Getawaymountain outdoor crop 2013


Well-Known Member
hey getaway,as always you know how to get those girls to grow,very nice that you have some time in there,do you miss going into the woods to do you work and have a little time in between to see more growth and surprises. i cant have a grow like yours,mine is a 25 minute hike to the first spot and at this time of the year i have to try to hard not to go see every couple days,stick to my every 6 to 8 days, i love coming thru the bush and seeing lots of dark clusters on my girls
ya i miss the bush its very boring for me to just sit here and watch i had alot more time to do what i wanted when i was guerilla growing but now where they are just sitting around my yard i don't like being gone away from home at all .


Well-Known Member
hopefully you can get out later after the grow is done,aleast you wont be stuck inside from the snow this winter,lol you can explore then


Well-Known Member
004.jpg005.jpg007.jpg010.jpg008.jpgwell the buds are growing like hell now and we just give them another dose of seaweed juice they really like that stuff when budding lol.. the game is on and good luck to all during bud season !!! this is spot #1 up the hill


Well-Known Member
Ahhh look at the purrrrty bitches, you see that fucken 900 pound tuna those fucka's caught lastmonth? Nexttime you go after them eels (if at all) SIGN ME UP! I am impressed getaway! LMao almost all damn males in that poison batch! They bsmell great tho and will be keeping some pollen! Wonder how it would cross with some Vermont skunk?


Well-Known Member
Strangest thing too my salty friend lol, fucken purple loosestrife abounds in my area! wow and where'd this nightmare come from? What a nasty invasive!


Well-Known Member
011.jpg012.jpg015.jpg017.jpg022.jpg023.jpgspot 2 is looking good also several strains are budding now well and they got a good dose of seaweed too . starting to see sugar on the budding ones already so the juice is helping


Well-Known Member
When did they start flowering, seems like they are flowering super fast, most of mine started only 2-3 weeks ago and arent too far along yet. The few stumbleweed and swamp skunk are only about a foot tall and unsexed still.


Well-Known Member
When did they start flowering, seems like they are flowering super fast, most of mine started only 2-3 weeks ago and arent too far along yet. The few stumbleweed and swamp skunk are only about a foot tall and unsexed still.
they have been flowering for 2 weeks now and are filling in fast , ya been getting way too much rain over there from what i hear from freinds , nothing is growing like it should in maine from excess water


Well-Known Member
im a little jealous lol, but last week, it rained the whole week which has caused a few problems but nothing major


Well-Known Member
What would you say was the biggest adjustment you've had to make from growing in Maine to where you are now....other than not dealing with black flies?


Well-Known Member
011.jpg003.jpg004.jpg002.jpgthings seem to change daily now . they are all starting to bud now and the last little replacement we had is in the ground they are doing ok for being started in early june lol.. next season we will have them started by march 1st.


Well-Known Member
Looks soooo good over there.
And are you hand watering every day or so?
and how much usually?

ya we hand water and give them 8 gallons each every third day, was every 5th day and 5 gallons but the bigger they get the closer the waterings get and more of it and we foliar spray them down in between in the mornings alittle squirt ea.