Big Bang + The Church Grow


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any thoughts, or advise anything welcome! The yield im suprised at this stage isnt looking that great for amount of veg time etc...maybe will get larger towards next few weeks??


Active Member
Keep up the good work mate there looking good. I have a couple of Church growing outside. Hve pics on another site

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any thoughts, or advise anything welcome! The yield im suprised at this stage isnt looking that great for amount of veg time etc...maybe will get larger towards next few weeks??
your not even half way there yet---"be patient skywalker"----those buds are going to swell up like Rosie O'Donnell in a chocolate factory...


Well-Known Member
I plan on flowering for 8 1/2 - 9 weeks big bang possibly 10. Really get em big, resiny and fruity!!


Active Member
yo am i glad to find church n big bang growers,i got those seeds n have mixed results,goin to chop today a very tall church 6 ft,the others maybe 3ft so ill post pic of yield


Well-Known Member
thnx for this grow journal...

cant wait for my big bang :) Did the church germinate good ?


Well-Known Member
NO all is NOT GOOD!!!!The tall church tat originally i though had heat burn, WELL ITS TURNING ALL OVER THE PLANT ALL THE ENDS of stems where the leaves are are curling at the end upwards and going brown and dying, even the lower leaves PLEASE sum1 give me advise. i havejust given them epsom salts as first measure


Well-Known Member
Ok I have repotted her this evening, bigger pot, fresh soil and lots of perlite for airing.
The roots were very wet in the old pot, and there was LOADS on the bottom of the pot. I gently knocked all the soil off the roots and what appeared to be crap roots that may have had rot just fell off - not many came off but the whole pot was gholding SOOO much water, it was sodden - perhaps bad drainage caused it, maybe the roots were suffocating?


Well-Known Member
On a much less worried note, the other church i have is now appearing to be booming. Buds dense and fatening up, each one is competing to be the biggest!
Big Bang, well what can i say - donkey dicks


Active Member
Can you take a picture with the plant outside of the grow room? It looks like it could be a severe nutrient burn and maybe a magnesium deficiency (a flush and if necessary treat with epsom salt for mg; 1/3tsp/gal)
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Well-Known Member
There are 2 big main the mo looking big. day 38! cant wait to see 3 weeks from now!!


Well-Known Member
ok update:

The church then was not good, seems to have stopped not being bad - good sign. I have transplanted her and given her a feed of water + epsom salts. I gave this feed to all incase MG was locked out on any.
Here are some updated pics....still not as vigorous growth on the church as i would like...perhaps repot the other church as well?? Please advise if good or bad idea.
Yield is also another wory!!


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Well-Known Member
I am still very paranoid about this grow, cant help thinking bout it!!
Have i done things right do we think? Also should i riase the Big Bang up a bit to the light closer as it is not as tall as the church....Closer would mean surely more vigorous growth of the buds...i really want to see the potential of the big bang.
Also the poorly church do we think it will recover?? god i hope so