Club 600

Was just now looking at the tin of oats I bought at the grocery store today. Had real fancy packaging and cost twice as much as the other oats next to them. I'm a real sucker for high prices and fancy packaging. Irish cut oats ftw.
Every morning my folks would have the radio on and tuned into an easy listening station where it was nothing but muzak versions of songs.
Years later I would tease my mom about how she liked the Beatles & The Stones, Steppenwolf, and all the good stuff.
She'd adamantly deny ever listening to it (I'd play the originals on my tape deck for her), much less liking it, but I'd trick her and ask her what she thought of a particular muzak version while it was playing and she'd she say she liked the song. Then I say, "Aha! That's the Beatles! You DO like Rock & Roll!" (or whomever it was being rendered muzakly).
Funny, but "Kashmir" didn't sound much different in the muzak version, except for no vocals. ;-)
Im a tad confused :eyesmoke:

Edit: I wonder if it will grow in my climate,,,, I think so!

[h=1]The next superfood is here and it's called moringa[/h]By Courtney Rubin | Details – 19 hours ago

The leaves of the moringa trees may be the world's most nutritious green—and they're coming to a health-food store near you.
Remember the moment when every runway regular suddenly became a supermodel? Now every healthy edible wants to be called a superfood. Which is why even that term likely doesn't do justice to moringa, a tree leaf that contains more nutrients and natural remedies than your body knows what to do with. Ancient warriors fueled for battle with the leaf extract, hot for the stamina and strength it gave them; and legend has it that Egyptian Pharaohs were buried with it to sustain them in the afterlife. Health-savvy Americans are the latest followers, thanks to the energy, immunity, and metabolism boosts moringa delivers.
"Moringa has incredibly nutritious qualities—it has 3.5 times the calcium of milk and 4 times the vitamin C of oranges," says David Wolfe, author ofSuperfoods. All you have to do is open the bag and let the good nutrients roll.
What's in it
A recent analysis of the leaves found that moringa contains more vitamin A than carrots, more iron than spinach, and more potassium than bananas. It also packs as much protein as milk or eggs.

How to consume it
If you can get your hands on the fresh leaves (not a grocery-store staple yet, as they mostly grow in southern Florida and California), expect a lemony, peppery spinach taste. Add to a salad mix or sauté. Skip expensive supplements and add the dry powder—which is just as nutritious as the leaves, says Johns Hopkins nutritional biochemist Jed Fahey—to smoothies or drinks (try Organic India Moringa Leaf Powder, Sip moringa tea ( or drink a moringa beverage ( straight up.
Where you'll find it
Mostly online and in supplement stores. A new snack bar made with moringa from Kuli Kuli is launching this month, and the superfood is hitting the restaurant scene: Sarma Melngailis, owner ofPure Food and Wine in New York City, says she'll be adding moringa to some items on the menu soon.

Guys i have a confession, i was a imposter! I have only ever owned 400 watt lights :o. I just envy you guys with your etra 200 watts.... Untill today! my lumatek 600 digital has just arrived:-P
Welcome to the club. And for the last time... I'm not a bus.

James, isn't it a funny feeling when you are at a store and realize you are humming, and wonder what you are humming. Slowly realizing you are humming along to the bad muzak quietly playing in the background... and then you realize it's one of your favorite songs that has been immortalized as really bad crap.
Well I completed my little clone experiment today. I've mentioned it before where I read 1 of giggles post about flowering clones as soon as rooted and getting a 1/4-1/2 avg per. I wanted to give this a try. On page 1568 6/21 I posted some clones that I cut 12 days ago and in solo cups. Today I harvested the furthest 1 along. I should get a little over a 1/2 z in exactly 2 months and 12 days from the day it came off it's mother. The other 12 will go for another week or 2. And if it wasn't for the 2 L.H. that where in there I would have been able to fit another 10. Just found it a little interesting.005.jpg001.jpg002.jpg
Just back from the dentist and finally have my crown installed!

Here's a pic of it:

Was just now looking at the tin of oats I bought at the grocery store today. Had real fancy packaging and cost twice as much as the other oats next to them. I'm a real sucker for high prices and fancy packaging. Irish cut oats ftw.

I've been suckered by that too jig.....Snoqualmie Lodge Falls Special Oatmeal....yeah it's slow cooking oats in a nice bag...steel cut, scottish nauseum, i buy bulk thick oats when i see bins, lacking that I get quaker oats long cooking.....I love the smell of oats cooking in the morning, no diesel for me thanx....bus?
What's up my fellow 420 growers im new to this site & wanted to ask have any1 had experience growing blue dream in a 4x4x6.5 tent.. Was wondering at what height should i start flowering & is 8 clones ti many for that space
What's up my fellow 420 growers im new to this site & wanted to ask have any1 had experience growing blue dream in a 4x4x6.5 tent.. Was wondering at what height should i start flowering & is 8 clones ti many for that space

Yes. It's one of the most potent strains I've ever smoked if grown properly, but it is a very leggy strain and requires extensive staking / supporting of branches and you might want to buy about 200 zip ties b/c the branches can't support the buds. You will be rewarded exponentially when you weigh your harvest and realize how chronic this strain is compared to anything you've grown / smoked before. I would love the chance to grow BD again, but right now I'm working on some Aurora from Nirvana seeds. I grew my 6 Blue Dreams in a 3'x3'x6' tent and 4 wound up being the perfect number for me so perhaps you could do 5 but absolutely no more than 5 and you better veg for a short time b/c this strain stretches hardcore. I almost didn't think I was going to have a good harvest b/c the buds are so will not find big dense buds in this strain, you will however find incredibly potent resin coated buds that you will more than likely rather smoke than get rid of to anyone else.

Yes 8 clones is stupid overcrowding for that sized tent. I had 6 and wound up having to chop down 2 prematurely to free up flower space fro the other 4. I would put no more than 4-5 blue dream in a tent that size otherwise you're just asking for trouble - powdery mold, bud rot, etc.....don't even get me started on bug problems in an over crowded tent. Do 4 and be happy...don't complicate your life friend.
Good to see you around Jonny. I'm glad I'm not the only one James. I'm looking forward to trying mine, it's a new brand to me.