Aussi Baseball Player killed...


Well-Known Member
Well I'm a leftist and I'll give you my opinion. Kill em.

As far as I can tell they're a bunch of dumbfuck thugs.


Well-Known Member
So, I would like to know Uncle Bucks Opinion on this killing….

Why is that?

Are you incapable of forming your own opinion?

Or you so festered with hate for buck that your waiting for his opinion so you can take the opposite side?

My opinion is bad shit happens, its good they caught them and I hope their punishment fits

Why did you post this here?


Well-Known Member
I was around 18-19 playing baseball on an actual team and one game we had was in the heart of Pomona, ca. About half way thru we were kickin ass and the other team was obviously pissed when half of them started waiving their guns around and wanting to fight, and fight we did. :) We were a mostly white team from a much nicer town in an infamously gang filled city. Lol. No one was shot because the umps were packin and cops were already on the wait.

-Ahhh Cali life, sometimes I miss it...


Well-Known Member
just saw it on the news. I assume they were black kids? Must have been since race wasnt mentioned.
Since they were so bored they should maybe get jobs... Oh wait but all the racist white people wont hire shitbag thugs.


New Member
So, I would like to know Uncle Bucks Opinion on this killing….


One teen questioned, admitted to the killing, and allegedly said [something to this effect]:

“…we were bored and decided to go kill someone, this guy just happened to jog by our house…”

Well, I ain't Buck, but here's my opinion...

The stupid fucks who killed him should be killed themselves...within the next minute...

But what the fuck was the foreigner doing in our country in the first place?...He should have stayed home, where he belonged...but I guess he figured he could get on welfare over here, thus financing his try at pro baseball...


Well-Known Member
just saw it on the news. I assume they were black kids? Must have been since race wasnt mentioned.
Since they were so bored they should maybe get jobs... Oh wait but all the racist white people wont hire shitbag thugs.
<<<<<<<the one on the right is definalty black


Well-Known Member
<<<<<<<the one on the right is definalty black
The one on the right was compensating for his white guilt...

Get them the dumbest mother fucking public defender possible and give them notoriety for having the fastest trial and execution in American history....


Well-Known Member
James Francis Edwards Jr., 15, and Chancey Allen Luna, 16, were charged with murder. A third teenager, Michael Dewayne Jones, 17, was charged with being an accessory to murder after the fact and with firing a weapon. All were charged as adults, according to the Stephens County District Attorney&#8217;s Office

Your Link


Well-Known Member
James Francis Edwards Jr., 15, and Chancey Allen Luna, 16, were charged with murder. A third teenager, Michael Dewayne Jones, 17, was charged with being an accessory to murder after the fact and with firing a weapon. All were charged as adults, according to the Stephens County District Attorney’s Office

Your Link

Just so you know chesus that isn't muder.. derp derp


New Member
But what the fuck was the foreigner doing in our country in the first place?...He should have stayed home, where he belonged...but I guess he figured he could get on welfare over here, thus financing his try at pro baseball...
Baseball isn't a national sport here but it is in the US why do you think he was there? Not to mention his girlfriend was there and they'd been together a while according to the interview I saw with Ms. Harper.... Seriously you say some dumb as fuck shit sometimes...


Well-Known Member
Baseball isn't a national sport here but it is in the US why do you think he was there? Not to mention his girlfriend was there and they'd been together a while according to the interview I saw with Ms. Harper.... Seriously you say some dumb as fuck shit sometimes...
The bad part is it could happened the redneck very easily. When I was young in FL, riding a bike or jogging was something you had be very careful with, the creepy white crackers would toss empty beer bottles with surprising accuracy. Guy at work, just another redneck got his teeth broke out like that.

So, I will say to the world, in Rome we are viciously Roman. And I invite you politely to stay out if you don't understand.


Well-Known Member
These 3 kids from both races are guilty of doing something very evil and stupid if what they are saying is true. It shows less about race and more about how crazy our nations youth are getting when taking a life means nothing. I think these kids would have killed anyone of any color if that person would have been jogging at that time. Yes I did call these three "kids" but I do agree that if what they say is true they should be charged as an adult


Ursus marijanus
These 3 kids from both races are guilty of doing something very evil and stupid if what they are saying is true. It shows less about race and more about how crazy our nations youth are getting when taking a life means nothing. I think these kids would have killed anyone of any color if that person would have been jogging at that time. Yes I did call these three "kids" but I do agree that if what they say is true they should be charged as an adult
I would hesitate to make a general statement about today's youth. My generation and those of my parents and grandparents had stories of similar random evil deeds by random evil people of their day. I think it's today's sickness to try so hard to build sociological context.


Well-Known Member
I would hesitate to make a general statement about today's youth. My generation and those of my parents and grandparents had stories of similar random evil deeds by random evil people of their day. I think it's today's sickness to try so hard to build sociological context.


Well-Known Member
I would hesitate to make a general statement about today's youth. My generation and those of my parents and grandparents had stories of similar random evil deeds by random evil people of their day. I think it's today's sickness to try so hard to build sociological context.

If I may dig out the deep end of the pool a bit Sir.

I agree 100% about the youth of today and the similarities, but the level of frequency and intensity is growing at an alarming rate and at much younger ages than the past.

Whenever the keys to self-esteem are seemingly out of reach for a large percentage of the people, as in twentieth-century America, then widespread 'mental illness,' neuroticism, hatred, alcoholism, drug abuse, violence, and social disorder will certainly occur. Personal worth is not something human beings are free to take or leave. We must have it, and when it is unattainable, everybody suffers. A size-able proportion of all human activity is devoted to the task of shielding us from the inner pain of inferiority.

I believe this is to be one of, if not, the most dominant force in life.

