Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
OH yeah??? well how about this????

Dankie baby, come on out and play with me!!!! LMFAO...........................better?;)


Well-Known Member
but I kinda do like the what was it???? my sweet sweet Dankaroo? I dunno about that..Dankaroo???? really???? DANKSTER!!!!! the boy is in trouble AGAIN!!!!


Well-Known Member
or the
  • NOTE TO SELF: Do not forget that your mother with dementia has a husband who is senile!!!!!!!!!

    fuckin sheriff called me from Americus a little while ago..had my mom at a McD's she seemed "confused"!!!!
    and 40 miles from her house!!!! WTF??????????​



Well-Known Member
at 8:30 TONIGHT my 76 year old mother with dementia, walked right past her husband with her keys, got in her car, and proceded to drive down one of the darkest highways in south ga!!!
40+ miles man!!!!!!!!! damn, she called me from her cell and the next thing I know some lady sheriff is telling me she is all by herself and they have contacted her husband and he and my bro
were coming to get her...I LIVE 80 miles from her! my sis in law knew all week something was up with my mom and said not shit to me about it till today!!! I'm PISSED!!!!! super fuckin hot pissed!!!
I'm leaving the end of the week to go and live with her a whlie. It probably won't be long now..she'll need hospice..I'm sick man. Not upset. Not falling apart. PISSED!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
All I can say is I THANK GOD I MET DANK!!!!! I am drawing strength from that right now because I understand where he is with his mom, and I've been tryin to be there for him the best I could and now,
its my mom and its excruciating...Dank...right there with you buddy. Right there.


Well-Known Member
I'm just chillin and hangin to see if the ol fella pokes his head in! hey Dank, I'm here somewhere LOL...if I get bored, come find me...LMAO

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Hello there friends. I have'nt heard anything at all from the dankster lately. I hope he is braving life with a good head and heart. I have wanted to call him but, having been through that myself, I opted not to. I'm glad that friends like stew and rosie are here to give him some good and fun reading. Airee!


Well-Known Member
Naw man!!! my fuckin internet man!!! damn storm ya'll said was headin this way just hit about 30 min ago...shit went down before it even got to raining!!!ughHhh!!!


Well-Known Member
Danks right here bro.. not gone, and surely hope not 4 gotton! Haha.. ;)
Still rocking bro! And kicking those strains out!
Didn't think I was going to sign on late tonight. But I said what the hell, and went ahead anyways.. glad I did. And also glad you stopped in to say hello. Thanks 4 stopping in bro, and keep in touch..

Rock on bro! Here's alittle OZZY 4 everyone! Haha[video=youtube_share;K0Auyr2aBtY]http://youtu.be/K0Auyr2aBtY[/video]



Well-Known Member
Dank. got 2 new taps on the other beans so I may get 3. just got be good and leave em alone. let them grow themselves. hahaha... :)


Well-Known Member
Are you trying to make me look bad on my own thread :??: haha.. j/k bro. Looking fucking fab!! Keep that shit green! ;) I want to toke on that shiznit! Where you been lately buddy :??: So, have you herd from ol' Smokey :??: I was hearing some crazy shit! Been hearing he is in jail! :confused:


Well-Known Member
Well, I have all 4 up now bro.. ;) glad that you have got yours to pop to.. So, I guess the race is oon.. 4 real! ;) haha
I've got one sprout already. :) planting it tomorrow and moving to the tent.

I'm not doing any training at all.. These look "MAGNUM"ish when they are in full bloom. Maybe a little FIM once. but that's it.. :) you topping??

Maybe we should each MAINLINE one too. hahaha.
who's got the greener thumb????????(you with more experience. but I can try) lol....


Well-Known Member
Danky dank dank dank dankadoodle danks! LOL hey my internet has been going out off and on all night, can you holler at me right quick before it boots me again? ;)
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