15 x ASL24GP Astir panels , 360w , 8 critical mass, hydro rdwc, scrog

thanks boys, i had 3 grows before this with soil and this grow is 10 times better than the old ones. Hydro ftw

19th day flowering

In two glue fly traps there are a lot of flies, i think they are whiteflies. I think they will be ok with the traps and the neem oil.
My new toys arrived today so i changed the water with fresh one
30 Litres fresh water
4ml/l Sensi Bloom
2ml/l B-52
2ml/l Big Bud
2ml/l Sensizym
2ml/l Bud Candy

But i have a problem with the EC.
When i try to measure the EC in the central tank it keeps drifting from 3 to 6 !!
When i take a glass with the water it is steady at 3.2.
Why does this happen? From the bubbles in the water? Is the pump affecting somehow the EC meter?


Quick update

21th day flowering
my major headache right now is the water temps
its about 27-28 C and as i don't want to risk algae is the roots i will make some changes and i will add an aditional reservoir out of the box for better water aeration and in there i will have some frozen bottles.

When i'll have it ready i will show how its working
28th day flowering


as you can see there isintense leaf curling probably because the tops where 1 cm from the leds or because the water temp is 28C
i didn't add a reservoir but i placed the pump out of the water because the pump was heating it
Congrats Dude !!
I missing so much things !... :neutral:


Really Nice gardening^^..........might give ganja2 a run for his money:-P

How are the temps over there......my cousins in Italy say its hot as shit.........Their outdoor stuff is taking a big hit!
Really Nice gardening^^..........might give ganja2 a run for his money

How are the temps over there......my cousins in Italy say its hot as shit.........Their outdoor stuff is taking a big hit!

Average temp in the room is 27-28 C with 35-40 outside and only for some hours with an a/c in the next room. The a/c unit is 15 meters far from the room that the grow-room is in.
The temps never got above 31C. So no heat problems for me at all.
The water temp was up to 29C sometimes because of the small volume of the water that was heated fast. I now put 5-6 1/2lt frozen bottles int the tank every day and i keep the temps below 25C.
And with the td-silent fan in low speed and not any hole for air intake.

I have now swithced to Overdrive 2ml/lt and stopped Big Bud.

I'm not gonna beat ganja's grow not this time. Several mistakes from me. The first 2 months i wasn't checking EC at all and then for another 2 weeks i was checking it in the wrong way. No ph checking at all. High water temps for a long time. High nutes due to wrong EC measuring. Especially the twisted leaves when they were swelling nice will have a big impact on yeild. Hadn't changed the water for 2 months and in the whole grow i changed the full volume of the water only 3-4 times.
And several other issues. First time hydro for me :)

Next time above 2g/w for sure. Piece of cake
Yes they probably are root worms.
While i was fixing some leaks i saw some worms in the reservoir. I changed the water and since then no more worms.
I don't know how but they dissapeared :O

Anyway the plants keep producing new pistils and they don't seem that they will finish soon.
Probably the high water temps for much time had stopped their development.
light cycle 11/13

68th day flowering
