no increased yield using seimen, help


You have to use super glue for a lubricant bro......Semen stops your hand from sticking to your johnson......

ps. your welcome bro


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube_share;1PC3lov2xGY][/video]skip to 1:08 for the 'good' bit, this guys gunna be huge in hiphop.


Well-Known Member
I think we have upset sammyyr7 guys "seriously and honestly the people there are definantly not as nice and well brought up as most of the guys on here... over there they are down right rude.... screw them.... seriously, posting in the newb section and i get bashed for being a newb ?! wtf? and i aint even talkingg about some one telling me to search. or read the stickies, cuz i always do that as much as i can........
just down right douchebag "


Well-Known Member
hi all, first post, its my first time growing and my friend encouraged me to grow or the 1st time using a bag seed and 2 20w cfls im in the 7th week of flowering after 2 weeks my freind insisted that i masturbate on the buds to increase yeid. Ive been doing it daily and no results the buds are still tiny with white hairs no real bud growth what am i doing wrong????


Well-Known Member
sammyr7 = Average Homeboy[video=youtube;TXb6bjCCtuY][/video]

First minute and a half are him talking about his "style" lol


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHA Check out CryingWife on youtube.. Bitch crys over almost every movie and gets freaked the fuck out with others[video=youtube;tMOr1RKlmM4][/video]