Baywatcher's Basement Blowout


Well-Known Member
I like the photo's quite a bit. Ill snatch some photos from work to post on here see if you guys can guess what your looking at! I have a similar camera system for mine. Heres a link. But i don't like them, take way to long to get good photos. unfortunately my solution wasn't well received until I proved how good they look. Granted I don't have time to edit the photos so my solution had to include very clear photos taken with 1 shot. They cant proved any depth though. Take that scope and a digital camera in this mount I had custom built (I'll post photos tomorrow) and you get really excellent results. The mount showed on the amazon photo is what we used to use in conjunction with a DSLR camera. Thats how I got the best results, but we had to change it up as decent macro photos take to long for our turnaround.


Well-Known Member
I'm using AmScope's ToupView that came with the scope, plus the LED light built into. I have one hand on the mouse to click 'capture' and the other hand advancing the focus as slowly as I can. I batch-save them into TIF files.

Photoshop -> File -> Scripts -> Load Files into Layers, select the auto-align option. Drink some coffee for 2-3 minutes. Edit -> Autoblend (choose stacked focus). 1-3 minutes later, you have the image above. I played with curves a little bit, but the original image would have been fine too. Total elapsed time less than 10 minutes, only about 2 minutes of which actually requires you to do something.


Well-Known Member
Timing it now. Grabbed a curing Pineapple Express bud. Seven minutes from the moment I grabbed it until I had 40 images ready to stack.

Load/Align 40 images into Photoshop: 2 minutes
Autoblend: Around 1 minute
Tweaks: 2 minutes (Sharpen, curves mostly)

Elapsed time: 13 minutes



Well-Known Member
Excellent dimension. Wish i could get them to charge enough for me to spend the time on photos that good. But as im running upwards of 150 different shots a day, plus you know actually analyzing the samples i just don't have the time. I think i spend about 2.5 hours doing all 150 photos (taking them since i don't have time to edit them) plus i have to actually take notes yada yada yada blah blah blah boring geek stuff. Any how i forgot to grab the pics i wanted you guys to guess what they were (ill keep that in another post and put a link here) but ill grab them tomorrow. Here is that scope mount i was talking about. crappy phone pic but you get the point. Now if only i could layer these photos and clean them up a little it would improve my quality ten fold!
Excuse the quick crop job. Work stuffs kept pretty confidential as we run tests that no other Lab does.


Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha. I WISH!!!!!! :-P It's me and 1 other guy for this part of it. Has to be done manually. There's no program that could run it all so we would still have to be on the scopes for nearly the same amount of time. The photos take up closer to 20-25% of the time I am on the scope, where the rest is having to look through samples and take notes. Then there is still the majority of the day where i have to fill out reports so the customers can get their results. The rest of the techs need to be running tests and we have no overnight crew.


Well-Known Member
Here's some fun photos of hash transformation.

This started out as around 12 oz of fresh Pineapple Express high quality trim. I did two 15 minute washes, and caught everything between 45 and 120 microns (well, I caught the 25 too, but dumped it into the butter pot). I use Matt Rize's Ice Hash methodology to process, microplaning it after 24 hours in the fridge. The microplane cured for a couple of days in the fridge, periodically getting chopped up with a small offset spatula. Next, it was scraped into the jar you see in the first pic, and cured for two days in the jar. What you see in pic #1 is what it looked like after having been mixed every 8-10 hours while curing. As you can see from pic #2, it was still a mixture of trichomes and plant matter, not particularly well-blended.

Next, I process according to Frenchy's methodology. It was rolled out and folded a total of seven times using a heavy glass bottle filled with 170 degree water. Pic #3 shows what it looked like after the final pressing. As you can see from macro #4, it is *much* more uniform, and I can tell a marked difference in the flavor and smoothness of the hit from it compared to the unpressed hash.

Thanks Matt, thanks Frenchy.



Well-Known Member
Looks greesy man I like it. Hows it taste/ smell? How was your yield?
It's citrus-like in both taste and aroma. I don't really get Pineapple from it, but it's fruity. I got just a shade over 5.5 grams, plus about the same amount in the 25 micron bag that went into butter.


Well-Known Member
sweet man sounds good. i love your macro shots.

I'm evaping one of my alcohol washes as we speak. The b grade I evaped last night turned out a low yield, but a nice clean golden color real thick like a hash. I'm evaping the a grade tonight which was noticably cleaner to start so I'm excited to see how it dries up.


Well-Known Member
I am now locked in hand-to-hand battle with Thrips in my veg room. Neem + Might Wash, deploy!

Here's the Critical Jack again, day 65. Closer.



New Member
Great grow and thread! Just perused the whole thing; subbing for sure.

Questions: Overall, how do you feel about the solar storm LED? At 800W are you seeing results similar to a 1000W HPS?
How big are the tops of the peony cages?
What's a typical per/plant dry yield on this setup for you?
I read The Main-Lining thread as well. It seems the technique is to be used with seeds only. Have you tried it with clones?

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks! And thanks for dropping in!

The Solarstorm is currently turned off, I replaced it with a 1K HPS. Does that answer the question? :) Seriously, it would be a good light for rectangular closet, but I needed more light coverage than it could offer.

I am, however, *totally* sold on the Blackstar 900s for veg.

The peony cages are, I think, 16".

I'm still mainlining my clones, but it turns more into a combo of scrog and mainline -- there are no "equal" nodes, so you're basically trying to force the higher nodes down to the lower nodes level, hopefully all meeting at the cage height at roughly the same time.

I'm pheno hunting, so yield has fluctuated wildly. Also, the *only* thing I keep as flowers is the top bud, and whatever is one node down from that. The rest goes into hash and butter.

I'm getting roughly 1.25 -> 2.00 oz per 7 gallon pot of nice bud, and around 4 ounces of good trim (which probably could have been turned into 2 ounces of trim and 1/2 oz of sellable flowers. From each ounce of the wet trim, I get around a half gram of good hash (see above), and an equal amount of 25 micron hash (potent, but tastes like shit) that goes into the butter along with the leftover trim after two bubble runs. From the butter run, I end up with enough butter to back two batches of 30 cookies.

So each plant is averaging 1.5 oz flowers, 2 grams of smokable hash, and 20 cookies of moderate potency. My goal is to harvest 3 plants every two weeks.

I expect that once I have the phenos dialed in, I will be able to increase that by 25% or so.