Note to self thread


Global Moderator
Staff member
Note to self: Based on latest posts must read Caligula again...something about sex and food ;)
I'm savoring "The Chronicles of Conan" by Howard.

His tales just grab you & pull (me) in.
I read them as a young barbarian in the 70's & to have the entire collection in one book is special.

Time Travel at it's best.

Edit: And then after posting I look @ my Avi. Duhh - Franzetta


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm savoring "The Chronicles of Conan" by Howard.

His tales just grab you & pull (me) in.
I read them as a young barbarian in the 70's & to have the entire collection in one book is special.

Time Travel at it's best.

Edit: And then after posting I look @ my Avi. Duhh - Franzetta
I love Frank Franzetta's work, as well as Boris and his lovely, talented wife.


Sector 5 Moderator
Note to self: Based on latest posts must read Caligula again...something about sex and food ;)
That was one fucked up dude!! His mentor and "father" said of him "I am raising a viper for the bosom of Rome". He would fit in perfectly in D.C. today.


Well-Known Member
Note to self: research something before posting it as fact. What I posted here was totally debunked by my gang of IT/puter gurus in a matter of minutes. So sorry to post BS!

PS note to self: smoking hash too early in the day is almost always a guarantee I'm gonna be too damned lazy the rest of the day!



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
At least ya didn't say 'Pie eaters'.:mrgreen:
LOL I think Flaming Pie makes that particular decision on who gets steam rolled for what there! ;D

I do sometimes wonder if my posts are worse when I'm high or straight? They both are distinctly awful or troubling depending LOL.


Well-Known Member
Note to self- Find out if Roots is known to come with Aphids,gave a cut to my friend,brings it back and has them all over it.
Ive searched mine ans do not see them anywhere,he grows in Roots? Ive never had a issue with any kinda bugs in 8yrs.
You can eat in my grow,anywhere its spotless!!


Well-Known Member

  • Originally Posted by curious2garden
    I do sometimes wonder if my posts are worse when I'm high or straight? They both are distinctly awful or troubling depending LOL.

    Tell us when your high we can do a Poll?



Well-Known Member
LOL I think Flaming Pie makes that particular decision on who gets steam rolled for what there! ;D

I do sometimes wonder if my posts are worse when I'm high or straight? They both are distinctly awful or troubling depending LOL.
hey join the club!!!!!!! I've read some humdingers I've done and boy, did I feel like a big ol dumbass LMFAO
it's all good!!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: