What are you listening too ?


Well-Known Member
i layin some three six mafia and lil wayne three siz mafia got a killer song out loli loli loli.Its the shit


New Member
yes BUT you are probably a DUDE!!!
I think all guys like rambo. :twisted:
Its loud and has lots of action and violence.
Hubby says that if nobody dies the first 15 minutes then its already boring to him. :roll:
rambo lol :P i liek rambo


Well-Known Member
hmmm some liek some 1 sexist lol i seen you post some thing els about being a man lol :P:peace: just playin lol


New Member
Oh haha. Yeah I might think some ways like a guy but doesn't mean I am like one.
OMG! thats funny.


Active Member
very weird stuff, I have a mix of classical music and techno going on right now for some reason lol.

song right this moment, nope is dope - Don Diablo ft


Well-Known Member
apparently talking about music in the music section doesn't work very well (I tried posting there and my threads died)

buuuut, I am listening to M.I.A.

MGMT and the new gnarls barkley lately ... all goddamn good and all connected to weed :mrgreen:


Active Member
african herbsman!

i love muffled recordings. seriously. especially on hot days.

they make me enjoy the heat so much more for some reason...