Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Well bro, here's a link I use at times https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688
Combined with my grow bible if I ever have any issues. Which where I've been growing awhile, I rarely have to look at it anymore.

It very well could be "heat stress coupled with one of the mobile nutrients, such as Zn,Fe,and or Mn. I've also inclueded a picture of something that's looking like what you got going on. Which 2 me, its also looking like alittle of a MG deficiency aswell. So what I would do is feed with a nutrient such as Dyna-Gro, or another nutrients that contains all the mobile nutes to fix the problem.

Hope it gets straight for you. Let's try and save her bro.. ;)

*as to how the Purple Voodoo's are doing, there budding away.. haha.. ;) I will post an update of them here this eve if you want to stop back in..



Well-Known Member
Hey Dank! just woke up a bit ago...man I crashed hard....needed it though:)
Well hey there chicky chicky bang bang! I hear that! Sorry 4 leaving like I did last night. Damn signal was nothing cause of the storm we got! That and had to get up early to take the little one to school this morning. Sheww! ;)

How's everything going buddy :??:


Well-Known Member
Well hey there chicky chicky bang bang! I hear that! Sorry 4 leaving like I did last night. Damn signal was nothing cause of the storm we got! That and had to get up early to take the little one to school this morning. Sheww! ;)

How's everything going buddy :??:
it's all good sweetie!!! yeah, we had storms last night too...for about a solid 5 hours my internet kept going out lol

feeling better, rested, for a change!!!;)


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, here's some of the babies. I'm really,really like the way the Blueberry Yum Yum#1 is looking! She doesn't look nothing like the other Yums at all! Staying nice and compact and smelling super dank already! Looks like we've got a good pheno! ;)
All the others are doing ok, and growing. Some slow to start, but its all good. Once I sink them in there homes, I'm sure they'll pick up like always.

The Sx1's are throwing there shells off already. And that just within the last few hours from the 1st post I had made!! Yaaay! ;)
The 4th came up and fell over the little shit! Oh well, looks like I will be running just 3.



Well-Known Member
No problem bro. Glad I had time to stop in and check them out. Lol. The way things have been going, I hadn't really had time to do shit! And I know a few fella's must think I'm ignoring them. Which I'm not. Its rough with all this shit going on, then now school! Lol

Been fighting all damn day long with the old lady. I'm getting SO feed up with all the BULLSHIT!!! :fire:

*Stew, you'll know that your ladies are pollinated when there buds at the nodes start sweeling up bro. Well that and there pistols start to shrink back into the calyx's. Like you said. Here's a picture of the Purple Voodoo I had pollinated with the male Bubblegum.. ;)



Well-Known Member
Yeah they are getting amber and curling back in the spots I painted pollen on. But nothing else on the plant is changing color. just the painted spots. So i'm sure I've done it correctly. but I guess I can still be wrong. lol.. at least I have more in solo cups I can pollenate if I want to... Batman is a chick!! Wonderwoman is about to pop her hairs up. and the Princess isn't doingshit but growing bigger and bigger by the day.
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