Attitude seeds to Australia

Well still no change in tracking so its probably " lost" but it dispatched on the 9/5 so i still a bit to wait and see, guess ill get it sent via nsw on the retry if it dont arrive. Plus gonna try single seed no stealth and see what happens.

My advice is to get a cheap five or ten pack of a decent reliable breeder and start from there.. Don't use stealth or registered or tracked .. Use a name of some person who used to live at the address if ur in a rental or use a fake name that's not ridiculous or obviously fake ...
Good luck ... Let us know how u go...
Ok so it never arrived i orederd a single seed with no frills but unfortunatly they sent that one with tracking however i believe they are resending in the profile i asked for. They are really quite nice and happy to fix any problems. And the resend for the original i have requested to have it sent no track and ill cop the loss if it dont make it as im almost ready just to wipe my hands of the whole thing but anyway enough whinging ill see how this time goes. Smiley face i hope lol
Ok so it never arrived i orederd a single seed with no frills but unfortunatly they sent that one with tracking however i believe they are resending in the profile i asked for. They are really quite nice and happy to fix any problems. And the resend for the original i have requested to have it sent no track and ill cop the loss if it dont make it as im almost ready just to wipe my hands of the whole thing but anyway enough whinging ill see how this time goes. Smiley face i hope lol

Best of luck .... Yeah most banks have good service these days ....
Um, you might want to order a few more seeds than just one - especially if you're going to go to all that trouble of ordering them. It's very easy for something to go wrong during germination. Even with a 10-pack it's pretty rare to get 10 from 10 seeds germed and sprouted, and then out of those 10 you might be lucky to get one or two decent females. Even with femmed seeds, you might only get one or two decent females out of 5. Once you buy a few seeds and play around with them, you can create your own seeds and never have to run out.
So the one seed test order that was accidentally sent tracked entered the system on the 13/6 and it is still listed as accepted by facilty not in transit wich is different but on par for being pinched and the larger one has not shown up with no stealth it was sent 2 days after so i dunno find a friend in nsw or get po box there and then put a resend on it from there
So the one seed test order that was accidentally sent tracked entered the system on the 13/6 and it is still listed as accepted by facilty not in transit wich is different but on par for being pinched and the larger one has not shown up with no stealth it was sent 2 days after so i dunno find a friend in nsw or get po box there and then put a resend on it from there

Can i ask if it was sent to same address ?
Yes they were? Im not that worried bout that so still no sign og tracked ones but the resend no stealth arrived all be it slow but within 21 work days so there u go and aus post said get this that they havnt recieved the item even though it says accepted by facilty idiots...... So i ripped into em about thefts and they pretty much admitted they cant do nothin bout it but they do take it seriously, once again idiots.... Anyway no stealth is way to go,definatley dont get tracking even two seeds wont make it through and there is no way that could be found really
I've received my seeds today that were resent by regular mail, as my tracked ones never made it past customs. Got my shirt, chocolates and about 20 seeds. I'm north of Brissy
[/U]5371]Yes they were? Im not that worried bout that so still no sign og tracked ones but the resend no stealth arrived all be it slow but within 21 work days so there u go and aus post said get this that they havnt recieved the item even though it says accepted by facilty idiots...... So i ripped into em about thefts and they pretty much admitted they cant do nothin bout it but they do take it seriously, once again idiots.... Anyway no stealth is way to go,definatley dont get tracking even two seeds wont make it through and there is no way that could be found really
Awesome ..Knew they'd get there with regular mail
I've received my seeds today that were resent by regular mail, as my tracked ones never made it past customs. Got my shirt, chocolates and about 20 seeds. I'm north of Brissy

Yep If your in QLD you have to go regular mail. All my tracked orders got snagged! Have now got 3 orders through with regular mail. You have to wait longer
but they do get through :)

Tracked is good everywhere else in oz just not QLD

Yep If your in QLD you have to go regular mail. All my tracked orders got snagged! Have now got 3 orders through with regular mail. You have to wait longer
but they do get through :)

Tracked is good everywhere else in oz just not QLD


Hey i dont think its just Qld. Im in Vic i ordered about 20 seeds through attitude last month.. the status has said received at fecility awaiting clearance for almost a month. ordered with garunteed and mug. first time i havnt got my order in 7 orders. called attitude and they resent right away.. removed from breeders packs this time and with a t-shirt. the status from royal mail says passed to overseas for delivery or whatever... so i should get them this week.. and of course this was the first time i ordered some black widow.. shame really.. Everybody else been getting their seeds okay???
ordered with tracking and guaranteed shipping to FNQ saying its in Brisy being processed for delivery for 4 days (Middle 2 being a weekend and friday ecca) hoping they come through
ordered with tracking and guaranteed shipping to FNQ saying its in Brisy being processed for delivery for 4 days (Middle 2 being a weekend and friday ecca) hoping they come through
Id say you got about 1 in a hundred chance of getting em bro. You need to listen to what everyone is saying .......regular mail only to QLD.
Where you at? Which state?

ha ha sorry i forgot that bit im in vic. so they come through melbs.. checked the status today and it said delivered so went straight to my mail box and there they all were.. Really fast this time 8 days including the weekend. these black widows look off tap compared to most other seeds ive had. nice and fat and good color. also they just sent it in two paper padded bags with no t-shirt or even anything with it just one layer of bubble wrap over them... they definatly didnt get checked by customs i dont think or they wouldnt of got here.. for those that can not get them in at all and if your desperate buy some off SR locally from aus you will get them in a day or 2. that was going to be my next option anyway
Bro you have nothing to worry about in VIC. I got all my orders down there and fast as well. Your lucky
you can just about order from anyone and you'll get em.

Wish I stilled lived down there :)
Oh and just because royal mail say's it's passed to over seas for delivery doesn't mean they are here. It took royal mail
2 weeks to get one of my packages here so there tracking is shit. Always check oz post when they say it's recived
then you know it's in the country.
