Stand Up To Stand Your Ground


Well-Known Member
people who aren't stupid don't have that problem. you just need the ability to understand simple numbers.
See the thing is I'm an accounting major, and I have 3.8 entire life is numbers, and I tend to be good with them. Your shitty graph is just shitty, man.


Well-Known Member
The south is a collective term and fails to recognize that individuals exist. Some people would, some people wouldn't. As long as the person that owns the property confines his choice to his own property, he hasn't initiated aggression against anyone has he? He's just making a choice about his own property. Why do you think others should tell you what you can or cannot do with your own property?
that works for your house..what about your business? a public place cannot deny a human being from entering..and we are all human beings lest you forget..who's that clown football player visiting the white house and won't meet the president?..i've never seen so many people of this nation disrespect our president..shame on you!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
quit your whining, you sad little bitch. this has been settled already, and it's not esoteric nor is it dripping with teenage angst.

if you say you're open to the public, you have to serve the public. all of it.

you can either make them do that or you can have denial of rights to others.

can't have your ennui and eat it too, little child.
Nobody has a "right" to another persons property unless the owner of that property has agreed to it. IF the racist WENT to somebody else's property and told them how they would run it, then they would be violating that person. Forcing people to associate is at the core of your argument, I think that's a bad policy. I prefer mutual and consensual interactions over forced interactions.

If you agree somebody "owns" something, you don't force choices on them about how they will use that property, even if there use of the property runs contrary to how you might do it.


Well-Known Member
And I can't believe the guy that very recently had so much trouble with basic division and showed his ass so completely, has the gumption to insult others on basic math. I thinks it's fair to say, you're the LAST RIU member that should be explaining percentages. You should stick to your forte, screaming RACIST at anything that moves. Leave the numbers to those of us who don't suffer from dyscalculia.
it's standard practice to use consistent quantifiers.

if you put one thing into weeks and the other thing into months, some people might miss a word and be off by quite a ways.

my math is just fine, i did however miss a single word once.

nowhere near as bad as screaming for months about fake polls and claiming romney was up by 10-15 points like you did.*

can you blame that on missing a single word? nope. delusion is the only way to explain that.

keep bringing that up, it only illustrates the difference between you and i.


Well-Known Member
Everybody please rate this thread any way you desire.

Please use the following graph to determine the correct star count based on your weight/pulse ratio, but be sure to divide the result by your weighted gender disposition:
well, desert..this is my thread and i can mod it the way i want..


Well-Known Member
See the thing is I'm an accounting major, and I have 3.8 entire life is numbers, and I tend to be good with them. Your shitty graph is just shitty, man.
i sure hope you don't end up working for any business that i enjoy frequenting, with your understanding of numbers (or lack thereof) any business that employs you is destined for the shitter.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
See the thing is I'm an accounting major, and I have 3.8 entire life is numbers, and I tend to be good with them. Your shitty graph is just shitty, man.
Not only is his shitty graph shitty, there is no way of telling if Buck's explanation is accurate. Without explanatory context that graph is no better than one randomly selected from the average English major's trash can.

That graph is a metaphor for Buck's life: incomprehensible, meaningless, and dull.


Well-Known Member
Not only is his shitty graph shitty, there is no way of telling if Buck's explanation is accurate. Without explanatory context that graph is no better than one randomly selected from the average English major's trash can.

That graph is a metaphor for Buck's life: incomprehensible, meaningless, and dull.
i can absolutely believe the graph is incomprehensible to you, you are very stupid.


Well-Known Member
i sure hope you don't end up working for any business that i enjoy frequenting, with your understanding of numbers (or lack thereof) any business that employs you is destined for the shitter.
Ahh more insults, how did I know? Again, I have no problem with numbers, just a problem understanding terribly constructed graphs.. where are the references by the way? Or am I supposed to take this random internet graph at its word? Where did the info come from?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
listen child, this has been settled.

if you say you're open to the public, you have to serve the public. all of it.

i get that you want "special rights" to keep black people out, while bemoaning how they get "special rights". deal with it. open a private club to serve your sandwiches if you're that racist.

the practices of the south which are now outlawed did cause harm to others, and that is when rights stop.
No, I don't want special rights to keep anybody in or out. I want you to decide what you will or will not do with your property and your body and reap the rewards or suffer the consequences. I may not agree with how you'd do it, so I'll just not patronize that business. In fact if you sold shitty ennui pie and didn't want to serve blue smurfy people, I'd likely bake one trick pony pie and welcome blue smurfy people at my establishment, then your racist ennui ass would be out of business, all peaceful like.


Well-Known Member
okay so the question here is..should a high profile figure that has been found innocent be represented in an ad such as this?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
dd okay we get that you don't like UB's graph..can we move past this?..please?
Since you asked nicely, I will desist from mocking Buck's foolish use of jibberish. However, I hold, in reserve, the right to recommence battery at any time should the necessity arise.

It was amusing to watch him try to defend his pointless graph.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
part of being a citizen of the us is living within it's don't strike me a "team player" i correct?
No, you're not correct. I played 3rd base and some outfield on a couple of teams. I also got lots of rebounds, scored in the flow of the game, passed well and played some good team defense. High top converse, "you betta get that shit outta heah shot blocking ...Curtis Mayfield blaring Super Fly on the 8 track courtside...all that shit.

You confuse obedience to bad laws as being a good thing. I'm guided by a core philosophy of being helpful and peaceful. Bad legislation that deviates from that....I disobey whenever I can. Part of being good, means recognizing that "the law" can be, and often is, wrong.