Random Jibber Jabber Thread

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Constant conscious thought stream.

That's how my brain works, I always am actively processing thoughts, normally two or three streams running at a time, each given a cycle. I throw new streams in all the time, they run their course, and are again replaced by the conscious thought stream. It always was, but has evolved. It sometimes goes to very dark places. I don't express those, because in word they are frightening, in deed, they're dastardly. I can steer the thought stream, but only gently, and that always causes rip tides, trying to pull in other streams. I tend to let that stream run it's course, and have full stops for my immediate needs (i.e. if I need to change the tire, I start a new stream, collect all of the information I need, consciously execute the steps, and then return to regularly scheduled programming.) The biggest problem with this thought system is that I lose streams. If a stream is a run-once (such as the tire) and I need to interrupt IT, I can, but it doesn't halt, it terminates. When I begin the tire again I can loop up to where I was, but I have to start from "Shit, I gotta' fix that tire, it's sketchy."

There are, of course, those "run once" thoughts that DO pause. These actually pause of their own volition, though. Say for instance I'm going to grow an Exodus Cheese with an Afghan hash plant. Well, that generates 3 streams, Male and Female Ex, Male and Female hash plant, and grow. Just like a stream, each of these has their own little offshoots, smaller streams. These are a lot like complex programs, designed to be executed, and wait for certain responses (such as pre-flower light switch sexing. Nutrients, lights, filtration of air and nutrient compound, anti-fungal methods, etc.)

-- Sorry for these -- this is rjj, though, and I like to sometimes express myself, the boss lady has a saint's patience. She sees me unmasked every day, she hears parts of the thought stream.

Flaming (and any other parent that might second guess these...) Never lie to your kids. Santa, the Easter Bunny, honest lawyers, equal treatment. They're all lies. And, monsters DO exist! They look JUST LIKE PEOPLE, but, when you are unfortunate enough to look 'em in the eyes, there's nothing there. I see so much emphasis on keeping kids safe, do 'em a favor, and teach them how to keep themselves safe! I know other kids will believe in a lot of the crap. When I dealt with that, I said "don't answer the question, if they persist, and mock you, then give them proof that they're wrong." If a kid's old enough to be mean, they're old enough to have their belief system crushed. Don't be gentle about parenting, but don't beat or torture your kid. (There are monsters out there that like to prey on people that hurt their kids... They used to be innocent kids, until it happened to them.)
Analytical to a fault is a term my family has used to describe me many times, my friends are often left asking how I detach myself and see what is, not merely the curtain but the man behind it. Truth is a vile thing for it reveals all, the beauty lies in the ability to see it as a whole and realize the sum of it's parts create something wondrous and worthy of amazement.
no pics, i gave my wife the camera when she moved and i am not gonna post anything from my phone.

Simply remove the meta data, K? We can't wait for your Chanice to come back for pics from you so get to scrubbing meta data! HURRY UP!

As a journeyman aircraft sheet metal mechanic I've only really laid myself open once; it was on a fingertip and the metal was .012 aluminum; that's razor blade thickness. Don't ever take 5 local anesthesia shots if they're only giving you 4 stitches!

If you present with an open wound we don't ASK you about where to put the local. Chances are good your input is not something we are even interested in hearing other than when was your last tetanus and the mechanism of injury LOL. So yeah I'd like to see you tell me the number of times to place a needle in you LOL Get huffy? I'd keep my suture set and wave bye bye to you ha..... (yes I've done that).

Constant conscious thought stream.

That's how my brain works, I always am actively processing thoughts, normally two or three streams running at a time, each given a cycle. I throw new streams in all the time, they run their course, and are again replaced by the conscious thought stream. It always was, but has evolved. It sometimes goes to very dark places. I don't express those, because in word they are frightening, in deed, they're dastardly. I can steer the thought stream, but only gently, and that always causes rip tides, trying to pull in other streams. I tend to let that stream run it's course, and have full stops for my immediate needs (i.e. if I need to change the tire, I start a new stream, collect all of the information I need, consciously execute the steps, and then return to regularly scheduled programming.) The biggest problem with this thought system is that I lose streams. If a stream is a run-once (such as the tire) and I need to interrupt IT, I can, but it doesn't halt, it terminates. When I begin the tire again I can loop up to where I was, but I have to start from "Shit, I gotta' fix that tire, it's sketchy."

There are, of course, those "run once" thoughts that DO pause. These actually pause of their own volition, though. Say for instance I'm going to grow an Exodus Cheese with an Afghan hash plant. Well, that generates 3 streams, Male and Female Ex, Male and Female hash plant, and grow. Just like a stream, each of these has their own little offshoots, smaller streams. These are a lot like complex programs, designed to be executed, and wait for certain responses (such as pre-flower light switch sexing. Nutrients, lights, filtration of air and nutrient compound, anti-fungal methods, etc.)

-- Sorry for these -- this is rjj, though, and I like to sometimes express myself, the boss lady has a saint's patience. She sees me unmasked every day, she hears parts of the thought stream.

Flaming (and any other parent that might second guess these...) Never lie to your kids. Santa, the Easter Bunny, honest lawyers, equal treatment. They're all lies. And, monsters DO exist! They look JUST LIKE PEOPLE, but, when you are unfortunate enough to look 'em in the eyes, there's nothing there. I see so much emphasis on keeping kids safe, do 'em a favor, and teach them how to keep themselves safe! I know other kids will believe in a lot of the crap. When I dealt with that, I said "don't answer the question, if they persist, and mock you, then give them proof that they're wrong." If a kid's old enough to be mean, they're old enough to have their belief system crushed. Don't be gentle about parenting, but don't beat or torture your kid. (There are monsters out there that like to prey on people that hurt their kids... They used to be innocent kids, until it happened to them.)

Yes monster's do exist but children can have a rich fantasy life that does not impede their adult hood. Santa, the easter bunny, etc.. did not fuck us up. Large people who could hurt us did.

As for your work change your game as I said in an earlier post. Take control.....

Your thought process is normal. Cn calls mine my centrifuge and I call his his merry go round..

Sounds like you kissed a girl... And liked it! Kidding, it's always nice to get out once in a while, and new friend is a major bonus.

;) Why immediately dismiss 50% (or depending on the year 51%), of the worlds population from the pool of sexual attraction, love and affection? That sort of arbitrary schema decision is sad. I know what team I play on however there's nothing wrong with subbing for another occasionally. Gotta stay flexible you know.

deff shes awesome were gunna go see carly rae jepson or whatever her name is hwen she comes here this october gunna be fun times, id ont normally listen to that music but idont have a lot of chill friends this girl apprently smokes weed so im gunna go over this tuesday with some herijuana from sannies i grew and were gunna smoke it!
real weed or good weed is hard to come by in my town hope she likes it :D

You can never go wrong reaching out to people. Me I can but not you :) Trust me on that LOL.

So this woody goes away Thanx alot Sunni...


Ok so now that my son can fix electronics without an asians help how does he get rid of the long string of those females following his sheepskin LOL.... too damn funny. Sheesh and I thought the sssssssssssst ssssssssssssssst fih dollah lub you longtime was bad......

probably not, she said she didn't see that coming.

that is my best attempt at innuendo at this hour. it was pretty horrible.

Yes but we will have to let it pass this time because of the earlier injury. But keep up this level of decline and we may have to bench you until your handler returns!

Analytical to a fault is a term my family has used to describe me many times, my friends are often left asking how I detach myself and see what is, not merely the curtain but the man behind it. Truth is a vile thing for it reveals all, the beauty lies in the ability to see it as a whole and realize the sum of it's parts create something wondrous and worthy of amazement.

There is no beauty or ugly in reality. There is simply reality we add the value judgment.
This is exactly why I hate working during the week, I miss all this. Sunni is dating a girl?? Stiches are for those that can't stop bleeding on their own. LOL Smoking some more Green Crack, it really takes out the grump in me ha ha.
Flaming (and any other parent that might second guess these...) Never lie to your kids. Santa, the Easter Bunny, honest lawyers, equal treatment. They're all lies. And, monsters DO exist! They look JUST LIKE PEOPLE, but, when you are unfortunate enough to look 'em in the eyes, there's nothing there. I see so much emphasis on keeping kids safe, do 'em a favor, and teach them how to keep themselves safe! I know other kids will believe in a lot of the crap. When I dealt with that, I said "don't answer the question, if they persist, and mock you, then give them proof that they're wrong." If a kid's old enough to be mean, they're old enough to have their belief system crushed. Don't be gentle about parenting, but don't beat or torture your kid. (There are monsters out there that like to prey on people that hurt their kids... They used to be innocent kids, until it happened to them.)
I don't intend on teaching my kid santa and easter bunny.

I don't believe Christmas is about Christ either and it really bothers me that people try to make it so.

I don't like participating in Christmas.
I taught my kids that Santa and the Easter Bunny are loved conventions, and if you don't believe in them you DON'T poop on the parades of other kids.

In retrospect my parents did it brilliantly. I came from a Central European Catholic background, and it was the Christ-child who brought the presents on Christmas Eve. (No need for fancy technical means like massively parallel herd animal arrays. this was God's baby at work!) They told the story to us straight, but there was this twinkle in their eyes that assured us it was all harmless bullshit. I don't think my sisters or I ever had the urge to stomp on anyone else's dreams in that particular regard. I didn't do it as elegantly as they.
C2g! I need to know how to scrub my data? <<<<> Not an innuendo

Damn not even one little innuendo LOL! Ok you download a meta data stripper. I personally use photoshop because I have it. But here you go a free tool that will do the job for a windows machine:


Just google metadata remover and you'll see dozens ... find one you think looks good..

I use the gimp. It's a pretty powerful image program. Open the picture, click File, save as, click save, click advanced options, unclick save exif data, click save again, done.