I never got hooked on opioids bad, but my brother is recovering. He straight up shopped around for doctors for Kpins and Opioids back in highschool. He was real bad off on only pills from the age of 17-20, then it got worse. Met a doctor who used/ sold and he taught my brother how to shoot up. It sucked, because I'm a type 1 Diabetic and he would steal my insulin syringes.
Multiple close call ODs, multiple robbings, multiple tickets/ arrest. He got arrested with 80 xanax bars and 60 percs, plus a hand gun. Luckily our dad had recently did a good bit of work for the DA just before this so he never did any major time.
He finally decided he wanted treatment. I think it was the constant neglect from everyone. No one wanted to talk to him anymore because of how he always was... Never would remember shit, always zombed out, mood swings, no job, constantly stealing and lieing.
He did the methadone clinic for about a year now, and finally is to the point where he is weening himself off since they dont want to ($$). He's down to 6mgs, which is almost pointless to even be on from my understanding. He still goes to help with the anxiety and cold sweats.
I seriously would have never thought MY brother, would go through a drug problem that bad. I could seriously write a book about the past 6 years