Active Member
Hey Dan, welcome to the Colorado forum lots of great people here and I am sure lots of great ideas. Here are a few that I like most.
Peak to peak hwy. scenic drive from Estes park to central city lots of beautiful views. Depending on how good shape ur in there are quite a few hikes along the peak to peak hwy.
pikes peak you can drive, hike or take the train epic views and is something you gotta do once in ur life.
Garden of the gods just awesome and if you climb is a must there is also a bunch of different hiking trails around the area.
Trinity brewery if your already in the springs this place is great lots of fantastic beers. I must also mention Bristol and phantom canyon in the springs for good breweries.
Breweries in Fort Collins new Belgium one of my favorites, Fort Collins brewery and Odell are some of the most popular but there are quite a few up north. If your already up north and you have time for another brewery I recommend big beaver brewing funny as hell and good beer too look it up on google.
Horsetooth mountain park in Fort Collins is really cool in the foothills above the reservoir great hikes there is an entrance fee.
Alpine slides are always fun I have been to Breckinridge and winter park but fun there are more than just those two.
Denver has quite a few breweries and good restaurants maybe someone else wants to jump in on this? Prost, strange, dry dock, brekenridge just to name a couple breweries.
Sorry almost missed red rocks amphitheater if there is a show in town that week it's a great venue.
You guessed it I like my beer. Enjoy your stay in Colorado hope this help bro.
Hey Dan forgot to say nice plants and enjoy your time here anything else hit us up I am sure plenty of more ideas out there.