Stand Up To Stand Your Ground


Well-Known Member
No, you're not correct. I played 3rd base and some outfield on a couple of teams. I also got lots of rebounds, scored in the flow of the game, passed well and played some good team defense. High top converse, "you betta get that shit outta heah shot blocking ...Curtis Mayfield blaring Super Fly on the 8 track courtside...all that shit.

You confuse obedience to bad laws as being a good thing. I'm guided by a core philosophy of being helpful and peaceful. Bad legislation that deviates from that....I disobey whenever I can. Part of being good, means recognizing that "the law" can be, and often is, wrong.
I'd pick you for my team bro..

desert dude

Well-Known Member
okay so the question here is..should a high profile figure that has been found innocent be represented in an ad such as this?
It is probably "legal" in as much as Zimmerman has become a "public person".

Is it a good idea to produce an intentionally misleading ad that seeks to undermine the right to self defense? Only unemployed tax evaders would support such a concept.


Well-Known Member
No, you're not correct. I played 3rd base and some outfield on a couple of teams. I also got lots of rebounds, scored in the flow of the game, passed well and played some good team defense. High top converse, "you betta get that shit outta heah shot blocking ...Curtis Mayfield blaring Super Fly on the 8 track courtside...all that shit.

You confuse obedience to bad laws as being a good thing. I'm guided by a core philosophy of being helpful and peaceful. Bad legislation that deviates from that....I disobey whenever I can. Part of being good, means recognizing that "the law" can be, and often is, wrong.
we have rules and regulations to live by otherwise you're just another bible thumping, hate spewing:spew:rightie..


Well-Known Member
No, I don't want special rights to keep anybody in or out.
yes you do, that's why you're in the bag for rawn pawl the racist octogenarian.

...then your racist ennui ass would be out of business, all peaceful like.
businesses that kept blacks out had no problem keeping the lights on and doors open.

your stupid opinion is demonstrably false, history proves it so.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
we have rules and regulations to live by otherwise you're just another bible thumping, hate spewing:spew:rightie..
I write left handed, but could hit the jumper with either hand.

Tell me what better rule to live by then interacting with people on a peaceful and voluntary basis?


Well-Known Member
For me personally I would avoid a deadly confrontation even if it meant looking like a little girl to do so. I would defend myself if I thought that was the best course of action. I would hate for a jury of my peers to decide if I was able to run away or not, especially if I'm on my back with someone on top beating me. Even then, the gun would be the last resort.... for me personally. It's a shame people want to make that decision for me based on their perception of my facts or how good the prosecution lawyer is.

Stand your ground in Fl should really be called the "we can shoot looters now" law because that's what it sprung from. I will persist in my belief that an armed society is a polite society and if criminals have guns, I should be allowed one too. Ft Hood was declared a gun free zone, wonder if the "work place violence" even occurs without our penchant for PC.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
"simple numbers confuse me" - desert dud

it doesn't represent my opinion at all, it displays the lingering systemic racism within our justice system.

but i do believe you scored a bingo: "no, YOU'RE the racist!"

poor, confused little guy. can't even understand simple numbers.




Well-Known Member
"simple numbers confuse me" - desert dud

it doesn't represent my opinion at all, it displays the lingering systemic racism within our justice system.

but i do believe you scored a bingo: "no, YOU'RE the racist!"

poor, confused little guy. can't even understand simple numbers.
Why did you ignore me? What are the references for that graph?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Racism to end in 2028. The graph is clear. It's right there.

When asked how he figured racism would end in 2028 specifically, Blacker told the press, “That’s twenty years from now. Do you really think racism will still be around in twenty years? You cynical bastards. Mark my words, in twenty years there will be zero racist or prejudice people living in the United States.” Blacker added that racism would probably end on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day or Flag Day, to be more precise.


Well-Known Member
this thread is a good example of why righties can't understand numbers.

no wonder think they are the fiscally conservative ones, even though the deficit goes up under them and goes down under democrats.

they are too dumb to understand simple, simple math.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
yes you do, that's why you're in the bag for rawn pawl the racist octogenarian.

businesses that kept blacks out had no problem keeping the lights on and doors open.

your stupid opinion is demonstrably false, history proves it so.
Remove regulatory barriers and all manner of businesses would develop. Some would be dumb enuff to shoot themselves in the foot and others would not. History is rife with government regulations preventing people from freely interacting, ie, "causing" racism. You failed history too, huh?

We are arguing two separate things. You're trying to defend your imaginary black best friend's honor and "right" to dictate what another person will or won't do with their property. Nobody has the right to"own" another persons property or for that matter another person, black or white. They do have the right to "own" their property though, if not, it's not theirs.

I'm trying to defend people's rights to be left alone, IF THAT IS THEIR CHOICE. That would also include the right of any person regardless of race to use their property as they see fit, but not to use or dictate the use of others property.

When people extend their values over others using force, it's akin to slavery. Why do you support slavery tactics? Don't you believe black and brown people should be able to control their own property? I do, even if they prefer not to serve white bleeding heart is after all their property.


Well-Known Member
this thread is a good example of why righties can't understand numbers.

no wonder think they are the fiscally conservative ones, even though the deficit goes up under them and goes down under democrats.

they are too dumb to understand simple, simple math.
Again you ignore me. I'll just assume your shitty graph has no credible source


Well-Known Member
what an idiot you are.

the house does not have the final say, the guy with the veto power does.

in modern history, every single republican has exploded the deficit.

in modern history, every single democrat has reduced or eliminated the deficit.

this is indisputable fact and it makes your pussy hurt, just like simple numbers make your brain hurt.

you are dumb. and racist. see my sig.