Ditch weed, or are my parents potheads?


Well-Known Member
Can you elaborate and explain? Total n00b here.

At what point do the males begin pollinating, and is there a way to tell?
In the 5 and 6 pic. it looks like a pollen sack right under the flower at the bottom of the leaf, inside the plant. That`s where a pollen sack will be. The plant will get pollenated as soon as the male flowers open and close daily. they don`t close all the way so if you saw any yellow at all, the girls will stop potency and start seeding. If it`s ditch weed that`s been rejuvenating, on your parents property, the property is at risk. If the girls are seeding, you`ll see groups of catalysts in the flowers that contain seed.


Well-Known Member
most likely already pollinated by the males you ripped just let em grow i guess
I believe if they were pollinated, the individual pistils that had a grain of pollen land on them would turn color, and recede slightly back into the calyx.


Well-Known Member
Pic six kind of looks like some pollen sacks below one bud but it could be just the way the picture was taken. They look like they are off to a great start. If it is natural as you claim, it is possible for generations to grow, pollinate, drop seeds and cycle repeats the next year. It is also possible that your parents dropped some seeds out there and that they are there plants. I think they would notice the plants there, ditchweed or not unless they are completely clueless to cannabis.

If the ground underneath all of them is not disturbed and there isn't any sort of small hole dug indicating that seeds were planted then it could be a natural grow, but normally the risk of losing potency is higher due to generations of hermi or seeded plants. But that is just my opinon.
In a few weeks you should be able to tell if it will produce, depending on bud size and visible crystal production. This is assuming these are indeed wild and now fall into your hands.


Well-Known Member
Care to elaborate?
You said you removed males a month ago? You said you you are a noob, did you guess or do you have some knowledge of cannabis cultivation? you said your parents have a lot of gardening area, If they are that into gardening then they would have pulled the cannanis unless it was there intentionally, and for years? I just don't understand I guess...the hose also means they are frequenting the area, you think they just grow cannabis for visual stimulation?


New Member
You said you removed males a month ago? You said you you are a noob, did you guess or do you have some knowledge of cannabis cultivation? you said your parents have a lot of gardening area, If they are that into gardening then they would have pulled the cannanis unless it was there intentionally, and for years? I just don't understand I guess...the hose also means they are frequenting the area, you think they just grow cannabis for visual stimulation?
Yes. They let the plants grow and die every year, without chopping them down. The hose in the background is for the rest of the garden (with flowers). I only knew to pull the males (in an effort to cultivate the crop) - I came here for more help.


Well-Known Member
Not to be a dick but If you wanted help, maybe omit the crazy nature walk story and the parents garden conspiracy, keep it simple ask a question, get an answer.... All the other information is confusing and thought provoking, not in a "I'm going to help this guy out kinda thought" but more like "wtf is this guy talking about thought?". What is your ? Again?


New Member
do your parents have bird feeders?
nows a good time to start to think about having the folks commited? PERMANENTLY
Yes they do tekdc911. I think that's how they got there in the first place, and have been reproducing ever since by dropping seeds.

LOL @ deePTokEn

I guess my questions have been answered. Now to find some guinea pigs. I'll let you all know how it turns out. Thanks for the help thus far :)


Well-Known Member
If they AREN'T his parents, and someone planted them in his YARD(hence the garden hose/compost pile), then they are the dumbest guerilla grower ever. And fir3dragon, isn't it a possibility that they DO die every year, and in spring the new seeds(as a result of males and females growing together) just pop, some turn male, some turn female, and they pollinate, create seeds, drop them in the fall, and the cycle of life begins anew? I don't think anyone was trying to say that these particular plants have been there for years...but are perhaps the offspring of the seeds some former pothead homeowner threw in the garden before he moved...
Ya that is indeed a possibility I didn't think of it that way.

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
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Hi. I'm new here. I just stumbled on this site because I was looking for some information on these plants.

My parents have some land and I took a little nature hike about a month ago. Found these, removed any males I could find in the vicinity as a precaution, but I'd like some input. Aside from harvesting them and trial and error, how would I be able to tell if these are worth the effort?

Pointers would be great. Thanks.

There are garden blocks in the background in pic one and the garden hose also. I'm sorry but I cry BULLSHIT !!! See you could just tell us the truth about how these are your plants and heh guys "What do you think about my plants?" Instead you make up this story about a nature hike at the very least don't take pictures with a fucking garden hose and garden blocks in the background. You stumbled onto this site the same way you stumbled upon those plants.