Getawaymountain outdoor crop 2013

Great thread loaded with insight coming from experience , thanks for sharing! Curious if you use your seaweed extract for foliar feeding , also ? That Island Afghani sure sounds amazing , is it Indica dominant ?
Great thread loaded with insight coming from experience , thanks for sharing! Curious if you use your seaweed extract for foliar feeding , also ? That Island Afghani sure sounds amazing , is it Indica dominant ?

thanks for the props !! ya we foliar feed with the seaweed juice using a sprayer . and the island afghani is a indica /sativa cross
nice man curious to see how much space they all take up next season when they get more veg time

a real lot bigger lol... i know what they do in maine when i can start them early and out here 3 months more veggie time Plants 013.jpgPlants 016.jpgPlants 014.jpg
these where all 12-14 ft before budding started just didn't have the time to finish in maine before frost but will be huge here they where in 20 gallon totes and got this big out here they will get the dirt and time they want lol...
Yea some 14 foot monster bushes shouldn't be a problem ha some 5 pound plants.
Have you seen this video with Jorge cervantesnits like titled 36 10 lb plants or something and they are
just giants take up sooooo much space, but I still don't know 10 a plant is a little outrageous ha
you should check it out and tell me if you think it's possible. I picture you getting some monsters like that though next year.
i would remove the leaf miner damage. they are looking great

the damaged leaves where form along time ago at the beginning of the season and as soon as we sprayed the plants with seaweed juice we haven't seen any more at all just the same ones and that is just a few in total on the whole crop
I have only had them in the beginning of the season as well. You should be good to go as those leaves are going to be used up during flowering anyways. :)
012.jpg013.jpg016.jpg018.jpg021.jpgthings are looking good and look better everyday lol.. some strains are early and some are alot later but it staggers the harvest so we can handle all of them with little to no help other than regular crew- spot #2 on the hillside is filling in
I am about the furthest thing from being an expert on outdoor growing. I know nothing about this type of growing.

With that said, and I hope you respect candid comments......I've been following this grow from the start with pictures in my head of 13' plants covering the hillside.....heck, you've shown pics of your Maine grows with that size plants.....unless these plants start growing while being well into what appears to be flowering, they don't look like the trees I was expecting.

Was it your late start or something else that prevented these very healthy plants from reaching their height potential?
022.jpg024.jpg025.jpg026.jpg029.jpg030.jpgspot#1 this are good in the top of the hill spot also buds are swelling fast now and have 4-6 weeks left on them depending what strain . going to have to stake up some branches lol...
I am about the furthest thing from being an expert on outdoor growing. I know nothing about this type of growing.

With that said, and I hope you respect candid comments......I've been following this grow from the start with pictures in my head of 13' plants covering the hillside.....heck, you've shown pics of your Maine grows with that size plants.....unless these plants start growing while being well into what appears to be flowering, they don't look like the trees I was expecting.

Was it your late start or something else that prevented these very healthy plants from reaching their height potential?

hahaha i know they aren't very tall but after all the first ones where cooked in the heat wave in early june here we had to start them all over so i'm surprised they aren't smaller for being only 70 days +/- old lol they will be bigger when the get done by no veggie time was all, i'll be starting the same strains in march next season and they will be alot bigger
with 90 days longer veggie time and alot bigger holes its definetly a different kind of growing in ca and we have to adjust (make alot of mistakes first ) to here but it isn't bad except the heat thing- starting them early is the answer to alot of issues here as i can see
You must have been freaking out when the temps were high. I'm glad you had a plan B when it happened.

What sort of things will you be doing differently next year to prevent a mother-nature meltdown?
You must have been freaking out when the temps were high. I'm glad you had a plan B when it happened.

What sort of things will you be doing differently next year to prevent a mother-nature meltdown?

ya i was i was melting also lol we always start 3-4 times the amount we want to end up with next season just start them early so they are already 6- ft by the times the hot weather gets here but the root mass is well protected underground in big deep holes to keep them cool