Raidermans Grow


Well-Known Member
I completely agree with you. I'm trying to start a debate or anything, I have just been reading the news a lot lately and reading shit like this pisses me off:
Medical Marijuana Lobby Fighting Recreational Legalization Efforts

July 27, 2013
Pot legalization activists are running into an unexpected and ironic opponent in their efforts to make cannabis legal: Big Marijuana.
Medical marijuana is a billion-dollar industry — legal in 18 states, including California, Nevada, Oregon and Maine — and like any entrenched business, it’s fighting to keep what it has and shut competitors out. Dispensary owners, trade associations and groups representing the industry are deeply concerned — and in some cases actively fighting — ballot initiatives and legislation that could wreck their business model.
If you did not what to start a debate why the long retort?

Right now medical marijuana is in family's hands(some are greedily taking advantage of the system but that happens in capitalism). Once weed goes legal like people in Washington St. will soon find out, big business and big money will turn weed into something on the same level as alcohol and they will go after medical marijuana in those "legal" states just give it time. They'll want MMJ'ers to buy it from a store like everyone else. That is till the federal government just comes in and seizes all those assets; legal mj stores, growers facilities, and the money they made.

Medical Marijuana advocates want the same freedom they have under medical laws, and not the restricted bull crap that news papers and lobbyist are trying to push. After reading all the statutes of the new purposed washington state legalization effort, I no longer support the kind of legalization they are suggesting.

Where it will still be a crime to grow your own smoke, but you can go to a store and pay out the arse for an eighth of taxable smoke. Though on that same note I can however get a brewing kit and I can brew my own Beer, were is the difference between brewing my own beer and growing my own smoke, if it were truly legal. WTF.

That is not legalization, my friend, that is a way for big business to fool the masses into legalizing weed so that only the rich can make money off it. It will cost growers who "win" a license from washington well over a hundred thousand dollars easy, to met regulations, Armed guards, security camera, fences, bulletproof glass for storefronts,and etc... Treating weed like DOPE. NO, thanx.

Sorry Raider I will no longer comment in this regard. Apologies.


Well-Known Member
What up RDR.........Beechy needed a day OFF from here,dealing with the other mods and such gets old.


Well-Known Member
yeah it can get old. ive had my glad wen the cooler weather sinks in,can only use one light for now,all the ac units packin a load.


Well-Known Member
Monkey DOO,lol...I thot it was a stupid name myself.. its been around many yrs but mostly Canada keeps it in smaller, chancier seedbanks..We all remember or know Dr. chronic...the strain is like Northern berry.see if I cant load a pic,back in few.


Well-Known Member
Are those blueberry doing well for you. Be nice to see some quality blue ceeds that are available from up north. I'm still wondering about sagarmatha's blueberry(amsterdam) and peak's blueberry(but peaks description of ceeds scares me a little) as well. If those beans you got look and taste "blueberry", will probably get those bc blueberry as well. 30 ceeds sounds like a good batch to pull a mother.

I've heard of Fucking Incredible, but that is about it. Did next generation do it of bc bud depot or vancouver island ceeds of something to that effect. I believe I was going to order it years ago with some grape god. Can't remember though. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
yeah these are doin good.first time doin their BB .ive done maybe a third of everything they sell at one time or another, but I do use other seedbanks. everything ive growed from there was exactly wat it says like the godbud, its the same pheno as bcbud depots godbud,both are from Canada. so I hope to get some dank blueberries this round..1st fukin inred.2nd blueberry jam,deepchunkxc99


Well-Known Member
yea it does look primo......put the ecpd and dbd in flower today,alot of branches, thick stalk, 18" tall as wide.i'll be able to run a lot under that one light, I need to move so I can have everything right and more light.