tubes or bucket?


Active Member
Hey hammer21,

I personally prefer not to do sog. Thanks for the heads up on that. Without the sog style with the pods, is the setup okay? Like with regards to numbers per pod etc. it seems like I might have to split the pods up 2 per pump. Is that enough nozzle for each pod?


Well-Known Member
I would skip the pods they are a very very bad idea. How are going to work on anything? Pods = Failure........rot root coming your way..... Do the tubes starting out look up stink buds system or supers system. Hate to be a negative but you will fail..


Active Member
I've seen stinkbuds setup before. The concern I have with that system is the spraying manifold can get clogged by roots easily. The fence post chamber is really small 4" x 4" or something. I originally wanted to do 10" pipes or something with daisy chained sprayers on the top, instead of having piping actually going through the tube itself.

I wanted to run 8-9 8' lengths of 10"-12" or whatever but it was recommended I use pods that size (4'x4' or larger).

Tubes do seem easier to manage on paper. I'd still like to get 1 plant per square foot.


Well-Known Member
The iwaki 30 rlz pumps are very very quite you can not hear it run at all very stealth. Now the bad a high pressure diagram pump very very loud.

Accumulators make sure you get a bladder tank not a diagram tank huge difference.

If I had those tubes I would run those and do the LPA system you would not regret the decision.

John guest fittings and tubing you will get to know them well.

just remember large pods and large net pots are the key in hpa anything less failure............

Good luck...
Some diaphragm pumps are so quiet you have to put your hand on them to tell if they`re running. Which diaphragm pump do you have?
Small netpots and even no netpots will work with hpa, most failures are due to overmisting or overfeeding not the size of the netpots :)


Well-Known Member
Pumps I have used Delavan fat boy pump, aquatec 8800, shurflo 8030-863-239, another that died not sure. All where quite until you put a load on them you could hear them all late at night threw walls floor across the whole house. Atomizer without a large net pot you will have root rot in the center no way mist can get to it. I don't care what spray nozzle you have no way buddy. I used 3" net pots every time root rot in the center of the ball used all types of misters nothing can penetrate a true hpa root mass only way is how tree farmer made it work x large net pots. Maybe someday will go back to hpa for fun that would be it but in reality not the best way to grow.


Well-Known Member
I've seen stinkbuds setup before. The concern I have with that system is the spraying manifold can get clogged by roots easily. The fence post chamber is really small 4" x 4" or something. I originally wanted to do 10" pipes or something with daisy chained sprayers on the top, instead of having piping actually going through the tube itself.

I wanted to run 8-9 8' lengths of 10"-12" or whatever but it was recommended I use pods that size (4'x4' or larger).

Tubes do seem easier to manage on paper. I'd still like to get 1 plant per square foot.
Get some 6" fence post
drill holes for rubber stoppers on the side of fence post
rubber stoppers with a 1/4" hole in the center
1/4" od tubing ss
tap one end for the sprayer to thread into
use john guest fittings
use egg crate for bottom of tubes wrap in silk screen
seal the tube ends
Use air stone in resovoir
use 1 1/2" bulkhead fitting for drain
use 1 1/2" PVC back to resovoir
use bio diesel bucket filters in reservoir from fence post drains
Use iwaki 30 or 70 RLZT pressure pump depending on how many sprayers
use filters before pump
3 way solenoids for every spray nozzle or one large 3 way solenoid for the whole system
By using 3 way solenoids on every spray nozzle you are able to run a complete recirculating system when sprayers spray fresh 100 percent oxygenated nutes are sprayed.
Use 2" to 3" net pots I like 3"
Scrog it
keep temps in room 86-90 degrees keep reservoir 76-78 degrees
run c02 1250-1500 threw whole cycle.
LPA system


Active Member
76-78 degrees gonna cook the roots, no? Good breakdown of a lpa system, hammer21.

Why only 6" fence posts? I've seen nice plants out of 6 but any real difference compared to a 10" pipe? 9'x9' space should be able to hold 8 nicely.


Active Member
7 sprayers per tube, 56 in total. iwaki100 rlt, can that handle it? Those iwaki's are pricey, hope their quality is the best. Sorry don't know the calculations for sizing a pump.


Well-Known Member
Sure fine if your growing a salad.
i respect a lot of what you say, but right now you are suffering from preconceived ideas.
you need to check out the g-love diarys over at if you need ill give you my password and username(sometimes it takes days to become a member)
he had 5 diarys of some pretty big plants. in his first diary he had 4 plants that weighed 6, 9,10,12 ounces a piece. they wernt no 12-14 inch plants. there was no root rot, they had fluffy roots(especially in diary #2) and he wasn't grow'n no salad.

heres a link to his first journal, the rest are conveniently in his signature.


Well-Known Member
76-78 degrees gonna cook the roots, no? Good breakdown of a lpa system, hammer21.
Root temp should be 10-15 degrees below room temperature. Not running c02 make your room cooler.
Why only 6" fence posts? I've seen nice plants out of 6 but any real difference compared to a 10" pipe? 9'x9' space should be able to hold 8 nicely.
If you can get your hands on larger tubes the better just remember to use the egg crate with silk screen so the roots don't lay in stagnate water. Also highly oxygenated water is a must. Square footage is gold treat it as so.
i would not recommend a iwaki 100 RLT pick up some used 30 RLZTs on eBay I would break the tubes up in zones.
set up a automatic top off use ph water with half strength nutes
use a large reservoir to hold bucket filters but only use max 20 gallons of nutrients, do a complete water change every 4-6 days.
check out a Neptune system controller apex and automate everything.
Reservoir container check out pelican cases and run a complete sealed system
draw fresh air in for your air stone.
if using round tubes use uniseal bulk head fittings
spacing 12" apart for plants do 5' tubes with longest end to drain.
do only 4 tubes max 2 tubes and 6 plants would be best in your area gives a little room to work on scrog screen.
you can also do a drain to waste cut down on spray times watch roots by doing a sealed system you are able to do this just remember large air stone cycle every 15 minutes to prevent heat build up.


Well-Known Member
Everything I do or say is all fictional I know nothing. But I did stay in a holiday inn express last night.


Well-Known Member
i downloaded one of his pics, to tide you over til you can check out his journals, its in a 3 inch pot. hell of a salad if you ask me

View attachment 2788080
I have read his journals and like I have said prone to root rot. Picture should be clear how can mist get to the center with no oxygen or nutrients without those 2 things you have problems Houston. Every thing looks fine on the outside what's happening in the center. Things go well until you hit 40 to 50 days into flower the most critical time to have your ducks in a row. Also by far the most wasted square footage per plant there is. Much better ways to grow without the negatives. Just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions.


Active Member
Good advice hammer21.

I think I'll have to run 2 iwaki 70 rlt, one for each 9x4,5' space. Why 5' max tube length... Just for ability to work inside? These tents are huge. 8 tubes and 8 plants per, that bad or something? Over 1.25 square foot per plant

How do you figure out how much water is needed in the reservoir?
Both pumps will be using same reservoir. I'm running 2 tents so would like to keep pump numbers and water containers to a minimum.

I like the idea of an auto top off system. Will be looking into that.


Well-Known Member
I have read his journals and like I have said prone to root rot. Picture should be clear how can mist get to the center with no oxygen or nutrients without those 2 things you have problems Houston. Every thing looks fine on the outside what's happening in the center. Things go well until you hit 40 to 50 days into flower the most critical time to have your ducks in a row. Also by far the most wasted square footage per plant there is. Much better ways to grow without the negatives. Just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions.
yeah but that didnt happen, he didnt have root rot problems, and he was at day 80 or so.judging by the picture he must have been 9+ inches across at the bottom in that picture.
why would mist have a problem penetrating deep into a thick root mass when its traveling on compressed air at high velocity.

dont take your failed HPA experiments and try and relate them to air atomized aeroponics, whole different ballgame.

anyways ive just finished moving into my new house, keep an eye out for my new AAA grow im going to post it on here in detail, i can show you better then i can tell you.


Well-Known Member
yeah but that didnt happen, he didnt have root rot problems, and he was at day 80 or so.judging by the picture he must have been 9+ inches across at the bottom in that picture.
why would mist have a problem penetrating deep into a thick root mass when its traveling on compressed air at high velocity.

dont take your failed HPA experiments and try and relate them to air atomized aeroponics, whole different ballgame.

anyways ive just finished moving into my new house, keep an eye out for my new AAA grow im going to post it on here in detail, i can show you better then i can tell you.
None of my grows failed just could have been better. Look forward to seeing your first grow good luck buddy...

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
None of my grows failed just could have been better. Look forward to seeing your first grow good luck buddy...
Shit dude, I'm right there with ya. I completed 3 grows, and it seemed the closer I got to achieving what I thought to be a decent HPA setup, the more slender my plants became. I vegged the hell out of 'em though. I could see better results coming from a sog. One of these days I'm gonna try AA. For now, RDWC is working pretty well. A lot more water maintenance, but a lot more plant matter as well. WP_20130822_002.jpg