when to start counting?


Well-Known Member
This has to be the most mis understood aspect of growing.
Your budding cycle starts the day you shift the lights to 12/12 not some random event like bud set or resin appearing.
With almost all 37 TGA strains if you start the count on day 1 of 12/12 the plants will be ready 60 days from that onset of 12/12



Well-Known Member
I start my count after the 1st week after flip.
Personally I feel it gives the plant time to adjust to the Flip and get those Hormones going.


Well-Known Member
I've always started count from the day I move plants to flower. I've never had any problems starting my days from first 12/12 light period. A sativa strain takes 2-3 wks sometimes to show flowers that's a lot of days it will b over ripening in the end


Well-Known Member
You start when you see pistils or flowers forming. You think outdoor growers start counting when the sun hits 12/12? No you go by flower formation. A 12/12 from seed plant hasn't started flowering just because its on 12/12 it takes 3 weeks or so to mature then it begins......


Well-Known Member
Yeah what would me or Robert Clark Know about growing weed?
Ignore any advise I give from now on please I'm sure you grow better weed than us anyway.



My plants seem to always venture beyond the breeders finishing times. I believe stress and different environmental factors come in to play along with different growing styles. It doesn't matter when you start counting.....just pick her when she is ready.


Well-Known Member
Most of the time, my outdoor plants are pretty close or early, if anything. The plants are on a gentle southern facing slope,with no shade at all. A spot where they can really get pounded with the sun all day long. Almost like a little micro-climate at times. I've always wondered how much of an effect this had on the plants flowering times, if any at all. What do you think Sub ? Any light to shine on the subject ? LOL


Well-Known Member
what happens when outdoor plants just wont show sex for the longest time!? a few plants i have outside are barely starting to show sex, does it mean they will go another 60 days even if the breeders says late September for my lattitude or outdoor is different altogether and they might mature faster?


New Member
I would have thought outdoor plants that still haven't shown sex or started budding are sativa dominant and have very long flowering seasons, maybe 12 weeks plus indoors, outdoors isn't any really different to indoors, most growers use 12/12 as this is less light than most strains need to initiate flower, I've had strains take upto 60 days of 12/12 indoors before budding, I have others that start after 10.

Indoors you could possibly give more dark hours to speed the process up, strains need to build up enough hormones to induce flowering, I'm just presuming long flowerers need more or produce less hormones and this is why they take longer to flower.

A cross I just made,I grew out 12 and picked 3 phenos, 1 finished at day 55, the second day 65, the 3rd is still going at day 112, like people have mentioned just use them as a guide and buy a scope and go by the trichs, and if u need to flush judge it by the pistils, Trichome color and size,

i think the confusion has come into play because some breeders have used actual 12/12 time and others when pistils started showing, and then people just get confused as they generally don't tell u which one they used.
And also people need to understand the slightest environmental/feeding issue can add time to grows and phenotype too.


Active Member
You start when you see pistils or flowers forming. You think outdoor growers start counting when the sun hits 12/12? No you go by flower formation. A 12/12 from seed plant hasn't started flowering just because its on 12/12 it takes 3 weeks or so to mature then it begins......
Hahahaha so wrong in so many ways

A good outdoor grower would scope the thc and not even care about how many days. When it ready its ready.

Not all plants start flowering at the same time outside. Some may start flowering wile there's still 15 hours of light will others don't till 13.
12/12 is a indoor mindset as well as the "how may days?" Way of thinking.

And a plant that starts flowering at 15 hours light is most likely gonna take more days then the same exact clone grown indoors under 12/12 the whole flowering cycle.

And of corse a seed from 12/12 is gonna take a few weeks to start flower formation. Just like any plant would. Do you think a flowering plant like say a daisy or sunflower is just gonna pop out flowers instantly once it sprouts if its the middle of blooming season? No its gonna astablish itself as a plant first. Marijuana is no different

The "how many days" should be counted from day one 12/12. And the "how many days" should be determined from several indoor runs with a specific clone thats checked by a scope to know when its at peak ripeness. Then you can use that from then on instead of checking the thc. Or you can harvest buds ever few days and determine when you think flavor/high is best to you.


New Member
Well you know I have actually followed the advise of not listening to your advice and my plants and I thank you for it as they have vastly improved in every say since ignoring you. Now here I do agree. Change of light cycle IS the beginning of the reproductive phase. I have had many many strain show pistols for months prior to the floor to the flowering cycle. Now don't you have some pollen to go chunk to come up with your new flavor of the week cross that you mislabel as strains? and while you are at it why don't you read the part in said. Lark book which explains feminization with state and how you're spreading bs putting down selfed beans as selling out.
Ewww, someone's got their panties inna twist, we don't come round wherever u are and start trolling so y don't u fuck off, this is blatantly a forum for TGA growers and weed nerds so if u think subs just a pollen chucker y waste ur energy writing tripe unless ur a troll.

and in fact the pistils u see after weeks of veg are the pre sex pistils, they will show on any female or hermie plant anywhere from 4-10weeks of veg (from seed, alot quicker from clone) its just a sign of sexual maturity, most people realize the difference and can tell its not actually budding which is when we are talking about!

oh, and why ur at it, if u must insist coming in here tryna teach us poor folks something at least use the right nomenclature dickwad, they are actually called 'carpels' and also 'pistols' is spelt 'pistils' so u twice as fucking dumb!


Well-Known Member
My plants seem to always venture beyond the breeders finishing times. I believe stress and different environmental factors come in to play along with different growing styles. It doesn't matter when you start counting.....just pick her when she is ready.
Breeder times are almost always a week too short. I use breeder times to know when to start checking trichs and start prepping for harvest.

I have also always considered the breeder flowering times to be indoor times, in a controlled, dialed in room.


Well-Known Member
plants are ready when they are ready, buy a microscope or a good camera, don't count days and have fun.
Why is it that simple statements like this one often make the most sense ? Have fun,enjoy the things you are passionate about and learn to read your plants the same way you learned to read your wife and life is good. They finish when they finish.


Well-Known Member
Well one thing I know, 1. We're all passionate about growing. and 2. there is ALWAYS other ways of doing things and if they work for you then rock on....if you don't know, ask. Sometimes you have to trust the knowledge you learn and do it yourself....no one here is going to grow it for you. The only way you get experience is through trial and error. I don't think bashing each other is very productive.....computer tough guys