Well-Known Member
I'm looking into a possible outdoor greenhouse between 8x10-10x20. I've seen a couple from Home Depot and Costco. Does anybody have any experience with any types of greenhouses? Nothing real expensive but something I can make fairly sturdy, it's windy in my area. What type of cover material should I be looking for? What other things might be needed? I'm not using lights, just the sun. Will fans be necessary, or will the vents and doors be adequate? I'm trying not to run any power lines into it. Are they practical and do they work well? I've researched some and haven't really found many answers. Sure there's a lot of info about greenhouse growing but no real suggestions or reviews about the different brands and where to buy them. I'm looking for something less than $500. Home Depot has one for about $270, looks decent, any info? I appreciate any feedback you all could give me.