3 Black Kids..

I think socio economic class standing has a HUGE impact on one's potential in life regarding ordinary measures of success. I also agree that black folks are much more likely to be poor. I am not sure that is what you are getting at though? I apologize, but I need more words than you typed to really understand your point.

You said you didn't need to ask.
hey now, I'm just pointing out yet another marxist idea you are spouting while denying any affinity toward marxism. I'm trying to figure out why you keep denying it when you obviously are embracing it.

Do you really believe the reason people are poor is because rich people have all the money and won't share?

In your estimation did Bill Gates create wealth? or is he preventing others from becoming wealthy because he has all the money?
aaaaaaaaand we're back.

One of these days I'm going to stop trying to make you think for yourself. I fear it's hopeless.
you know what?

cheese is better in Wisconsin. That's just as relevant to my questions as your post was.

So now I'M the commie....

later days AC, I fear you have gone full-retard and I just don't feel right engaging you in a debate. I owe you a participation medal though, drop me your address.
you know what?

cheese is better in Wisconsin. That's just as relevant to my questions as your post was.

So now I'M the commie....

later days AC, I fear you have gone full-retard and I just don't feel right engaging you in a debate. I owe you a participation medal though, drop me your address.


"I can strawman you and call you a commie, but when you point out that I'm a statist collectivist I run away."
I think socio economic class standing has a HUGE impact on one's potential in life regarding ordinary measures of success. I also agree that black folks are much more likely to be poor. I am not sure that is what you are getting at though? I apologize, but I need more words than you typed to really understand your point.

Are Black people more likely to be poor because they won't fall into the "proletariat" or because white people wont let them by hiring them? Most of us are part of that class also.

"I can strawman you and call you a commie, but when you point out that I'm a statist collectivist I run away."

yep, you overwhelmed me with your meme posting ability and agility while avoiding direct questions, you showed me.

re-read this exchange tomorrow when your butthurt heals and figure out if this is who you want to portray yourself as.

btw, you are free to make up your own meanings to words and I am free to mock you when you do.
Are Black people more likely to be poor because they won't fall into the "proletariat" or because white people wont let them by hiring them? Most of us are part of that class also.

Black culture seems to think it is "cool" to shun what they consider white pursuits. You're "acting white" if you speak standard English, learn math and science, etc. Maybe it is understandable, but it has been to their great detriment. If I wanted to invent a way to stay poor and marginalized I could not have done a better job.

I see no evidence whatever that "white people won't hire them".

Yes, most of us are poor, or we started out poor.
yep, you overwhelmed me with your meme posting ability and agility while avoiding direct questions, you showed me.

re-read this exchange tomorrow when your butthurt heals and figure out if this is who you want to portray yourself as.

I'm not a Marxist Ginwilly. In fact I am highly offended that you would call me one. I am sick of it. Kynes used very dishonest rhetoric and distortions of my arguments to call me one for months. Marx was a state socialist. I'm a libertarian socialist. Yes, I agree with marx's views on class struggle, but not his approach to deal with them. Nor was he the first to speak of the concept.

You wonder why I get pissed?

It is a strawman with every potential to derail a thread. I spent months dealing with it and you read all those threads, you know I'm no Marxist. You use this strawman because you have no other response, like putting such a brand on me is as good as winning a debate.

Ironically however, you're the statist and collectivist.
by Chomsky's definition I'm admittedly a statist. By any other sane definition I would be considered a Federalist. There is a huge difference between the two in my world, admittedly there is not much difference in the anarchists world. Just try to empathize that most of us think your world is a fantasy so we think less of your intelligence when you use Chomsky definitions to define people. They don't stand up to the reality that most of us experience out here in the world.

You have to admit there have been dozens of posts you have made that have the same central message as Uncle Karl's. Maybe you didn't realize it when you began because you were copy/pasting people's thoughts not named Marx. When it's pointed out those thoughts not originally theirs, but grown from marxism, you stomp your feet and say nut uh. You have the same ideology, the same end game goal, but variations in your methodology. Denying Marxist platforms while preaching them is why you get called on it so much.
I stopped reading here. You're a statist. The constitution is the core of the state.

since you can't read very far... What is your definition of a federalist? is there a difference? Does England have a constitution? Is your entire life whittled down to sound bites or just the forum?
since you can't read very far... What is your definition of a federalist? is there a difference? Is your entire life whittled down to sound bites or just the forum?

See what Ginwilly did?

He saw me destroying bigots and came to defend them by attempting to derail and distract me.