BOOK: Marijuana Buds for Less


Well-Known Member
i find its a good read

but it doesn't include things like: oder control or space issues

all of which were a big factor for me, so like it was great to read about how cfls and timing and everything, but it costed me a lot more due to those restrictions
As far as space , I'm assuming that he figures you are using a closet. The odor again I'm assuming he figures you will live with the smell to save money.

If you check out my gallery you will see how I dealt with space. The smell I don't know what to expect yet out of 3 plants. I have a space with an exhaust fan that needs replacing or just a window fan. Maybe I'll just live with it.


Well-Known Member
As long as I get enough really decent buds, that smell could be so sweet to me. LOL
More than likely all of your plants will be just fine switching to the 24 hour light schedule. Its really hard to tell, depends on how stressed they were early. With the seperete cfl's you can make allowances for some small height differences. Have you found out what strain?? VV


Well-Known Member
More than likely all of your plants will be just fine switching to the 24 hour light schedule. Its really hard to tell, depends on how stressed they were early. With the seperete cfl's you can make allowances for some small height differences. Have you found out what strain?? VV
The person who gave them to me didn't show up to our lobbying event at the State House.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty certain they are all the same.
I have to apologize, I was assuming this was Garden Knowms thread, never even looked at who stated the thread. SeeMoreBuds, the books author is Garden Knowm, a member of our forum and there are several threads about his book and using cfls for growing. :blsmoke:HotSexyMilf started a thread about his book right around the time I received mine, you may want to look through a couple of those other threads. Sorry I was confused about it. VV


Well-Known Member
i started first then got the book. been more using its concepts and bending them to suit my equipment, and room. i think its a great investment for new growers.



Well-Known Member
I have to apologize, I was assuming this was Garden Knowms thread, never even looked at who stated the thread. SeeMoreBuds, the books author is Garden Knowm, a member of our forum and there are several threads about his book and using cfls for growing. :blsmoke:HotSexyMilf started a thread about his book right around the time I received mine, you may want to look through a couple of those other threads. Sorry I was confused about it. VV

No problem!!


Well-Known Member
i started first then got the book. been more using its concepts and bending them to suit my equipment, and room. i think its a great investment for new growers.

Same thing with me. I used and changed what I think will work best for my set up.


Well-Known Member
I have 4 plants, they range from a few days to maybe few weeks apart. This was do to 1st time learning curve. Should I just leave them all in a veg state until they all catch up or should I separate the ones that are behind and add them to the 12-12 cycle as they catch up in their own time?

Right now my best plant is at 16 days, the next is about 2-3 days behind. I will probably keep these 2 together. Then the next one is 5 days or so behind and the last one is about week after that. It was found growing in between another plant so I'm not sure. It was an inch to an inch and a half tall.

Those numbers aren't exact. 1st sprout was on 6/6. I didn't count it as a sprout until it was a 1/2 inch tall.