meaningful hermie


Well-Known Member
so as we speak i currently have one purple indica female, growing outdoors.
What i wanna do is let it flower, and than right before its done flowering stress the lights and herm it,
for a little bit of seed to keep the strain in cycle and try different techniques with it to maximize yeild,
would this damage the smoke/high/thc%
is it possible?

out of curiosity
so as we speak i currently have one purple indica female, growing outdoors.
What i wanna do is let it flower, and than right before its done flowering stress the lights and herm it,
for a little bit of seed to keep the strain in cycle and try different techniques with it to maximize yeild,
would this damage the smoke/high/thc%
is it possible?

out of curiosity

im okay with picking some seeds out of the bud as i wasnt really expecting yeild from it to begin with, it was more of an experiment
look into rodelization
or using Colloidal silver / tiresia's mist to make feminised seed
gibberellic acid can be used aswell
good luck with your seed crop buddy
look into rodelization
or using Colloidal silver / tiresia's mist to make feminised seed
gibberellic acid can be used aswell
good luck with your seed crop buddy
hmmmm sounds promising but i dont think im going to do it, i might just leave it and see what happens, i wanna get into AF anyways
He specifically said that he was going to stress the plant into a herm. Also every herm that I have encountered has been a product of a feminized seed. I've never had regular seeds produce a herm plant. I just stay away from feminized seeds now. I know the processes of producing fem seeds and I know the difference between forcing and occurring. As far as I know when a plant turns herm and pollinates, the offspring are trash. Not here to argue. Educate me! I've been turning people away from using seed from herm plants.
if the plant hermi's in perfect conditions it has bad genetics and offspring will be hermi genetically
if perfectly normal plant is left to grow past harvest a genetic preset that is in almost all cannabis from what i understand triggers and the plant has a last ditch effort to pollinate itself
if a plant is forced to herm by chemical or extreme stress factor the seeds will basically be a copy of the parents genetics
the only perk to fem seeds that ive found / there are mutants and random chance for hermi's
is the lack of males
lets say it's 50/50 female to male ratio just an example

10 fem seeds are less likely to have 5 hermi's or mutations so more seeds are viable to plant and grow
10 reg's you would only have 5 females to grow out

the numbers just seem better to me
there have been many forced herm experiments on this site that worked out just fine
hmmmm sounds promising but i dont think im going to do it, i might just leave it and see what happens, i wanna get into AF anyways
its going to take 4-6 weeks after the balls pop for the seeds to be ready
if you save the pollen sacks and dry them you can just put it on another plant
these will also be fem seeds :)
its not 100% but it close enough
This GDP purple indica is a femenized seed :P well was, now shes a green smelly woman. starting to show pistils ;) and i dont have the space, nor the required items for cloning till january :(
so say i wanted to store them till january could i do that if done properly? and just make a secluded mating area for the gdp pollen sacs and the target mother plant? i wont have seeds than till the next season after. but they would still have the GDP genetics, seeing as the pollen came from the GDP? right?
creating femenized seeds?