Ditch weed, or are my parents potheads?

Mr. Outdoors

Well-Known Member
The pics are like finding Waldo . I dont think they are garden blocks. Look close I think it is neatly stacked cut fire wood. Also looks like the road is in the background.
Also weed does grow wild on its own. When I was in high school the big thing was running to Illinois and picking ditch weed. My guess is it was more like a hemp weed or something.
you could smoke an ounce and no buzz at all.


New Member
I love how this has turned into a flame thread. Thanks for all the helpful information that everyone has provided.

I'm truly sorry that a little 'story' could throw people into such a rage. I won't waste any more of my, or your time.

Mr. Outdoors

Well-Known Member
Goofy, I've read every post on this thread. I havent seen any rage, and I think both of your questions has been answered. With all the post I think you could come to the conclusion that it is probably not ditch weed since it is obvious that it was planted in an area where it can be watered and where someone can easily check on it. You say your parents have gardens around there, so its highly probable that they are potheads. Both of your questions answered.
You seem to be the angry one since its pretty obvious that you weren't on some nature walk and you were called out on the BS part of your post.


Staff member
Goofy, I've read every post on this thread. I havent seen any rage, and I think both of your questions has been answered. With all the post I think you could come to the conclusion that it is probably not ditch weed since it is obvious that it was planted in an area where it can be watered and where someone can easily check on it. You say your parents have gardens around there, so its highly probable that they are potheads. Both of your questions answered.
the 3 posts were deleted


Active Member
I love how this has turned into a flame thread. Thanks for all the helpful information that everyone has provided.

I'm truly sorry that a little 'story' could throw people into such a rage. I won't waste any more of my, or your time.
Stop the deflections. This is not a "flame" thread. The fact is that your thread has too many holes and discrepancies in it and multiple people have called you on these questionable statements. If you had been more forthright from the beginning, then people wouldn't be doubting your words so much.

First you claim that you just discovered these plants on a "nature hike" on your parents property. Then the truth comes out that these plants are actually right in your parents backyard garden, replete with garden hoses and stacked cord wood.

More interesting (much more interesting) is the fact that you now admit that your "parents" have been growing out this cannabis "every year". They allow these annual "weeds" to open pollinate and propagate every year and then take care of the plants til they die... every year. But only now you decide to get curious and research cannabis growing forums? Hmmm

And why are you just now pulling the males? Won't your "parents" get suspicious that half of their special annuals have just suddenly and quietly been ripped and have disappeared??? Hmmm. BTW, How do you even know how to recognize male sexed cannabis... since you just now stumbled upon grow sites and you have never grown canna yourself??? Hmmmm

I could go on, but the fishy smell of this thread is just too much.


Well-Known Member
There are garden blocks in the background in pic one and the garden hose also. I'm sorry but I cry BULLSHIT !!! See you could just tell us the truth about how these are your plants and heh guys "What do you think about my plants?" Instead you make up this story about a nature hike at the very least don't take pictures with a fucking garden hose and garden blocks in the background. You stumbled onto this site the same way you stumbled upon those plants.
Last edited by sunni; 08-25-2013 at 08:53 AM.

I want to see the unedited version...lol.
Care to explain?

you stated this on a previous post, " They don't just grow naturally for years. Do you live in cold climate? During winter I'm pretty sure the plants would die I think it's someone's grow too I think you know it is too and just don't want people bashing you for harvesting them "

Cannabis DOES grow naturally FOR YEARS........Without the aid of human intervention....... If this wasn't the case, how would we have companies like Greenhouse seeds and many, many more, traveling the world to seek out and obtain LANDRACE genetics.
And how would it be, that there is ditch weed growing ALL OVER the globe from when HEMP was grown prior to prohibition?

Apologies for the brief previous reply, I thought it was self explanatory.



Well-Known Member
They don't just grow naturally for years. Do you live in cold climate? During winter I'm pretty sure the plants would die I think it's someone's grow too I think you know it is too and just don't want people bashing you for harvesting them
WOW!!! really!!! lmmfao!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well, if it matters it doesn't look like ditch weed. The ditch weed I knew and "kinda loved" had wider leaves. Most of you from the Midwest would recognize it. Like some said it looks like haze. Eh, the stuff would propagate naturally if left alone.

Why don't you tell your parents that "YOU ARE FUCKING BUSTED! I CALLED THE COPS AND NOW I'M GOING TO HAVE TO LIVE WITH STRANGERS! Then start crying and say MY PARENTS ARE DRUGGIES AND I'M ALL ALONE IN THE WORLD. Then start laughing and tell them the truth.

Do they have a sense of humor?