The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

Yea that looks delicious....I don't understand what your getting at....but cool photos man.?

And I can't put up photos for whatever reason they won't upload. And I told you I'm not good with computers/technology eventually when I have time I'll make an account somewhere and put up pics. But since I don't know how and I don't like doing those kinds of things I haven't done it yet. I'm just on here to help people and learn how to grow better, if for whatever reason nothing I say is credible because I don't have pics that's your problem. there's not really that much of a difference both are the collection of broken resin heads in a solid form. The pressing and heating only serves to rupture heads and decarboxylate. So essentially the only difference between my product and yours is mine isn't decarbed...I could do that but I didn't understand why you did?
There is my friends BIG TIME. Take a gramme or two of your unpressed solvent-less trichomes and press them in your hand for 20 minutes and you will see, feel, smell it
I'm not sure what exactly yalls product looks/acts/tastes like. If the resin heads are ruptured or not. But there are arguments in my mind for pressing. Decarbing is what I'm having issues with I don't see how it would be productive

I'm my mind your essentially doing what would happen over time naturally in a quick process. I believe many terpenes will be lost and some cannabinoids degraded, noted visually by the color change. I think pressing without heat should compress it enough to break heads without heating as much to lose flavor and potency, but you might have to increase pressure increasing heat so u don't know if that would work
You did ask to see what I do!!!
What your saying isn't making sense to me. Unpressed solventless trichomes aren't what I'm talking about for them to compare.and heating them in your hand obviously releases the smell.My product and your product are both ruptured resin heads they aren't the same thing but in a way they are very similar definately enough so for your defensive attitude to not make any sense...I think somehow you didn't understand
Seems like you got all kinds of time you've been on this thread for 3 days asking the same question over and over

Yea that looks delicious....I don't understand what your getting at....but cool photos man.?

And I can't put up photos for whatever reason they won't upload. And I told you I'm not good with computers/technology eventually when I have time I'll make an account somewhere and put up pics. But since I don't know how and I don't like doing those kinds of things I haven't done it yet. I'm just on here to help people and learn how to grow better, if for whatever reason nothing I say is credible because I don't have pics that's your problem.
Then I'll leave.....again
Why do you want pics so bad

Plus my thing says I average 6 posts per day. Maybe I've been posting a lot on this thread recently but I'm not spending all my time on riu...though I do love it
So we can see your work, its not that we want you to leave just move on who cares why he decarbs he does cause it works for him and his product proves it
Again its important to understand thc is a terpene and like the other terpenes they have similar properties. Anything that effects potency effects flavor. But as terpenes get altered and shange structure they form new terpenes with different flavors and effects are they necessarily bad, no but in general not as potent

I thought I was giving gold here but nobody brought it up I'm gonna say it again cause I think its cool:) cbda in fresh material before its decarbed to cbd can be turned into thc instead with uv-c light. Altering the high, can be implemented in solution or even right before harvest

Man you are giving quite a lot and Yes this sound very interesting as well but you are all over the board and we do not have your education, so please slow down some and let's stay focused.
So what about posting your pics in an album, it takes literally only a few minutes , only solvent less please there is plenty other very good thread for BHO.
Posting pice is easier then that down in the quick reply box where the little option boxes are (font,size etc.) the 3rd one from the right insert image and follow like 3 steps and your image is there super easy you don't even have to set up a album
What your saying isn't making sense to me. Unpressed solventless trichomes aren't what I'm talking about for them to compare.and heating them in your hand obviously releases the smell.My product and your product are both ruptured resin heads they aren't the same thing but in a way they are very similar definately enough so for your defensive attitude to not make any sense...I think somehow you didn't understand
Solvent less and solvent extracts are not the same and with all your background you should know that.
So you feel me as defensive, well you miss the target. Why would I be defensive when you are giving me so much to back up my theory on traditions.
Yea I know how to put up pics. That's how I put that flower I made from rolling papers in my avatar. For some reason it won't upload the pics, it let's me select which picture I want bun not insert it or upload it... I'll try and figure something out this weekend....yes I know its a wait
Well how do you feel they differ besides the decarboxylation what is taking place that makes it a different product.....decarbing aside they are still a collection of ruptured resin heads. Mine isn't technically pressed but because it was a liquid and forms a solid all of it is touching and compressed having the same properties as pressed resin heads

Why do you feel they are so different
Yea I know how to put up pics. That's how I put that flower I made from rolling papers in my avatar. For some reason it won't upload the pics, it let's me select which picture I want bun not insert it or upload it... I'll try and figure something out this weekend....yes I know its a wait
We'll be here. See you then and much thanks for the data. Please believe that I am not trying to make fun of you at all. I am truly thankful and got a lot to sort out
i find it hard to believe that someone with qwizos education can not manage to figure out posting pics. i have a shitty computer
with a high school diploma and i figured it out. come on guy, put up time
I'm not sure your steps for making concentrate or solvent hash whatever it is your making But with any solvents theres heat involved no ?
then some take it further and purge witch involves more heat so in a sense are you not decarboxylating too
Well how do you feel they differ besides the decarboxylation what is taking place that makes it a different product.....decarbing aside they are still a collection of ruptured resin heads

Why do you feel they are so different
Because I rupture my resin heads to make a mass of resin, you dissolve your resin heads and call that ruptured resin heads. Not the same for me, dissolving change the structure of the molecule at a certain level does it not?
Dissolved resin heads and ruptured (through pressure) resin heads I do not know if it is only in French but I don't think so..........
I'm on a cell phone, not a computer.. and I'm not here to show what I do, simply to learn read and give info. I've already said I'm not technologically gifted, I don't use computers and really haven't ever used one.. so lay off the pic thing, I don't care if y'all approve of my product or even think I've never done a cannabis extraction. And If I say I don't have the time or don't know how and don't wanna do it that's probly what I'm gonna do. I'm sorry if you have such deep issues with that .. why don't we just focus on the actual facts/info and the questions