Attitude seeds to Australia

Second order from Bonza never made it through perth customs...Bonza won't come good on their resend policy, and they ignore my emails... Pisses me off coz the whole reason I bought from them was because they talk up their customer service and claim to resend lost product after 30 days... Well they've left me not high and dry... Guess I'll have to go herbies...

when you openly admit to them they have been seized by customs, they will fall back on their disclaimer to deny you a replacement. Did that to me last week.
you guys know what is really funny about ordering seeds esp from another country is that they do not have to ship them at all, they can allways keep you guessing.... gee did the cops take them in the mail or something? i say we all open up a fake azz seed bank from usa pocket the money and ship nothing . teach them how it feels to be ripped off!
After long last I have had some success.
Got 2 orders from sea of seeds (1 came the day before the timeframe cut-off 21 business days)
Got a resend from attitude but it was so obvious as I bought apparel and all seeds were still in breeders packs.
As long as your polite and patient (wait the 21 working days) they will resend.
After long last I have had some success.
Got 2 orders from sea of seeds (1 came the day before the timeframe cut-off 21 business days)
Got a resend from attitude but it was so obvious as I bought apparel and all seeds were still in breeders packs.
As long as your polite and patient (wait the 21 working days) they will resend.

could you track it all way the on auspost? do you know how long in customs?? losing hope for my resend..
There are a couple sites that guarantee delivery. The Attitude and Sea of Seeds both have such a service. Sea of Seeds will do one reship, not sure how many The Attitude will do. Maybe try to contact a few of the banks and see if they would be willing to ship FedEx for an adjusted shipping fee? It's doubtful, but let them know how hard it is to get stuff sent to Australia and maybe they will work with you. Send a couple e-mails, worst they can do is say no.
There are a couple sites that guarantee delivery. The Attitude and Sea of Seeds both have such a service. Sea of Seeds will do one reship, not sure how many The Attitude will do. Maybe try to contact a few of the banks and see if they would be willing to ship FedEx for an adjusted shipping fee? It's doubtful, but let them know how hard it is to get stuff sent to Australia and maybe they will work with you. Send a couple e-mails, worst they can do is say no.

3 attempts
I live near bris. I placed an order with attitude and it arrived in bris a few days of delivery. i am now able to track it using auspost tracking, but it says Received and awaiting clearance for delivery" location brisbane

so does that mean its cleared customs coz its trackable by auspost??
If you live in Brisbane and are not getting your seeds ,get them sent WITHOUT stealth. The thieving cunts at Aus Post will miss them and you should get them no worries.
Hi Everyone,

First post here on RIU,

Want to give some positive light to the NSW peeps thinking of going with Attitude.

Was hard for me to get the balls to do it, had no options but to have sent to my crib, so i did it, and it worked.

After 10 days of ordering i received my 100+ ball bearings with over 10 different "types".

Opted for all the shipping options and am very pleased. I wish i could go into the shipping in more details but for obvious reasons i cant and wont.

Tracking wise;
The Royal Mail worked great.
AusPost was crap and told me it was awaiting clearnace the whole time, still says that even after they are sitting here next to me.

So, hopefully this will give some NSW shoppers some motivation and confidence to make the move!


[email protected] is my email. Ask the question, I want to help the poor brisbanians being denied.


Hi Everyone,

First post here on RIU,

Want to give some positive light to the NSW peeps thinking of going with Attitude.

Was hard for me to get the balls to do it, had no options but to have sent to my crib, so i did it, and it worked.

After 10 days of ordering i received my 100+ ball bearings with over 10 different "types".

Opted for all the shipping options and am very pleased. I wish i could go into the shipping in more details but for obvious reasons i cant and wont.

Tracking wise;
The Royal Mail worked great.
AusPost was crap and told me it was awaiting clearnace the whole time, still says that even after they are sitting here next to me.

So, hopefully this will give some NSW shoppers some motivation and confidence to make the move!


[email protected] is my email. Ask the question, I want to help the poor brisbanians being denied.



I bet there are more mail workers stealing mail. This is just the start. So people stating that their packages have been stolen at Brisbane have been spot on.


I bet there are more mail workers stealing mail. This is just the start. So people stating that their packages have been stolen at Brisbane have been spot on.


I think customs just know what there looking for. I'm sure oz post would have sacked anyone stealing mail once it came to light. They more then likely have cameras in place so I would think they have cleaned that up by now. I have lost 2 packages to Brisbane so far, they are just all over it.

In my opinion they know exactly what the packages look like and they slap a scan sticker on it as soon as it lands.

As for oz post's tracking, it starts of by "Received and awaiting clearance" Next update is "Accepted by driver" When you see this one your home free as that means it's in your town or city (it's on it's way to your door step). Last one "delivered" There is no tracking in between (They don't scan it once it leaves customs which is pretty shit!!)

It depends how it's sent. The above is for international express post.

I'm sending my shit to VIC from now on fuck Brisbane! Herbies said Australia is the hardest country to get seeds into and QLD is the hardest state!!

So QLD is basically the hardest place in the world to get your seeds through even Herbies say to send to a different state if you can.

Sorry brissy are all over the shit!!!

Heres a tip dont use stealth and dont use tracked ........ Gets past 95% of the time .. Im in Qld going thru brisbane..... Cant say much more but pm me if you need any info
Heres a tip dont use stealth and dont use tracked ........ Gets past 95% of the time .. Im in Qld going thru brisbane..... Cant say much more but pm me if you need any info

Yes 100% for me . fucken postal workers only steal the stealth ones (registered mail ,you have to sign for ) Have been saying this for well over two years now ,and I still read with amusement that you all think customs has seized them !! Sure customs seizes a few ,but when they do they send you a letter saying that importation of seeds is prohibited in Australia. And Im sure in a few extremely rare cases they seize them ,track you down , come to your house , kick the fucken front door in and bust your ass.!! But like I said "rarely". Now for everyone reading this Im only talking about BRISBANE, OK ,BRISBANE not Melbourne or Adelaide , BRISBANE. Stealth is good for everywhere else , just not BRISBANE .
Yes 100% for me . fucken postal workers only steal the stealth ones (registered mail ,you have to sign for ) Have been saying this for well over two years now ,and I still read with amusement that you all think customs has seized them !! Sure customs seizes a few ,but when they do they send you a letter saying that importation of seeds is prohibited in Australia. And Im sure in a few extremely rare cases they seize them ,track you down , come to your house , kick the fucken front door in and bust your ass.!! But like I said "rarely". Now for everyone reading this Im only talking about BRISBANE, OK ,BRISBANE not Melbourne or Adelaide , BRISBANE. Stealth is good for everywhere else , just not BRISBANE .

Yeah that makes complete sense as I haven't received a letter yet!! I should do a order with nothing in it and see what happens? If it doesn't show up, well we will know for sure the fuckers are stealing them? One way of finding out? What's every one think?
Try what we said "send UNREGISTERED " don't need to prove what most of us know to be true . Just get ya beans and get out , simple.
Yeah I'll give it a go. Fuck you think they would have cleaned this shit up by now.

Corruption my friend will never be "cleaned up'' . Whilst there is a market for seeds in Brisbane , where do you think they are coming from?? And lets face it whos gonna complain their seeds didn't get through??
I to have ordered through attitude and has to go via bris its been recieved and awaiting clearance since 16/5 and its showing as in transit in green at the top qhere it says where parcel has come from etc so heres hoping. Hope you guys have good luck and it all happens for you i will keep updateing to give everyone an idea if i have any luck. Went through greenhouse fee years back vrry basic but clever stealth and that was when that thieving prick at aud post was at his prime.
Well still no change in tracking so its probably " lost" but it dispatched on the 9/5 so i still a bit to wait and see, guess ill get it sent via nsw on the retry if it dont arrive. Plus gonna try single seed no stealth and see what happens.