so two weeks ago, i had a batch of 16 rooted clones. i put them in a solo cup of roots organic soil like i always do and watered them in.
three days later, 14 of 16 were just dead. deader than fried chicken.
i thought that maybe it was because i had not cut the soil with enough perlite or watered too heavily, even though i had done that before with no problems.
so the latest batch of 24 clones were ready for soil a few days ago. this time, i cut the same soil more heavily with perlite and barely wetted the soil.
well, this time 6 of the 24 keeled over dead.
i've got the hard part down, which is getting the clones to root. after lots of trial and error, i am able to manage nearly 100% success with the clones a healthy green when they're ready for soil.
but the easy part is now confounding me. never had this happen before, and frankly i'm not sure why.
here is a pic of a clone that made it versus one that clearly didn't.
any advice, criticism, angry comments, or outright derision is welcomed.