First Grow Outdoor UK

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
like those pot greenb
those plants look v good yes there is preminant damage to them but not a lot
think they will be happy in there new homes



Well-Known Member
Good looking grow man. Ive just got my grow tent and the whole setup (almost) need ph meter, nutes, etc, i will be keeping an eye on this grow as at the moment i am living in a galway city, ireland, but my mother has a good bit of non visable land with a few out houses down the country which would be perfect for a large outdoor grow. Would love if i could manage it. you never hear of many people in ireland growing outside. For obvious reasons but you never know!! p.s. Northern Ireland is not in the UK. hence the name Northern IRELAND. No offence intended.
Hi dannyking ... appreciate you dropping by and thanks for the comments. Hey man, I've been in Galway and it's a great city. One of my favourite spots in Ireland. And you've got to be getting better weather down there (overall) than I am up here, although it is on the Atlantic coast I suppose, so maybe a bit wet and breezy at times?

Anyway, I keep promising to start a journal on my latest venture, four feminized Purple Power seedlings from (will def start it tomorrow, I took a couple of pics today). You may be interested to know that state that ALL of their outdoor seeds have been developed to be grown in colder, wetter climates (Northern Europe). And I even saw a site the other day stating that Purple Power were specifically designed to grow in low light and could be grown "in the shade" or under fluorescent lights etc. If you want a link for a guy in the UK that sells them I'll be glad to let you know (2 day turnaround and 100 per cent germination so far).

And by the way, I never said Northern Ireland WASN'T in Ireland. By your reckoning maybe Skye isn't in the UK either .... because it's in Scotland (LOL). I think you need a geography lesson, or were you just being political? No offence intended.

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Well-Known Member
like those pot greenb
those plants look v good yes there is preminant damage to them but not a lot
think they will be happy in there new homes

Thanks for your positive comments as usual kulan. Feel a bit embarrassed now that I see "those pots" in the pics - a bit fancy pancy aren't they (LOL)? So far so good though - the leaves are nice and perky as they used to be, even though the sun is long gone (rain at last). That's something I've noticed over the last four to seven days or so - as soon as the sun dropped the leaves just seemed to wilt and look half dead. I now DEFINITELY think it was a heat problem. This evening they are healthy looking. I just hope they stay like that.

Thankfuly when I "un-potted" them there was a decent bundle of nice white roots at the bottom of the, em, what's the word for the soil mass that comes out of the pot (there's bound to be one for it)? Anyway, all being well they will take to the new pots. I also reduced the amount of perlite btw as I felt there was far too much in the last mix (25 per cent, although it looked and felt like a lot more, down to 20 per cent).

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Well-Known Member
Hey man if your after femmed seeds it may be worth getting some dutch master reverse. Particularly if growing outside as it'l prevent them from going hermie! :) Well worth the money anyway for future grows!

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
no i really like the pots they would go well in my garden.

since growing in my room i have also planted a few flowers in pots out side all have grown so thats a good thing i use the run off of my plants to water them and any left over ph'ed water they seam to like it.

hope to see your new journal soon



Well-Known Member
Hey man if your after femmed seeds it may be worth getting some dutch master reverse. Particularly if growing outside as it'l prevent them from going hermie! :) Well worth the money anyway for future grows!
Cool, thanks for the suggestion Gigglepipmp. Hadn't heard of it before. It could well save a lot of heatrache later on. Cheers man ;-)

since growing in my room i have also planted a few flowers in pots out side all have grown so thats a good thing i use the run off of my plants to water them and any left over ph'ed water they seam to like it.
Sounds like your growing a green thumb there kulan hunter. Good idea to give your outdoor plants the benefit of the run off etc - glad they like it, and very discerning of them :-)


Well-Known Member
Plants are growing nicely
I would not worry too much about your yellowish burnt looking leaves unless it gets worse
seems like you have things under control anyway :wink:
I am going to watch this one as you are doing a splendid job in your reporting.

Good luck to you and your endeavors :joint:


Well-Known Member
Plants are growing nicely I would not worry too much about your yellowish burnt looking leaves unless it gets worse seems like you have things under control anyway :wink: I am going to watch this one as you are doing a splendid job in your reporting. Good luck to you and your endeavors :joint:
Hi Alto, thanks for you interest and kind remarks. Things do seem to have settled down. I can report that, so far at least, re-potting the plants has done no harm and they're looking nice and green today - they seem to be enjoying a little break from the sun for the time being, but hopefully it won't stay away TOO long LOL.


Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Good looking grow man. Ive just got my grow tent and the whole setup (almost) need ph meter, nutes, etc, i will be keeping an eye on this grow as at the moment i am living in a galway city, ireland, but my mother has a good bit of non visable land with a few out houses down the country which would be perfect for a large outdoor grow. Would love if i could manage it. you never hear of many people in ireland growing outside. For obvious reasons but you never know!! p.s. Northern Ireland is not in the UK. hence the name Northern IRELAND. No offence intended.
Hey man. Im on the other side of the country from you. I have a tent grow going at the moment. 5 white widows. Took clones and am thinking of moving 2 outside. Also have the moher in a veg room but shes getting very big for the space so may move her outside too. Also got 5 feminised brainsorm and 5 feminised twilight from dutch passion so germed 3 of each. 2 of each for my indoor tent and then im taking one of each for outdoors. Mosly as an experiment to see if they can survive in a irish summer on on the east coast. Will start a grow journal in a while.

And Northern Ireland is not the UK


Well-Known Member
Erm, UK stands for "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", Great Britain being the union of Britain (England and Wales) and Scotland. So, yeah, Scotland and Northern Ireland are both definitely part of the UK.

That said, wicked looking grow. I can't wait until I get back to Canada and can start growing in the great outdoors too :mrgreen:

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Erm, UK stands for "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", Great Britain being the union of Britain (England and Wales) and Scotland. So, yeah, Scotland and Northern Ireland are both definitely part of the UK.

That said, wicked looking grow. I can't wait until I get back to Canada and can start growing in the great outdoors too :mrgreen:
I dont want to get off the point of this thread but i feel i hae to answer. Firstly as a canadian i feel that you dont really qualify to argue this point. Being irish myself I have more of an opinion. Great Britain is Scotland wales and england. Many people from the north will feel that northern ireland is a country unto itself and do not swear any alligence to the crown. Also the north is something that the uk wants sometimes but on other occaisions it doesnt. In sport for example. Eddie Irvine was a fantastic formula one driver. When he won races the union jack was raised beside his name. when he was in trouble or did anything controversial he was irish. In hindsight it would have been better if the english had just left ireland as a full nation and could have prevented 30 years of bloodshed and all the hatred that is bred into people still


Well-Known Member
Yeah exactly, for example on the front of a passport it reads "United Kingdom of Great Britain And Northern Ireland"


Well-Known Member
I dont want to get off the point of this thread but i feel i hae to answer. Firstly as a canadian i feel that you dont really qualify to argue this point. Being irish myself I have more of an opinion. Great Britain is Scotland wales and england. Many people from the north will feel that northern ireland is a country unto itself and do not swear any alligence to the crown. Also the north is something that the uk wants sometimes but on other occaisions it doesnt. In sport for example. Eddie Irvine was a fantastic formula one driver. When he won races the union jack was raised beside his name. when he was in trouble or did anything controversial he was irish. In hindsight it would have been better if the english had just left ireland as a full nation and could have prevented 30 years of bloodshed and all the hatred that is bred into people still
There's no qualifications needed, mate - I'm not trying to debate the errors and transgressions of the British Empire here, I'm just stating facts. I live in the UK. I've got mates and co-workers who were born and raised in Northern Ireland - they ARE UK citizens and UK citizens *only*. That's just a fact - I'm not saying anyone has to like it and I'm not saying that *I* like it - shit, I sympathise with the hell Northern Ireland's been put through. It's just the way it is and pretending it isn't so doesn't make it go away.

But as I said - nice grow ;)


Well-Known Member
OK, I'm going to say this once and ONCE ONLY!!! If there is any more political bullshit on this or any other of my threads I will have them deleted and leave the forum. I KNEW I shouldn't have said I live in Northern Ireland (FUCK!!!). I have to listen to this sort of fucking crap every day of my life and I certainly didn't join this forum to listen to any more of it.

Want to talk about facts? Here's one for you - I've had innocent loved ones shot dead and blown to bits (I'll leave it up to you to guess by whom), so I don't need to be lectured on the rights or wrongs of what has and is STILL going on in this country. I think I know the difference.

Sorry for the rant, I know you'll understand ;)

Let's get back to the point. Update later today if I calm down enough LOL.

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Well-Known Member
I support your outdoor growing, im doing pretty much the same thing, but a bit more natural, ill set up a journal soon and link it to you, UK growers unite! lol.



Well-Known Member
LOL! Hi jinmaster, welcome to my grow journal and thanks for the comments. Can't wait to see your grow. I'd like to be growing more naturally also but I have to move the plants around for the sun (what there is of it). Although I do have a perfect spot which gets sun for MOST of the day, there are pretty huge firs overhead which I've discovered are literally alive with spider mites so I'm staying clear. Anyway, good to hear from another UK grower. Don't forget to send me your link when you get up and running.



Well-Known Member
Yeh will do, i found a secluded place out in the forest, chopped down some weeds and made sure i have the morning sun and your sorted, also a natural bug spray is a good plan.


Well-Known Member
Nice one - I'm too lazy to go to the forest LOL. Thankfully my garden is totally secluded and it's perfect apart from the fact I have to move the plants (only once per day) to get the full benefit of our limited sunshine. Been lucky with bugs so far, just a couple of tiny holes where a green fly or something has had a good feed. But the natural bug spray is a good tip - no doubt I'll need it sooner or later.

What type of plants are you growing BTW?


Well-Known Member
Bagseeds lol, id say midgrade, so im obviously not gonna spend the big bucks on it.
Trying to get a picture of a seedling is fecking hard, wont focus at all, ill take pictures in a few days n set up the journal.