island afghani, juan, stumbleweed, IIwarp

Came across this post also,
"skim milk will still putrify. In order to extract the pure(er) lactobacillus from the milk, add 10 parts milk to 1 part of rice wash- the water you use to clean your rice before cooking it. after the rice wash has sat in a cool, dark place for 36 hours, add the milk and monitor it closely. strain the curd out before the mold appears on the surface and you have a lactobacillus serum. Store in an open container in the refrigerator. this serum is very concentrated and it will eradicate leaf molds."

May I ask what the growth is like on the island afghani? What about the stumbleweed? Which one do you think will yield the most? It may be to early to say I guess. Thanks tho.
thanks for the links fr3. i did use bordo as well. i think sulphur burning and drip irrigation is answer along with some more resistant strains. the plants that stayed dry including under canopy with very small water amounts look best.

i will have to wait and see. these strains flower early and that was my only goal to space out trimming for neck pain mold and thiefs. thanks to nice friends it is happenng.
I read the whole thread and many of the growers who had the problem swear by liquid copper,Sulphur burning is a good idea if possible.
I agree also with more resistant strains, there's plenty of them out there.
i used the bordo as a dust which has a higher % Of copper just so i didnt spray plants but i will try it in pump sprayer. thanks man
I used it already but not sure how effective it was cos no matter what I did I couldn't fully dissolve the two compounds.
Anyway I just bought a 12.6ft x 6.8 x 6.8ft polytunnel , it along with the sulphur and or liquid copper is my last hope, I will have to sacrifice the open spot they are in now to a more shaded but more secure area but I'm willing to sacrifice on yield for relative control of the leaf spot.
if you burn sulphur and keep that roof from dripping sweat with fans and such it should do great.

When you say burn sulphur, how exactly do you mean, is it burned in a hotbox or a sulphur candle?
The polytunnel will be erected far away from my house, I'm guerilla growing so no electricity available unfortunately, it's a chance I have to take but I know the area well and no one ever goes there, it's like a little bare patch of rock about 50ft by 20ft completely surrounded by very dense foliage with only one way in and out.
My biggest fear would be the heli or planes spotting it.
i built a ext to 10ft and working over hahaha sucks. the + is i mit have a great r value with 1 house over other. i had to do it these would go 14ft if i would have done a better job but i started with 0 in april. i built 3 g.houses and there is never enough room. very painfull deal anyways and the leaf spot was the cherry man but what i see outdoors i thank myself i did it. have ya ever grown in one? a 7ft height is low but better then not havingit. you can bend plants within reason. keep in touch and thanks again.


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a sulphur evaporator. i ran it for 4hr per night. You fill the cup half way. burn in dark closed and vent 2hr before morning. you can keep a fan inside running to circ air.
thank you i had no plans. started with top rail bundle from scratch and started bending pipe. had no plans or good ground. figured my angles and fig it all out by myself lol just kept at it for all i had and here we have it. was my motivator :D
I used it already but not sure how effective it was cos no matter what I did I couldn't fully dissolve the two compounds.
Anyway I just bought a 12.6ft x 6.8 x 6.8ft polytunnel , it along with the sulphur and or liquid copper is my last hope, I will have to sacrifice the open spot they are in now to a more shaded but more secure area but I'm willing to sacrifice on yield for relative control of the leaf spot.

how blue can the plants get haha that bordo is so clumpy i tried golf balls in pump sprayer.
thank you i had no plans. started with top rail bundle from scratch and started bending pipe. had no plans or good ground. figured my angles and fig it all out by myself lol just kept at it for all i had and here we have it. was my motivator :D
I like the plywood front and back. It's a big green house. very well built.
thanks tws it was alot harder then i imagined but if i was healthy it would have went much faster.

the liquid copper i dont think works as well as burning sulphur. i dont like blue plants either but it seemed to spread more so no spraying for me. it camos the rust but stopping it didnt work as well as sulphur.
thanks tws it was alot harder then i imagined but if i was healthy it would have went much faster.

the liquid copper i dont think works as well as burning sulphur. i dont like blue plants either but it seemed to spread more so no spraying for me. it camos the rust but stopping it didnt work as well as sulphur.

I thought the bordeaux worked a little for me , I have ordered Dithane M-45 now and it's sh*t or bust, also my polytunnel came today so that's going up tomorrow, it's already killed my WW and my 2 LSD's are losing the battle, only for the bigger plants are so big and bushy they'd be gonners as well
my seedsman ww got it but black widow nothing yet. the afghan kush is resistant as well. ya what a disease but some bud is better then nothing and i hope we get something for our hard of luck with thepolytunnel. try sulphur burning man.
my seedsman ww got it but black widow nothing yet. the afghan kush is resistant as well. ya what a disease but some bud is better then nothing and i hope we get something for our hard of luck with thepolytunnel. try sulphur burning man.

My WW was from seedsman as well.
Excuse the dumb question but how do I burn sulphur without a hotbox or electricity?
A candle wouldn't be suitable.
extension cords from power source or generator. i had to use a 200ft ext cord lol it draws 150w for the element so not a great deal of power.