The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

Hey guys, I was recommending a thread focussed on dry sieving well I don't anymore.
Nothing to gain outside some pictures and a Wizard who do not want to share knowledge or even speak of the size of screens he is using.
Not much open to critics either
I just went back over there and that guys an idiot it could have been a good thread too oh well we got this one thank to you
i love how people give frenchy bs, this guy has probably drop more hash on the floor than most of us have ever seen or made.
just want to take a sec to say THANK YOU! to the frenchman for sharing his techniques with us and not being scared to post a
picture and text at the same time! your the fucking man!!!
So what size micron would you use also if making a box would you use screen or would you use nylon mesh like the bags

Is this comment towards me? If so, unfortunately I can not tell you the size screen or the technique I use because it's super dooper secret that I can only brag about......

Now that I got that out of the way, I use 150, 120,90,75, & 50. Mine are stainless steel screen.
If you have to hide behind secret(s) to stay on top it's because you are scared of competition and competition is what makes you better.
In my case it is a little different since my goal is teaching, I want you to be better than me and to know all I have to offer, otherwise I would be a poor teacher if you think of it.
If you have to hide behind secret(s) to stay on top it's because you are scared of competition and competition is what makes you better.
In my case it is a little different since my goal is teaching, I want you to be better than me and to know all I have to offer, otherwise I would be a poor teacher if you think of it.

I'm going to assume that wasn't towards my post since I was joking..

I don't see the points in keeping stuff like this a secret. Especially when it's a forum where people post their tips and technique all the time..
No warmachine, the comment was not for you but for the Dry sieve dude and anybody with the same mentality. You actually made me laugh to tears.
Why would you open a thread when you do not want to share your knowledge in the first place. It does not make sense
"Going back to hash making, what's the smallest batch you think is worthy of being processed frenchy? I've been running a lot of smaller batches and felt like i should wait for more material - even if it meant mixing 2 plants - to get a good run... I was either agitating to hard or leaving to much trichomes on the sugar leaves after inspection."

I ran a very small batch (just 1 large handful of trim) of my fresh harvested Timewreck as I wanted to try washing some fresh trim, and it came out well worth my time. A small yield of hash, but considering how little trim I used the amount of hash seems pretty large. Gotta love TGA for that reason :)
I am certainly excited to process the rest of the Timewreck harvest!
I was actually asking frenchy but you answer is welcome too thank you
If making a box what would you use frenchy screen or nylon mesh

Is this comment towards me? If so, unfortunately I can not tell you the size screen or the technique I use because it's super dooper secret that I can only brag about......

Now that I got that out of the way, I use 150, 120,90,75, & 50. Mine are stainless steel screen.
time for frenchys dry sieve thread,right? i love my keef box and the gold i get from her, one of my best purchases ever, along with bubble bags!
"Going back to hash making, what's the smallest batch you think is worthy of being processed frenchy? I've been running a lot of smaller batches and felt like i should wait for more material - even if it meant mixing 2 plants - to get a good run... I was either agitating to hard or leaving to much trichomes on the sugar leaves after inspection."

I ran a very small batch (just 1 large handful of trim) of my fresh harvested Timewreck as I wanted to try washing some fresh trim, and it came out well worth my time. A small yield of hash, but considering how little trim I used the amount of hash seems pretty large. Gotta love TGA for that reason :)
I am certainly excited to process the rest of the Timewreck harvest!
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That's Timewreck alright. Anything around 13 to 15% is a good yield.
yea im in the same boat. my harvest indoor is the 25th and i dont want to leave for 3-4 days. oh well im just going to hit
up the htcc seattle sept 7-8, then school of dank and the emerald cup.
yea im in the same boat. my harvest indoor is the 25th and i dont want to leave for 3-4 days. oh well im just going to hit
up the htcc seattle sept 7-8, then school of dank and the emerald cup.
I have the same schedule and I think that I will teach at the school of Dank
time for frenchys dry sieve thread,right? i love my keef box and the gold i get from her, one of my best purchases ever, along with bubble bags!
It's funny because I have been planning to do some dry sieve again. All my education is on dry sieving and hand rubbed concentrates. Ice water sieving is new to me, very different and unique because the water is a game changer.
To decide what is the best, trims for trims, will be the challenge.
I am planning to use basically the same size bags (190, 160 +140), remember sieving is sieving is sieving.
Hopefully you do it soon because id love to see some pics. I like dry sieve a lot, instant satisfaction and very clean. The taste is delicious. I just wish I could yield more with it without compromising quality..