Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
Note to self: Stay on the weed and off the Bottles... Rx and Booze and kick out those ciggs you'll enjoy a better life!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Got dayum I say got dayum son, I suddenly feel so incredibly turned on just looking at that. I don't give two shits about nekkid pics but you show me some pot pornage and its instant girl boner!

Schwinggggggg!! Damn come to mama!!

Note to self: get a towel to sit on before viewing weed pornage. :clap: Bravo old chap...

scuse me I have a date with a really hot looking BUD.
LMFAO that's exactly true for me too!!! this girl gets crazy diddly when I sees pics of bud porn like that....makes me nutz man! think I'll pack a bowl now ;)


Well-Known Member
NOTE TO SELF....Leave a note for husband to NOT DISTURB next time I go to sleep after being awake 24 HOURS! DAMMIT MAN!!!


Well-Known Member

Wish you peeps were here this SBSD is sooo tasty.


ps.C2G Who said,when think your a genius,remember there was a time when you had to learn not to shit your pants.


Well-Known Member
I've always been a loner, liked doing my own thang, never needed to ask permission to do anything, supported myself and my kid and I just never had a real need for marriage. After dating this person nearly 5 years and I am approaching 50 I figure I should start thinking about my future and security. I got married for the first time last year when I was 47 and I was a whole lot happier when he lived at his place, I lived at mine and we hung out on weekends.

Note to self: never marry anyone you aren't physically attracted to because once their personality turns to shit you got a big fat NOTHING to keep you interested.



Well-Known Member
I hustle my body to unhappily married women on the weekends. I have pro-rated monthly discounts as well. PM me for A++ sex.