Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

indy, tives, or brid

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Hey Indi and Chef, good looking out and offering help. We are touched and I think we are ok for now, we did have a back up plan. It is nice we have a place to reach out and feel supported. I know I have said it before, but I will say it again, I love the Colorado Patients section!
@chewberto thanks for tips we are going that route for sure i also need to fortify the corners as I am convinced that's where we failed any suggestions for that I have heard of metal supports.
@chef thanks for the kind words and we appreciate the support
@indi thanks for the labor offer we could use some help with drip trays (haha) we will take you up on that in maybe 8-9 weeks if you like to trim, eat smoked food and smoke till your silly.
Gorilla tape lol.... Just tap a screw threw the corner piece into the pole pinching them together, then wrap in gorilla... Of course that might not be an option depending on the material of the corner joint?
Chewy thanks man I love self tappers and i will throw a little duct tape and glue down for extra support I should have been more vigilant on the shitty corner pieces they send with these tents. But I am so happy it wasn't last week the tent was packed we were totally luck in that sense.


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Chewy thanks man I love self tappers and i will throw a little duct tape and glue down for extra support I should have been more vigilant on the shitty corner pieces they send with these tents. But I am so happy it wasn't last week the tent was packed we were totally luck in that sense.

Coming at you upside down like the iPad rolls. Too bad it's not really that way I would have never had an issue to begin with except keeping soil in the pots.
my ballast looks just like that lol i need a capicator okay ima have to check that out because i dont have the funds for a new ballast
Yes he is correct. My 400w Fails to kick on sometimes and makes that noise. I simply unplug it wait 5 minutes and try again and it usually works with no problems for at least a month. I know i will need to replace the Cap or Ignitor soon but it still works
Happy Saturday Colorado RIU!!

Sir_dabs has been mia for a while.. So busy with the move into the new house, and work is relentless...

My skills in leading the restaurant in ” take out food” and customer relations has won third place in the Colorado Springs Independent for best in Take-out...which inevitably lead to us getting busier and busier..with no accommodation in help to compensate for the increase in restaurant volume.

Sooooo burnt out...

Okay, rant over.

Got my tent yesterday, and setting up today!!! Super stoked.
@Rae and CSU ... So sorry about the fucking tent!! I love the positive attitude though.

And no worries ;) guys... Sorry I haven't gotten back to you guys yet.. Pm incoming. As stated.. I've been getting my ass kicked up and down at work, and of course my pain levels are elevated due to elevated anxiety/stress.

Just wanted to give my regards to everyone, as I've been missing for a while.

Time to do work..

PS.. Holy Shhit you guys are KILLING it ..
Sah.. Wow
420C.. Pretty damn sure that's the biggest kola I've seen.
BD.. Always liking it with the cannoli... We need to sesh my friend!!
Rae& CSU You guys are the epitome of the word” caregiver”
Chewy..always got the sound advice.. I need to check out your garden for ideas.
Constiello.what is up my friend?
Chef.. Hope to be catching some waves soon..;)
True..miss ya already.
Mid... Shoot me a pm sir, need some advice, pretty please
lol nice me and Sir Dab come back the same day :P nice to see ya back i will be bringing my page and a half photo sessions back :D bear with me the veg room just got sterilized and refilled with seedlings and some cuts from Indi
AHAHAHA, thanks man! Yeah, I just pin up a black sheet in my living room, put some lights in the right places, and go to town. Makes 'em "pop" Lol.
Good times.

Now I just need to get a better camera. XD
Heres my little babies I have most under a T-5 a few in straight Coco mix the others and a few clones under the 600w 18/6DSCN4925.jpgDSCN4926.jpgDSCN4927.jpgDSCN4929.jpg

And these are from Bluzboy. The Truth and the Mother of Mountain Top Blues , Blue Dream I must say this Truth is something specialDSCN4930.jpgDSCN4933.jpg
Well, son of a bitch....

Got the tent up (gigidy) and it is beautiful (imo).

Soon as that's done, I feel like shit, nauseous as fuck.
(yet another symptom of my condition)
Thankfully, my oil alleviates my nauseous episodes, however the specific oil used for nausea knocks me on my ass.

So to make use of the idle time... I'll do some reading, and check out some journals of the bad-ass-green-thumbs right here in this Colorado section;)
And..just so you know..I will be stealing ideas..:)
I check this thread out quite a bit, haven't contributed though(5 star). some friends and I are heading out to Colorado in a couple weeks, and seeing a lot of you all are located there, figured this would be a good place to find out where to the cool shit is at. We are going to estes park for a majority of the trip, then to fort Collins, to Denver. where and what are some of the best things to find there? hiking, water sports(diving, swimming) eating, breweries, drives, do they have those down hill, sled on a rail? any info is much appreciated and repped. thanks. picture to go with the blah blah. kali x diesel :leaf: 056.jpg058.jpg059.jpg057.jpg060.jpg (32 and 45 days or so)
I check this thread out quite a bit, haven't contributed though(5 star). some friends and I are heading out to Colorado in a couple weeks, and seeing a lot of you all are located there, figured this would be a good place to find out where to the cool shit is at. We are going to estes park for a majority of the trip, then to fort Collins, to Denver. where and what are some of the best things to find there? hiking, water sports(diving, swimming) eating, breweries, drives, do they have those down hill, sled on a rail? any info is much appreciated and repped. thanks. picture to go with the blah blah. kali x diesel :leaf: View attachment 2771921View attachment 2771923View attachment 2771924View attachment 2771922View attachment 2771926 (32 and 45 days or so)

Hey Dan, welcome to the Colorado forum lots of great people here and I am sure lots of great ideas. Here are a few that I like most.

Peak to peak hwy. scenic drive from Estes park to central city lots of beautiful views. Depending on how good shape ur in there are quite a few hikes along the peak to peak hwy.

pikes peak you can drive, hike or take the train epic views and is something you gotta do once in ur life.

Garden of the gods just awesome and if you climb is a must there is also a bunch of different hiking trails around the area.

Trinity brewery if your already in the springs this place is great lots of fantastic beers. I must also mention Bristol and phantom canyon in the springs for good breweries.

Breweries in Fort Collins new Belgium one of my favorites, Fort Collins brewery and Odell are some of the most popular but there are quite a few up north. If your already up north and you have time for another brewery I recommend big beaver brewing funny as hell and good beer too look it up on google.

Horsetooth mountain park in Fort Collins is really cool in the foothills above the reservoir great hikes there is an entrance fee.

Alpine slides are always fun I have been to Breckinridge and winter park but fun there are more than just those two.

Denver has quite a few breweries and good restaurants maybe someone else wants to jump in on this? Prost, strange, dry dock, brekenridge just to name a couple breweries.

Sorry almost missed red rocks amphitheater if there is a show in town that week it's a great venue.

You guessed it I like my beer. Enjoy your stay in Colorado hope this help bro.
