Let's Cure Cancer, Solve World Hunger, Help Africa & Discover Some New Species


Well-Known Member
1. Cancer- More Cannabis research, as well as testing out new things. Many Cancer Patients are told that they are inoperable, and that treatment is helpless.
I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find cancer patients to test new rainforest
plants and research chemical effects on their cancer, as long as regular human
tests were done first.

2. World Hunger- GMOs are hated on like they are
straight up poisons, all GMO means is "Genetically Modified Organism", which can
range anywhere from a plants genetics being manipulated to produce more seed or
fruit, to splicing the DNA
of a jelly-fish into the genes of a pig. While it is true we shouldn't be
putting corn on the market that has jelly fish DNA, or that produce their own
pesticides. It is also true that if used properly, GMOs could solve the worlds
food shortage, and actually give us a surplus.

3. Help Africa- We need to
write history books, philosophy books and more that AREN'T meant for 1st world
English students. Then we can begin to educate the world about itself. I am
friends with a Nigerian who works for the government, and he said he never took
a history class his entire educative career.
I was watching an idiot abroad,
and it only costs around $700 to build a little house for a family in Africa...
I don't see why it's not solved yet.

4. Discovering New Species- This
goes hand in hand with Africa, World Hunger AND Cancer Research. The Rainforests of the world need to be searched for new species
of plants for cancer research, as well as new species that may be able to be
bred with or spliced into the plants we currently use to make them have higher
yields or more/less seeds, which in turn helps world hunger.
i think Fin and Pad outta get a room and couple lines of speed and a heart to heart talk for about 3 days
Sorry guys the government already has the cure for cancer (plus many other),its being kept from us because if cancer was to be cured and made mainstream how to destroy it how would the governments and pharmaceutical get there monies. Think about it
We should probably just make a sub-forum for Fin where he can talk to himself.

What would we call the sub-forum?

FIN'S FUCKING FANTASY FUNHOUSE got my vote. :eyesmoke:
Umm I would say psychedelics are uppers... I never fell asleep on any I have done...and usually don't feel low and tired so....
Umm I would say psychedelics are uppers... I never fell asleep on any I have done...and usually don't feel low and tired so....
never thought of it like that

Sorry guys the government already has the cure for cancer (plus many other),its being kept from us because if cancer was to be cured and made mainstream how to destroy it how would the governments and pharmaceutical get there monies. Think about it
That's not going to keep me from trying to find one that they don't have patented.