Obama's False Claims of an Improved Economy

During Barack Obama’s first term as president of the United States, the debt of the federal government increased by $5.8 trillion, which exceeds the combined debt accumulated under all presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton.The new federal debt accumulated in Obama's first term equaled approximately $50,521 for each of household in the country.
On Jan. 20, 2009, when Obama was first inaugurated, the total debt of the federal government was $10,626,877,048,913.08, according to the U.S. Treasury. As of the close of business on Jan. 17, the last day reported by the Treasury before Obama’s second inauguration, the total debt of the federal government was $16,432,631,489,854.70.

the debt is a function of the deficit, idiot.

reduce and eliminate the deficit and the debt takes care of itself. only democrats lower the deficit or eliminate it in recent history. republicans explode the deficit.

this is undisputable fact.

Thats a bunch of crap. You only think with the left half of your brain. Logic is where you draw the line, because the right half of the brain has gone completely numb via social engineering, liberal professors, etc.when politicians talk about reducing the deficit, all that really means is that our debt isn’t growing as fast. It does not mean we’re getting out of debt.
Thats a bunch of crap. You only think with the left half of your brain. Logic is where you draw the line, because the right half of the brain has gone completely numb via social engineering, liberal professors, etc.when politicians talk about reducing the deficit, all that really means is that our debt isn’t growing as fast. It does not mean we’re getting out of debt.

the left brain is the logical side of the brain, idiot.

if you want to eliminate or reduce the debt, the first step is to eliminate the deficit.

in modern history, every republican without fail does the opposite. they explode deficits.

in modern history, every democrat without fail has reduced or eliminated the deficit.

you should really be sock puppeting for democrats if that is your concern.

but i suppose you'll take the $0.07 per post any way you can get it, won't ya dumbass?
You stupid democrats and republicans have been argueing over 85$ billion dollars in spending cuts for like a year now. Whats that like .0005% of our national debt? Lets get realistic. Before you go comparing Democrats to Republicans, first understand that you are both incompetent.
You stupid democrats and republicans have been argueing over 85$ billion dollars in spending cuts for like a year now. Whats that like .0005% of our national debt? Lets get realistic. Before you go comparing Democrats to Republicans, first understand that you are both incompetent.

would now be a good time for me to bring up your words from the election about how you love republicans and paul ryan and mitt romney?
world history, eh?

the debt has been increasing slower and slower because the deficit has been shrinking faster and faster under obama.

why so dumb, munchcocks?

Thats not true. You lie and spread misinformation. Bush increased the national debt 4 trillion in 8 years. Obama has increased the debt 6 trillion in 5 years. Both are terrible. Obama is projected to accumulate so much debt as president. It will be beyond historic for centuries to come.Obama's legacy will be failure. He will be known as a child abuser. Raping wealth from future generations of Americans yet to be born.

Blame the military industrial complex, blame Congress, blame the corporations, blame the American people, but blaming a current President is dimwitted.
Blame the military industrial complex, blame Congress, blame the corporations, blame the American people, but blaming a current President is dimwitted.

the president has the veto power, bully pulpit, and holds plenty of responsibility.
Thats not true. You lie and spread misinformation. Bush increased the national debt 4 trillion in 8 years. Obama has increased the debt 6 trillion in 5 years. Both are terrible. Obama is projected to accumulate so much debt as president. It will be beyond historic for centuries to come.Obama's legacy will be failure. He will be known as a child abuser. Raping wealth from future generations of Americans yet to be born.


i guess you're not bright enough to notice that the line gets steeper and steeper under bush, and then starts to flatten out under obama.

that's because obama has cut the deficit more than in half, making it smaller and smaller.

the republicans you love so much do the opposite, they keep making the deficit larger and larger.

you're not very bright at all.
What I mean is our debt problem is accumulative.

what debt problem? other nations have more debt, comparatively, and are doing just fine.

hell, even america has been worse off before, and saw our greatest years of prosperity happen right after.

the debt is not a problem, political groups have manufactured it as such and plenty of people are falling for it.
i guess you're not bright enough to notice that the line gets steeper and steeper under bush, and then starts to flatten out under obama.

that's because obama has cut the deficit more than in half, making it smaller and smaller.

the republicans you love so much do the opposite, they keep making the deficit larger and larger.

you're not very bright at all.

They know nothing of macroeconomics. Most of them are the retards who had to go to school in the summer. They did not graduate university certainly. I must thank you for this graph. It shows promise and that some people understand the science of how economies work.
I have also be taught to understand that the last time there was a surplus of monies in the US budget, it was during the era of 1993-2000. The last time this happen I have been taught was in the 1880's. It appears to me as an outsider, that your Republicans love to spend money so much more than Democrats. It also seems they are warlords and love to kill people in other lands while their bankers make so much dollars funding their war machine. If this is true, they are surely operating against the best interests of your nation. It is a path into bankruptcy.
Blame the military industrial complex, blame Congress, blame the corporations, blame the American people, but blaming a current President is dimwitted.

Just like you liberals. You want to give Obama credit while at the same time relieve him of any and all accountability. As always, you want it both ways.
Obama is going around the country with his lies about how our economy is improving, trying to take credit for all these fabulous things he is doing. But you are saying Obama is not responsible. Is that correct? You're saying Obama is a liar?
i guess you're not bright enough to notice that the line gets steeper and steeper under bush, and then starts to flatten out under obama.

that's because obama has cut the deficit more than in half, making it smaller and smaller.

the republicans you love so much do the opposite, they keep making the deficit larger and larger.

you're not very bright at all.

You're either blind, or completely retarded. The line clearly gets steeper with the stimulus that the republicans and democrats signed on for. ( not conservatives) And has continued to escalate ever since under president Obama, as well as the governments addiction to free money. You never hear once Obama talking about making serious cuts in government spending unless its to gut our military. He has demonstrated time after time he wants to expand entitlement programs and government benefits.
You're either blind, or completely retarded. The line clearly gets steeper with the stimulus that the republicans and democrats signed on for. ( not conservatives) And has continued to escalate ever since under president Obama, as well as the governments addiction to free money. You never hear once Obama talking about making serious cuts in government spending, unless its to gut our military. He has demonstrated time after time he wants to expand entitlement programs and government benefits.

Didnt you hear?? President Obama waved his magic Eco-wand and magically the government spending stopped on a dime and hasnt risen in months...

Or they are no longer reporting the debt amount...

It just gets more ridiculous by the day...