
Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Y'know, funny you ask because that's the reason I bought it. :D $5,400-- it's a 2013 and only had 18 miles on it. Was a bank repo from Texas but had a clear title n everything!
and YEEES it's so comfy. I got my '09 250r like two weeks ago, which I thought THAT was comfy, but this one is like....skinnier and cushion-y if that makes sense? ._. Anyway, only problem is I'm 5' 9" and barely tall enough to be riding the 650r so I gotta still get over that.
Bingo! I was going to ask how you can drive one of those with those damn gas tanks. I'm 5'4" and that just won't happen. 5 more inches yup you could just do it. Damn! Someone start designing women's motorcycles! Hmmmmmm what you'd sell 25? Never mind.....

In my next life I'm coming back 6' or I'm NOT coming back!


Active Member
Bingo! I was going to ask how you can drive one of those with those damn gas tanks. I'm 5'4" and that just won't happen. 5 more inches yup you could just do it. Damn! Someone start designing women's motorcycles! Hmmmmmm what you'd sell 25? Never mind.....

In my next life I'm coming back 6' or I'm NOT coming back!
THERE WAS A REALLY UGLY PINK BARBIE HYABUSA AT THE DEALERSHIP. Probably one of the most hideous motorbikes I've seen in my life. xD if there was ever a woman's motorcycle it's that one....
(Okay I'm done spamming motorbike pics haha)

You do NOT want to be tall though, I hate it ;-; can't wear cute heels!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
THERE WAS A REALLY UGLY PINK BARBIE HYABUSA AT THE DEALERSHIP. Probably one of the most hideous motorbikes I've seen in my life. xD if there was ever a woman's motorcycle it's that one....
View attachment 2779019
(Okay I'm done spamming motorbike pics haha)

You do NOT want to be tall though, I hate it ;-; can't wear cute heels!
WHAT an ugly ugly bike! That a man could even think some female would be seen on that! Seriously.... what kind of women did that guy know, scary thought. If I were capable of riding one I would get a pure black one. Yeah black.... I like black. I'm going to open a beer to celebrate that thought.

Why can't you wear cute heels I don't get it?


Well-Known Member

I would so ride this, but im a person that spends $3 in quarters in front of the grocery store making kids jealous ....once they get a turn they realize i was over exaggerating the fun.


Well-Known Member
THERE WAS A REALLY UGLY PINK BARBIE HYABUSA AT THE DEALERSHIP. Probably one of the most hideous motorbikes I've seen in my life. xD if there was ever a woman's motorcycle it's that one....
View attachment 2779019
(Okay I'm done spamming motorbike pics haha)

You do NOT want to be tall though, I hate it ;-; can't wear cute heels!

I thought this was a toy.. some jagwad spent more then 10 mins on that.. WTH?


Sector 5 Moderator
Alaska has more coastline than all the rest of the lower 48 combined. At low tide Alaska is THREE times the size of Texas. :)


Well-Known Member
I like boobies. Sunni. Can I see your boobies? No. That's rude. Potpimp, can I see yor bo=bbies? now?