The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
IMG_20130813_180130_119.jpg don't kmownif any1 else's kids watch cartoon network but my lads 7 and just drew these straight off the bat copying the cartoon!!!! I'm pretty impressed bless him


Well-Known Member
That's the little one in bed time fo chill with a fatty now cheese and afghan mix.hit it up flip it up nigger i don't give a fuck hahahahahahah

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you young bucks won't know the lad but for the older mob in here spare a thought for cinderella man/jambo, he's up in front of the beak the morra, looking at a short stay...


I aint wasteman like this lot haha just been n done 10k dreadmill and all the weights i'm a lean 208lbs gonna hurt the morra but the day after will knack


Well-Known Member
you young bucks won't know the lad but for the older mob in here spare a thought for cinderella man/jambo, he's up in front of the beak the morra, looking at a short stay...


I aint wasteman like this lot haha just been n done 10k dreadmill and all the weights i'm a lean 208lbs gonna hurt the morra but the day after will knack
gettin my gym mmbership this week, then ima blast it out turn me guns into pythons.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
gettin my gym mmbership this week, then ima blast it out turn me guns into pythons.
seriously look at the gyms around ya first i joined the council one and it's shite. the other ones are pricey but so much better for machines and free's mind, tbh the bootcamp is pretty fucking good. my lass can plank for fuckin ages. way longer than me ffs


Well-Known Member
seriously look at the gyms around ya first i joined the council one and it's shite. the other ones are pricey but so much better for machines and free's mind, tbh the bootcamp is pretty fucking good. my lass can plank for fuckin ages. way longer than me ffs
yeah al be joining the best gym, open 24/7, in town, need to get fit, better being able to break people rather than get broken, well am losing weight, dont wanna be scrawny, build up some muscle yakknow blad.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Lad that gets on here rarely called rasclot does street fit, youtube some vids all about using the stuff round you. I met him at the cannabis cup last November he was a fairly average stamp. He sent us a pic of him human flagging the sign at landsend ripped.

The gyms a great start but there's lot to be said for resistance training using just your own body weight.


Well-Known Member
Lad that gets on here rarely called rasclot does street fit, youtube some vids all about using the stuff round you. I met him at the cannabis cup last November he was a fairly average stamp. He sent us a pic of him human flagging the sign at landsend ripped.

The gyms a great start but there's lot to be said for resistance training using just your own body weight.
iv got the body for it, just need the motivation, and put down the joint for a while, while i rethink my plan unstoned yano, i could go back to college and live an honest life but fuckit theres too much money from drugs, and whos to say i carnt do both, just dont wanna be bitched about, think once i start raking in the £ ima start MMA, theres a martial arts gym in my city looks promising.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Aye I sorted for two month then had to knock the weed n booze on the head for the first month. Now when I do blaze up I eat the house out of anything remotely munchy like. Not long til you need the calories.

Nowt wrong with doing both, work and our working on the side makes you much less suspect.

Mma gyms are usually expensive but if you get a decent trainer fair do. Just depends if you want in the ring? I'm not personally like my nose straight n teeth in my gob lol


Well-Known Member
Aye I sorted for two month then had to knock the weed n booze on the head for the first month. Now when I do blaze up I eat the house out of anything remotely munchy like. Not long til you need the calories.

Nowt wrong with doing both, work and our working on the side makes you much less suspect.
yeah i was thinking, am not workin in a spar for rest of me life, think ima give college another go next year, while working, and while hopefully doing our dirty work. but still cant decide what to do at college, i done construction last time, wouldnt mind doing that cuz the moneys good, but its hard manual work. ill have to have a look on the website see whats on offer.