Root rot? Restart or is there a cure? PLEASE READ and HELP!

Green Thumb MN

Active Member
This is my Pineapple Chunk plant. Now about 25 days from seed. P8190349.jpg Growth has stopped and the roots are yellowish brown, but no strong odor. (my sense of smell is not very good due to years of smoking) My water temp is 21-22 degrees, pH is okay and I have tried changing the water and adding some H2O2. My next plan would be trying AquaShield or a similar product. I also am considering cutting her off at the base and trying to reroot her in a cloner bucket. Here is what her roots look like today. P8190350.jpgP8190351.jpg There has been no new root growth for several days. To compare, these are the roots of my White Russian plant growing right next to her. P8190352.jpg Thanks for looking!

Green Thumb MN

Active Member
I am going to try to revive her for another day or two. I went to the hydro store and got some goodies. Hope she can rebound. :)


Well-Known Member
Without sounding sarcastic dude, but i think your own 2 comparision pics of the bad roots & the White Russian roots gives u the whole answer ur looking for right there.

I have previously seen plants with bad yellowy-brown roots grow new fresh white roots, but any worthwhile plant growth was suspended while it did & then the new root growth was liable to die off & rot quite soon after too, so they ended up being binned anyway.

So i'd agree with Sativied & say save yourself a few weeks of inevitable heartache & just ditch it now & start again.

Though obviously if u already spent money in hydro shop on treatments, you may as well give saving her a try just so as not to waste money & it'll be the old cliche of experience gaining! It'll be interesting to hear if u do get it to recover quick & strong and hopefully u can prove us wrong about being so hasty to kill!

Green Thumb MN

Active Member
I am sure you are both 100 percent correct. I am prepared to take her down if no new growth in a few days. Was looking forward to some "pineapple", but it may have to wait for next batch. Thanks so much for the input, will keep this updated.


New Member
You def have root rot... they will grow new roots, but it's going to take a week or two. Until then you can try a light foliar feed so it can get some nutes through the leaves to reduce yellowing. Assuming you get your res under control. You need to run bennies or at a minimum sterilizers in DWC... looks like you found out the shitty way. Aquashield should turn things around for you, just don't kill it with chloramine. That looks about like 3 weeks from seed to me, possibly 4 if it hasn't been growing for a week. Will probably be 10-14 days before they recover. Either way you go, it's going to be a while before you can flower.


Well-Known Member
roots excelurator will solve your problem, if you dont mind the price tag
I do like root excel a lot, but:
- It's not that expensive (only need very little)
- It can help prevent root rot, it can help recover from root rot, but by itself does not "solve" root rot problems


Well-Known Member
Rapid Start from general Hydroponics works wonders on roots.
I had two scraggly brown roots coming out of my net cup until I used Rapid Start, in about a week roots exploded out of the bottom of the net cup and haven't stopped.


Well-Known Member
Ask the hydro guy about beneficial bacteria when you go to the store today. That is what you need to prevent the colonies of bad bacteria and fungus from growing and to keep them in check. They also attack existing colonies of bad bacteria and use them as food and poop out food for the plant. In nature these are already readily available in the soil but indoors you have to create the environment yourself, even the microbes. Otherwise, you are going to keep having these problems.

Since i started using beneficial bacterial I have never had an issue with my root zone to this day 12 harvests later. I guarantee it.

Edit: Don't use H2O2 unless you use the right stuff, the 3% stuff at the drug store is toxic to plants and animals, you need food grade or better H2O2.


Well-Known Member
Toxic? I know it has stabilizers, which we do not want to drink, but toxic? Back when I first tried hydro (fog) I had major root rot issues. I combined an airstone + drug store H2O2 after cutting away the obvious bad root mass. I worked my way up to 20 minute baths. I managed to save the plant but it took repeated H2O2 efforts to remove all traces of root rot

Ask the hydro guy about beneficial bacteria when you go to the store today. That is what you need to prevent the colonies of bad bacteria and fungus from growing and to keep them in check. They also attack existing colonies of bad bacteria and use them as food and poop out food for the plant. In nature these are already readily available in the soil but indoors you have to create the environment yourself, even the microbes. Otherwise, you are going to keep having these problems.

Since i started using beneficial bacterial I have never had an issue with my root zone to this day 12 harvests later. I guarantee it.

Edit: Don't use H2O2 unless you use the right stuff, the 3% stuff at the drug store is toxic to plants and animals, you need food grade or better H2O2.


Well-Known Member
Not my experience, but again, I wouldn't drink it.

I have had IVs with the pure stuff though.

If you have 35% food grade H2O2 you can put drops in potentially stagnant water to kill potential pathogens

Green Thumb MN

Active Member
I am trying the enzymes and beneficial bacteria,

Not at the same time.
If there is no new growth, I may try rerooting.
If she recovers before I flip my other 3 plants, I will have to decide what to do at that point.


Well-Known Member
i just used drug store bought stuff the other day on young plants to kill gnat larvae and wish i hadnt, im hoping that the plants at such a young age will have the chems flushed out of them by harvest time. it wont kill the plants but it will kill you in time. the added chemicals in drug store stuff is carcinogenic! they add it so that you cant ingest the store bought stuff as it has TONS of health benefits.