see what is achievable with comparable grow environments.

It is totally possible to yield ounces from single-plant indoor grows, because I've done it, and I have friends who have done it too. Why the lack of faith, dude?


Active Member
With respect, I beg to differ. I have been growing single plants under 250W of CFL for a few years now, and have yet to harvest under two ounces (dried, manicured, and de-stemmed because this isn't amateur hour) from one plant.

From a personal standpoint, I can assure you I have no reason to bullshit anyone or exaggerate my yields. I'm too old to anonymously lie about my achievements in order to garner adulation from people I have not, nor likely will ever meet. I post my results for scrutiny by those with more know-how than me so that I can improve my technique, and for beginners to hopefully pick up some tips and see what is achievable with comparable grow environments.

It is totally possible to yield ounces from single-plant indoor grows, because I've done it, and I have friends who have done it too. Why the lack of faith, dude?
Well done. :-) I know some guys who's grows look the ones you see in the videos and they grow big to sell and would be very happy with that sort of yields. I'm talking 100 plants + in flower with a harvest every 8 weeks. They must not be that good I guess. Anyway I am glad you dropped in. Nothing like a bit of controversy to get the crowd going. hahaha But yes I only believe what I witnessed myself, that is why I do believe in UFO's lol


Well-Known Member
Hah - I'm like you, I tend to only believe in things I can, or have seen.

I have read a few fibs on these forums, but they usually aren't about total yield, they're usually about how long it took to grow the plant. For some odd reason, beginner growers don't want to admit how long it took the plant to grow. I've seen pictures of well-established vegetative plants, with a dozen nodes, under 100 watts of lighting, and a caption saying 'Day 14 from seed' or something to that effect. Nope, more like day 40 from seed. There's no shame is vegging a plant for 50+ days, it isn't a race, and you don't win anything for finishing first, or taking less time than the next guy.

It's a lot more helpful to other forum users if we post truths. That way everyone knows where they stand, and knows what's involved in growing (techniques, time-scales and end product).



Active Member
Dude that looks yummy. Nice grow bro what are you using bag seeds or did you order them?
Thanks bro, I appreciate your comments. Well it is not technically bag seed, but I did not order them. I got the seeds from a friend and they looked very decent, did not look like bagseed. He got them from one of his friends a while ago and could not tell me what they were but thought that they were good. Not sure how old they were but 3 out 5 popped, 1 confirmed female and that is the one you see and the one I am cloning from. One other was male and there is one plant that I have just put into flower but not sure if it is male or female but wont be cloning it so it does not matter really.. Just need to keep my eye on that one in case it is a male... :-) Dude I have not smoked for 4 months as I know no one in this state and I do not want to go out looking. Can you imagine how I am feeling doing this the hard way. lol:peace:


Well-Known Member
Damn bro well best of luck man. I can't imagine going more than 4 hours without smoking I can't imagine 4 months dude. I feel like no matter the quality of your bud ( not saying its gunna be bad) ur gunna get that wicked crazy middle/high school first time smoking buzz. If you were around my area I'd smoke a jib with ya man.


Active Member
Hey man.... So my jiffy plugs were movng way too slow 10-14 days ... So i built a bubble cloner... Only cost 35.00 , shoukd cut the rooting time down. Here is a link to my pic before i spray painted it
It looks cool, myself I like jiffy cubes but the trick is to use a heat pad. Mine had roots growing out the bottom, sides, everywhere man in 10 days flat. It is the heat pad that makes the difference. But if I was growing hydro I would have tried what you have there.


Active Member
Damn bro well best of luck man. I can't imagine going more than 4 hours without smoking I can't imagine 4 months dude. I feel like no matter the quality of your bud ( not saying its gunna be bad) ur gunna get that wicked crazy middle/high school first time smoking buzz. If you were around my area I'd smoke a jib with ya man.
Man that is a really nice thing to say :-) Yea to be honest for the last 16 years I have only been without smoking for the odd day here and there apart from one time I went for 3 months without smoking. Dude I got soooo wasted it was hectic and that was from serious shit, I think it was dutch cheese in a pipe. fuck it was hectic. Yes I am going to be soooo caned. I have this problem at the moment with my plant being too big, it is not good to do but what do you think, should I top her just slightly and have a smoke of weed that has only flowered for 3 weeks. lol I know I will feel it because of the time that has passed since my last smoke. :-) The idea is to give the rest of the plant more energy rather than having it squashed into the cab ceiling. Most people say I should train it, but I have nowehere to go.


Well-Known Member
I honestly wouldn't top it once its started flowering... but, desperate times call for desperate measures ur call man your plant will still grow that's for sure the lower nodes will deffinitly get bigger. You could tie it to the side and itll grow tops out of the nodes and you can tie those tops to the side and so on and so forth that may be a better idea unless you really wanna smoke that top man. Like I said your call but the smoke will be that much better if you let it go and not cut it.


Active Member
can't you do like a super crop on it and just bend it over? I have read that a lot of growers harvest the main cola 2-4 weeks before the rest of the plant. this might work for you.


Active Member
can't you do like a super crop on it and just bend it over? I have read that a lot of growers harvest the main cola 2-4 weeks before the rest of the plant. this might work for you.
Thanks man. Yea I think I am going to wait a bit longer and try and bend that sucker. :-) Thanks for the advice bro :-)