Pete and perlite Medium Turning green top layer is this bad?


Active Member
Hey guys I don't have a pic right now I can get some in a bit but i was going to transplant my clones and noticed the top of my medium which is pete perlite and some vermiculite is turning green and appears to be living moss? I don't want to use the same pete if this is a problem. so looking for some advice please and thank you.


Active Member
come on guys, I realize this isn't a real detailed thread but its a simple question. every thread I start on here i get minimal feed back and its beginning to piss me off.
I really like the lay out of the website and when i do get responses they are mostly from knowledgeable folk and I take there advice seriously. but what gives? how do i get more out of my posts. this is crazy


Well-Known Member
why dont you google it?
its probably just alge, i get it too. hasnt bothered my plants.
do you have some overwatering issues?
not many people sit on the site all day. your issue isnt urgent so chill dude.
if you are transplanting then scrape the top inch of soil off (the green stuff) and put new soil on over it. simple as that.


Well-Known Member
Add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to your next water of feeding.No more algae make a habit of adding a couple to the nutrient solution from time to time, no yellow shit and no mold or algae.


Active Member
Nova thanks for the advice but, you don't think i tried google first? I always do, couldn't get a definitive answer. to me the issue is urgent and i'm sick of making threads with no feed back piss's me off. theres thousands of people on this site people don't have to be on all day to give a reply. also i'm not just talking about this one thread. any way i'm way off topic here apologize for being so hasty i'm just frustrated had a long day at work and havn't had a hoot yet lol. i know excuses excuses lol.

Hydrotech, I will give that a try thank you for the reply. does all pete do this or did i get low quality garbage? the brand is Sunshine Pete if that helps.


Well-Known Member
It's algae. Google that.

I haven't seen or noticed any of your threads specifically, but you posted a thread with minimal info and no pictures.

Then made a pissy post 15 minutes later.

Give it some time bro.


Active Member
I get that man. like i said i was frustrated and bitchy haha! Sorry for the pissy comment hopefully i don't get to much more flack over that. Help drys up fast around here however i love the site. thats the point I was trying to make should've went about it a better way.


Well-Known Member
ya that is algae. i have it on the tops of my plants soil on my outdoor plants (not weed, just house plants) and they are doin good. algae is just plant matter, it grows in moist, sunny areas, or just brightly lit. i have a bit of white mould on the top of an indoor house plant. i spray it with h2o2 sometimes to get rid of it but im not sure what causes the mould on the dirt like that.. maybe the soil is too wet? i let it dry out and it still comes back in a thin little layer. but the plants seem good. i also have gnats in a few of my house plants.. i think i keep them too wet. my marijuana plants are doin great though. i will have to go out and get some gnat killer soon. the gnats have killed two cuttings i took from a succulent and cactus. the bastards ate the inside of the little guys and i poked the plant one day and it just deflated!! then i saw clear little worms in the soil when i inspected closer :(


Active Member
It's just algae caused by light hitting the perlite. Either cover it so the light does not hit the perlite or as others have said you can use a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to kill it. if left unattended algae can cause BIG PH swings.


Well-Known Member
dont get mad because people dont answer your question instantly. and dont attack people that are trying to help. you catch more flies with honey.


Active Member
Hey guys I don't have a pic right now I can get some in a bit but i was going to transplant my clones and noticed the top of my medium which is pete perlite and some vermiculite is turning green and appears to be living moss? I don't want to use the same pete if this is a problem. so looking for some advice please and thank you.
I use just perlite as my medium and i vet some algi but it never affects my plants if its really bothering u just scrape it of and add a wee bit to replace it careful u dont snap any roots tho good luck


Would you suggest 1 table spoon of hydrogen peroxide per gallon as well in a hydroponics system in hydroton grow medium?