
Sector 5 Moderator
I looked at some shot glasses at Brown Jug (the Alaskan liquor mogul) that had a polar bear on it. Thought about grabbing a couple for Cannabear but it's sort of weird asking for someones name and address cause you want to "send them something".


Well-Known Member
I looked at some shot glasses at Brown Jug (the Alaskan liquor mogul) that had a polar bear on it. Thought about grabbing a couple for Cannabear but it's sort of weird asking for someones name and address cause you want to "send them something".
I did that with doc, sent him some topsy turvy planters

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Hmmm Looking at that mountain in the far left side it looks suspiciously close to where I live. The dirt also looks very familiar but I'd have to be face down with a mouthful to be absolutely sure... Looks like much fun was had.
Must've been BADASS bud to give you that kind of muchies. 'Goddamn I'm so hungry I can eat the whole PLANET. I'll start with this bit right here nom nom nom' :)

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
Hmmm Looking at that mountain in the far left side it looks suspiciously close to where I live. The dirt also looks very familiar but I'd have to be face down with a mouthful to be absolutely sure... Looks like much fun was had.
Annie..... YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!! ....& You sure know your Mountains dirts too, so there's no need to sample lol!!!
Stoddars wells Rd., Bell MT. In Victorville & If Im not mistaken I'm thinking not too far due North of you?
Yup, I love the taste of minerals from the dessert........but it could use a touch more of the precious metals because I couldn't detect much gold. But at least the dessert did play a good roll of instilling the titanium in me.

But It really is some of the most fun one can have while at the same time achieving Zen, Because as you know....If your not focused....you'll be meeting & eating the minerals before you even know it.
I'm just not sure if the concussions have taken a toll on me or if this is my natural state regardless. All I know is there is a woman sitting next to me that keeps telling me that she's my wife. What should I do?????


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Annie..... YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!! ....& You sure know your Mountains dirts too, so there's no need to sample lol!!!
Stoddars wells Rd., Bell MT. In Victorville & If Im not mistaken I'm thinking not too far due North of you?
Yup, I love the taste of minerals from the dessert........but it could use a touch more of the precious metals because I couldn't detect much gold. But at least the dessert did play a good roll of instilling the titanium in me.

But It really is some of the most fun one can have while at the same time achieving Zen, Because as you know....If your not focused....you'll be meeting & eating the minerals before you even know it.
Clean lateral malleolar fx with a good fixation. Let me say this about that: GET BETTER BOOTS! ouch that has/had to hurt. When did you do that?

I'm just not sure if the concussions have taken a toll on me or if this is my natural state regardless. All I know is there is a woman sitting next to me that keeps telling me that she's my wife. What should I do?????
Sorry I almost did not address this. The most important part. For as long as her hysterical delusion lasts you should get as much of the Grade A Prime you can get. Work that injury for all the sympathy sex there is buddy LOL! Ahh the children today :D

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
Clean lateral malleolar fx with a good fixation. Let me say this about that: GET BETTER BOOTS! ouch that has/had to hurt. When did you do that?

Sorry I almost did not address this. The most important part. For as long as her hysterical delusion lasts you should get as much of the Grade A Prime you can get. Work that injury for all the sympathy sex there is buddy LOL! Ahh the children today :D
Done in 97 & a result of a hard landing on my final approach that absolutely no boot could have possibly saved me from. It did/does still hurt from time to time & without my trusty guard/brace, is no match for the metal to metal contact of those material carts at home depot!!

YES!!!!! That's what I was thinking too so that's all the approval I need. Well at least I'm catching on now & if it may cost me half of everything I own, which isn't much......I better give it my all!!:twisted: OH WAIT!!! that's not a woman. It's my long hair gold retriever & now she's showing her teeth & growling!!! "C'mere girl....I'm sorry" :-(


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
.....snip.....l!!:twisted: OH WAIT!!! that's not a woman. It's my long hair gold retriever & now she's showing her teeth & growling!!! "C'mere girl....I'm sorry" :-(
Damn! stop bogarting that joint! Anyway sounds like good shit what is it? Oh yeah share please? I'm trying to find the rare and elusive smokeyoublind strain.

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
Ok something really strange is happening here or I HAVE found something BETTER than the SYB. I couldn't find & add the cool blue smiley with the dark shades on.... but it keeps popping up in random places as I change pages while posting...then suddenly disappears. Have I finally succeeded or am I losing it??
I just got back so how could I already need a break???? LOL!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Ok something really strange is happening here or I HAVE found something BETTER than the SYB. I couldn't find & add the cool blue smiley with the dark shades on....snip......!
I'll meet up with you to swap genetics LOL! that's :blsmoke:
:.blsmoke.: just remove the periods if that's the one you mean LOL

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
I'll meet up with you to swap genetics LOL! that's :blsmoke:
:.blsmoke.: just remove the periods if that's the one you mean LOL
:blsmoke: :blsmoke: On my end he's not showing up where he's supposed to & even that text combo wont show at all when I preview.
I'm totally lost & he's still haunting me in random places.
Swap sounds great but remember......just don't make eye contact for too long & you should be ok.

It did show up this time but soon disappeared again. Just a tech.
Thanks for the help Annie!


Well-Known Member
Ok, when I clicked on there were two bluesmoke guys a the beginning of me and my friend's post. They disappeared a few seconds after the click and remained so.