Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

Your point about the unbuffered mix is so point on. That is what caught me with my pants down. I should have known better. I would think the carbs are going to be beneficial. My seedling tea really has made a huge difference. They are all perky and growing strong again. I am very relieved to have avoided a huge disaster. Having mixed up the Rev's soil, I now understand the reason for the amounts of dolomite. The horse manure is going to throw some amazing benes in there. Sounds like a great tea. The Rev always points out that you can substitute fresh compost for ewcs. I can wait to hear how things are going. BTW..the hydro experiment lives on. Have a great night guys.
Just my two cents since I came in here so manure is the best. I gather every year and let it dry and age for a year before I add it to my soils and my teas, works great. Add some molasses to it and you are all set.
Just my two cents since I came in here so manure is the best. I gather every year and let it dry and age for a year before I add it to my soils and my teas, works great. Add some molasses to it and you are all set.

This came off the bottom of a HUGE pile (we have quite a herd of pure Egyptian and Arab desert racers), I used only the parts that had gone orange already, thick white strands of mycelium running all through it, I figured that's where all the bennies will be hiding, away from the sun deep down just above the ground.

Happy to know I made a good choice :)
You guys reminded me that I need to go stock back up on horse manure. My grandmother lives by a woman who takes in ex-thoroughbreds, and feeds them completely organic food, and veggies from her garden. Well my grandmother's moving, and I need to get a small supply before my chance is gone, and I'm back to just the cow manure. Not that the C.M. is bad, it's just I think the H.M. is better, and breaks down into something that's less crappy to work with so to speak. It always seems the horse breaks down the food more completely, and makes it more ready for your plants, in a shorter amount of time. It also seems less hot, but better for your plant if that makes any sense. Glad to hear the Babies are all good now, and coming right along for you Gandalf. I can't wait for you to get some extra time, and take some photos. I feel incomplete without my camera today, who would have ever thought that. Peace out.
All of you have a ROCKING week-end!! My wife is back on Monday, talk about feeling incomplete these were a very hard few months for me.

I decided not to get scarce, but get her onto RIU instead. This is a killer place to hang out. She will LOVE it. And I think seeing what can be done with organic ganja, she's going to get really, really busy around here! But there will be a week or so I will be pretty scarce. Going to be a BRILLIANT week, though, keeping our daughter out of school and doing the family thing as much as we can.

Love and Light from a frozen S.A!
You enjoy your time with the family bro. Make it everything those few months couldn't be, and more. I would think about maybe cleaning a little before the wifey get home though, you know how dudes can start slackin with the house chores sometimes;-). Just a thought. I bet you're so stoked you can't sleep, and all, and maybe have some butterflies going. i'm not trying to gear you up or anything, I was just remembering the last time I picked my wife up at the airport after she was gone for 2 weeks, and I was about ready to go nuts without her. I'm not weird, and co-dependent I just love my wife so much it makes me feel, like I'm lacking something to not have her around, IDK. It's nice we're on the same page with the kid issue too. I'm too sick to effectively take care of a kid unfortunately, and she has school, and her career. So we decided to not do the kid thing, and just keep clean pets, and plants. I have a dead beat brother who has a son, and I always pick him up, and go to the park, and museum. He's such a cool kid, he likes to smell good so he'll spray cologne or sometimes perfume on himself if we're at a store or something, and then come up to me, and say smell me unkey I smell goooooooodddd. He has a strange obsession with monkeys though, everybody is a monkey head or a monkey face. He always has this monkey cup of his with a whirly tail straw in it, and a monkey baseball cap. I bought him this goofy game called a barrel of monkeys where you link these plastic monkeys together by the arms, and I thought he was going to explode. He had those things strung up all over the friggin place. I was finding linked monkeys hanging in my house for a week in some very odd places. It's hard for me to understand why his father can't find any joy in the child when he's such a pleasure to have around, and he'll even help you clean if you make a game of it. IDK, some people really blow my mind. Wow, sorry about all that. Anyways, enjoy your family time coming up Hamish, and I know Gandalf will be with his lovely family this fine weekend. I think i'm gonna call, and get my nephew for the weekend. Enjoy this fine summer people. Peace and Love.
You guys are truly the best. We are all so lucky to have great support systems. I'll be around this weekend. I am going to sneak into the flowering room early and take some shots of the Kali Bubba tonight. Be on the lookout. Much to show and tell. I am so glad you guys are around. Take it easy.
Seems like I was brought into a great group of guys. Here's an update about my problem children and a question about the seelings. DSCF6035.jpgThey are doing great no nutes just molasses every other watering. These seedlings are 15 days since they broke soil. Both nirvana seeds AK48 like the others. I have them in happy frog and only have given them water. I havn't been able to ph it yet but it's good well water except last time I gave them distilled water. One has perfect leaves and the other has wavy first set and claws. Is it possibly just a genetic thing? DSCF6030.jpg
You enjoy your time with the family bro. Make it everything those few months couldn't be, and more. I would think about maybe cleaning a little before the wifey get home though, you know how dudes can start slackin with the house chores sometimes;-).

Yesterday was ceiling, tops of kitchen cupboards, rugs and windows. Today is my weekly floor clean , bathrooms, linen and washing the dog :) Guess we learn from experience LOL! I am well trained that's for sure.

And a little obsessive about walking dirt into the room with the girls too, trust me my floors are not only clean, they are STERILE, you can do open heart surgery on them safely.

My doggy is malting at the moment though so I wouldn't recommend it, driving me a bit nuts border-collie hair everywhere within a day.

I'll pop by again a tad later, it's wake, bake and kick some germ ass time. Cue old Metallica and Megadeth albums and off we go, perhaps some melodic metal today, haven't busted out the old Iron Maiden collection in a while I feel like some soaring guitars and epic vocal work. Yes, Bruce Dickinson and friends it shall be...
Well it sounds like you're on it Hamish. I think the lot of us are all trained quite well by our ladies. Not whipped, just cyclical love I guess you can call it. I wouldn't have it any other way. Steelheader I would think it would almost have to be genetic, but sometimes you can get some hot soil from F.F. it seems. I had plants in the same soil before, and they were the same strain as well, and the one was fine, and the other having issues. I Xplanted them into better soil later, and the un-healthy plant perked right up, and went on to be happy. I have a Blue O.G. that goes through cycles it seems with it's health, and growth, but I think it's a pheno thing, IDK. Plants can be weird sometimes, and illogical, but they're never wrong, they just need what they need. That might not make sense to someone else. Anyways have a great day everyone. Peace and Love.
Gandalf, I just have to pop by to report that it has been 3 days since feeding my seedlings some tea at 'seedling potency'. Thank you so much for turning me on to this. They are starting to almost shine from the inside. I can see the beginnings of that almost luminous, ethereal quality I see in you and Myco's plants. I am now more than excited for the next couple of weeks :)

Trying to figure out how to get phone pics onto this computer so I can show you, but at the longest I have to wait until Monday when my wife gets back.

I am also going to be tracking one Tahoe clone as I mother her up and then through flower also so you can see what this lady is made of. I think you will like the look of it, also a pretty elegant-looking girl like most of your plants are. I don't want to do a proper journal of it, like I said doing a thread involving CC is like painting a target on your forehead and me and Swerve do not really get along at all, we have bumped into each other on here and he tends to bring out the worst in me which I do not judge, just avoid.

At least you will get an idea of what the SFV can contribute to crosses you come across. You mentioned being interested so I'll show you from the bottom up how she behaves. Really a lovely lady!

Take care and have an excellent week-end!!

Love and Light!

PS: My supersoil is smelling SOOOO good after even this short time cooking. I have very good feelings every time I check up on it. Really exciting! And you owe us some pics of that ebb-and-flow rig now too, by the way. Then I too can say I've seen organic hydro WORK :)
Seems like I was brought into a great group of guys. Here's an update about my problem children and a question about the seelings. View attachment 2769614They are doing great no nutes just molasses every other watering. These seedlings are 15 days since they broke soil. Both nirvana seeds AK48 like the others. I have them in happy frog and only have given them water. I havn't been able to ph it yet but it's good well water except last time I gave them distilled water. One has perfect leaves and the other has wavy first set and claws. Is it possibly just a genetic thing? View attachment 2769628

I bet your ph is a touch off. I am getting used to a few different strains right now who appear to be huge Ca eaters. I think I need to dial in their specific ph needs and not lump them into the old "6.5" for every plant. Some like it 6.7-6.8. Some like it 6.2. It makes sense that there be some fluctuation. This is easy to fix. I would stick to distilled water until you get your test kit or pen.
I was sent a PM today asking why the Rev likes to add ewc/compost after brewing the tea for 24hrs. The reason the Rev does this is he believes that the "tea soluton can get equalized for greater survival rates of life in the castings/compost when they hit the tea solution". He has studied this extensively with samples under a microscope and firmly believes this will enhance the tea life. I am mixing the flowering tea again and it will be ready to go on Tuesday. I am battling the Ca def at the moment in my Bubblegummer, and two PE phenotypes. The seedlings are doing very well. Take care guys.
Great thread, Just finished it. Thanks for the all different tea recipes, I'm new to tea's so this thread will be my 'go-to' thread.

Quick question, what type of fish hydrolysate do you guys use? I remember reading a few weeks ago about the method they use to make the stuff matters, something about it being cold when they make it.. it keeps all the nutrients if they make it when it's cold? Not sure if I'm remembering all that correctly - do you guys know what I'm talking about? I've lost the link unfortunately where I originally read it.
I started making my all purpose tea to water the new mix down.

Day one per gallon:

1 Tbs of kelp meal
1 tsp of high N bat guano
1 Tbs of all purpose dry organic nutrient/fertilizer
1 Tbs all natural molasses

Bubble for 24 hours

Day two per gallon. Add to above brew with the following:

1/4 cup FF Big Bloom
1 tsp of balanced fish fertilizer
1/2 cup EWC
10 drops of G.O. CaMg+

Bubble for additional 24 hours

Day 3 strain and use or just use. I am not going to strain this. Dilute 1:2 or 1:3.

You use this recipe for watering soil mix, before actually potting the soil right? This is used to water during the cooking phase?
You use this recipe for watering soil mix, before actually potting the soil right? This is used to water during the cooking phase?

This can be used anytime in the plants lifecycle. I use it to water my new batches of Rev's mix too. It's a great general use tea. The Rev likes to use liquid fish fertilzers that are ORMI approved and container little to no iron. Be very careful of "organic based" or the like. He did not specifically speak to the manner in which the fertilizer is processed, only that it be ORMI certified. He loves to mix fish fertilizer with kelp for a great quick boost. If you are in veg use the fish fertilizer closer to 5-1-1. If in bloom use the 3-3-0.3 for flowering or with pure sats. Here is the exact liquid fish fert he uses and it is cold processed as you were speaking of.
This can be used anytime in the plants lifecycle. I use it to water my new batches of Rev's mix too. It's a great general use tea. The Rev likes to use liquid fish fertilzers that are ORMI approved and container little to no iron. Be very careful of "organic based" or the like. He did not specifically speak to the manner in which the fertilizer is processed, only that it be ORMI certified. He loves to mix fish fertilizer with kelp for a great quick boost. If you are in veg use the fish fertilizer closer to 5-1-1. If in bloom use the 3-3-0.3 for flowering or with pure sats. Here is the exact liquid fish fert he uses and it is cold processed as you were speaking of.

Awesome, great info.

Can these tea recipes you have provided on post #77 also be used as a foliar spray? I mean for veg.
Yes they can. I would dilute them 1:3 or 1:4. They work great as a foliar spray. You may have a slight bit of residue on your leaves from these types of foliar sprays but it is nothing to worry about.
Here is an update from the last week or so. As reported earlier I incurred some ph problems with my seedlings and other plants due to a very low ph. It was 100% on me. I overlooked the ph of my water coming out of a new RO system. I was dumb enough to have had some misconception that the water would have a ph of 7 like distilled water. I have moved past that now and the seedlings are healthy and growing well again. I will be placing them all under the 400W MH in a day or two. My SunMaiden, Alexander Kush, and Daybreaker crew go into the flowing room in a day or two. They are doing well overall. Some are having a bit of leaf curl from the Rev mix I put them into a week or so ago. I also hit them with the 5.6ish RO water before I realized what the hell I was doing. That has caused a very minor and brief canoe trip for the leaves.

I took several shots of the Kali Bubba but none that will truly show how big she is. She really is a beast. I found specs for her budding time to be 73-77 days. I plan on going at least 90 if she wants. The Kali Mists I have are all doing very well. I seem to have 2 or 3 phenotypes. Some are shorter. The Pineapple Express are all doing well. Two have some CaMg issues that I am dealing with. There are two phenos with the PE also. Some short and some taller. I have healthy clones of all strains in bloom to select the best mother(s). I will let any plant go unless she is just about perfect. I have to mention a few I never bring up. I have a TGA Jack the Ripper seedling, a TGA Chernobyl seedling, and an OG Raskal White Fire OG seedling up running. I am excited to see if one of those is dank.

Here are a bunch of recent pictures. I have to water the seedlings tonight so forgive the dryness of the soil.

Starlet Kush
Super Blue Dream x Freedom Baby
Starlet Kush
OB Rippers, SBD X FBs, Starlet Kushes
Kali Mist Clones,White Fire OG, etc
SunMaidens, Alex Kushes, DayBreakers
Blue OG
Kali Bubba...All tall branches in the back
Kali Bubba...All tall branches in the middle and the left. The main cola is not in the picture. It goes down low and to the right. I promise better pictures in the near future.