Overwatering, what to do now? + pictures


Well-Known Member
I got over watering problems. My leaves start to curl down, and leaves start to get brown. I add some nuts after couple of hours after I over water them....

There is some pictures


This is White Widow... I have 5 plants... 3 of them looks good now after this problem, but 2 is in very bad shape...
It is about 3 days ago when they started to dry out... But I don't understand what to to with those brown leaves? any suggestion?
It's a deficiency of some sort. Looks like something in the cal/mag area to me. I wouldn't think that is over watering, unless you got the ph off and lockout is occurring?
what size pots, what ppm are you feeding with what nutes? How often are you watering? Give us more detail please? inquiring minds will want to know to help answer your questions. :eyesmoke:
over watering cure..... stop watering it will dry out. Never correct over watering by giving more you have bigger problems though. Cal Mag get it use it correct your feeding and do it now
If it were me I wouldn't worry about a little discoloration of my leaves. As long as the bud is ok don't worry yourself about anything else.
If it were me I wouldn't worry about a little discoloration of my leaves. As long as the bud is ok don't worry yourself about anything else.
If the leaves are not ok the buds aren't ok. Next they start to die slowly throw a few nanners the bud finishes you say awesome and start cutting the dead leaves out of your "ok" bud full of seed. Did you look at those pictures....
They was dry out very hard, so I water them with about 5L of water each, I have 12L pots. And after couple hours I bring more water with NPK 13-40-16. On the next day I discover that my leaves curl down, and soil was freaking wet like mud. I read that I need to left them to dry out. 3 plants dry properly and buds are growing now but 1 is looking dead, with all fan leaves brown, maybe I need to cut them? Bud steams is ok, but buds stop growing, soil is still wet. One have only some leaves brown, it looks that she will be ok. But one what is on the picture is critical. Today is only 2nd day I bring them from outdoor to grow room with fan, ventilation, 250W HPS and 6x23w CFL's... What you would do with this brown leaves plant?
was gunna say a mb def at first
MOLYBDENUM - allows the plant to get nitrogen via the leaves,

but i agree Mag def would explain necrosis
Your feeding it 13 40 16.... Get a more balanced nute and some Cal mag you're killing your plant with that stuff feeding with excess amounts of nutes like that locks out other nutes and causes deficiencies . Get something where all numbers are close. Over watering in not the amount of water you use but how often you water Never double water like that
But do you people understand, that all my 5 pots was dry. I watered each pot with 5L of water, after couple of hours I water them again but this time with nuts NPK 13-40-16. It was about 1L of water with nuts for each pot. On the next day all was curled down, they all start to dry at the same day same conditions, same pH... But one was start to got brown, and one was brown a bit, other 3 plants was normal and they are now, only in bad shape is plant which was with brown leaves, no buds nothing, it is dying... So how can it be nut problem if they are same form start till end...

And as I understand, if it is nut problems, than now I need magnesium and calcium?
you're being difficult. follow the advice you get here and all will be good. like people have said, never double water. if your going to water with nutes then mix it in one container and water once.
you probably burnt the fk out of them with the 1L of nute water....
But do you people understand, that all my 5 pots was dry. I watered each pot with 5L of water, after couple of hours I water them again but this time with nuts NPK 13-40-16. It was about 1L of water with nuts for each pot. On the next day all was curled down, they all start to dry at the same day same conditions, same pH... But one was start to got brown, and one was brown a bit, other 3 plants was normal and they are now, only in bad shape is plant which was with brown leaves, no buds nothing, it is dying... So how can it be nut problem if they are same form start till end...

And as I understand, if it is nut problems, than now I need magnesium and calcium?
theres your problem, 1l of water, with nuts, were they almonds or pecans?
What medium are you using? because if your hitting flowering your nutes should be okay, as a high phosphorus is good for blooming.
but your medium could have already had high phosphorus in it causing a lockout? but to me im sticking with mag def.
What medium are you using? because if your hitting flowering your nutes should be okay, as a high phosphorus is good for blooming.
but your medium could have already had high phosphorus in it causing a lockout? but to me im sticking with mag def.
Not that high... That nute is too installed for mj. It could cause a lock out